STEEMZINE #27 - Five Things To Make You Feel Better

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Shit gets rough every now and then. Life is a pain and sometimes you just need something to pick yourself up out of a rut and into a new mind frame. 

Here are 5 simple things you can do if you are not having the greatest day. They can simply change your mood and take you from one negative state to a more optimistic and positive one. 

1. Put on your Jam And Throw Away Some Junk 

Yup pump up your latest "jam" and start throwing junk out! One way to decide what to throw out is ask your self these two questions. 

  • When was the last time I used this? If the answer is 6 months ago or more....then...
  • Do I really need to keep it? Or can it go to a better home. 

2. One persons trash is another persons treasure. 

Don't just throw it in the bin, pass it on to a new home. Go donate it. Someone can probably put it to good use! So this is a sure fire way to start a chain of positivity. Act positive and you will be positive. 

3. Surround Yourself With Humour And A Good Friend. 

Pick up the phone and say hello to a friend. Have a laugh, get your funny endorphins rolling around in your body. There is no better way to do this than to make a connection with someone and have a giggle. 

4. Reminisce A Little 

This is an odd one, but the brain often glorifies good moments in your life. So pull out the photo album of your last wild getaway or family holiday and have a think of the good times. This will put a smile on your dial. 

5. Plan Something

Last but not least put a plan on paper, book a little trip, book a night out and go to the cinemas. We all need to have things we look forward to on a weekly basis, this is the stuff that keeps you going . You place the light at the end of the tunnel no on else. So turn on the light and plan a little night :) 

I hope you found these helpful. They are things I do all the time if I'm not feeling the best! Share with us below what you do. :) 

#steemit #steemzine #psychology #life  


It think this is great. When you are feeling down, it's often hard to think of ways to pull yourself out of it. Having a list like this one is a big help. I think these are good solid suggestions!

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#5 Plan Something
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Ha, ha!!

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Plan Something:-)

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