STEEMZINE #23 - The Power Of Long Form Articles On Steemit

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Steemit is the land of experimental content generation, where people flock to work out how to crack the gold mine. Discussing how to write the perfect post, one where they wake up the next morning with their piggy banks overflowing with sweet rewards, oh sweet rewards. Can you taste it? Oh it's sweet honey nectar. Give me some love! 

Then once we are flush with sweet sweet upvoting love, we shall all ride the unicorn into the sun, sipping cocktails, watching Tom Cruise in Top Gun and wearing wicked Hawaiian shirts. 

This is what we are all after yeah? To ride this little unicorn into the sun? Ain't she pretty? 

Where do you sign up to ride a unicorn? 

First step, is you must get your pen out and you must take the most comfortable seat you can find. Because not only will you be sitting for a while, you will be writing for a while. So please, ensure you also have a hot water bottle and a tub of tiger balm. If you start to get RSI this means you are on the right track. The key to creating valuable content for Steemit is to start to write LONG FORM articles. 

Long form articles actually require work.....

But Mom Do I have To? Like actually have to? 

Well young son of mine. Haven't you heard the saying "All good things take time" or "Rome wasn't built in a day" or "Dollar Vigilante took years to create an introduction post" 


Why spend 10 minutes writing a piece of junk article that isn't going to be rewarded? 

Why not try and contribute some of those things that you ponder late at night, share the things that keep you from sleeping and write about them in depth, with humour, with love and with the hope that someone else may also feel the same way about burritos as you do! 

Long Form Is Good Form 

People have plenty of distractions. So don't be one. Be an influence. Influence someones life. Long form has the power to do just that. If you will notice on Steemit there are heaps of articles, HEAPS. But, guess what the successful articles are generally ones people have sat down and taken some serious time to write. Does this mean if you write a long form article you will ride the majestical unicorn into the sun. No it does not . But it is a step in the right direction. 

Steemit is a platform where Long Form articles can become the new hero of the internet. Valuable content is not just how many gif's you can slam into a post or how many top 10 stories you can come up with. 

Valuable content is that which provides insightful views, insightful reading and things of interest. But, I hear you saying I don't have that much to say......say what? 

We all have passion. So share it. 

We all have something we are interested in, something we can ramble on about. Your thing maybe about how it's best to end an ants life with a magnifying glass (if that's your thing, great..... share it, but maybe tag it correctly because it maybe disturbing to most - poor ants. You sicko!) No seriously, we all have something we can talk about...and we can talk about at length. 

This is the kind of stuff you should be writing about. Write from the heart, why do you get up in the morning? Tell us about that? In fact that is a great starting point. 

Why do you get up in the morning? 

The internet lacks substance. But we do not. 

The internet and the content generated, that filters through into our lives on a daily basis lacks genuine substance. But the internet unfortunately although it should be like the greatest art of our time should should be a reflection of where we are at this point in the time. 

However, it is not. 

We have the opportunity to change this. More voices, which share more valuable things creates a new level of consciousness. You see we are smart beings, we are the smartest we have ever been....but we don't need to feel dumb in the process! 

So share the substance that rides in your veins everyday, share your thoughts with us and do it everyday! 

Long form writing has the potential to change the internet, it is already proven that long form writing can go viral there are many examples of this. This is because if you genuinely deliver a message with passion, belief and with great depth. People will embrace you, embrace it. 

So here is to long form on Steemit! 

Let us long form warriors unite and continue the wonderful trend that is impacting Steemit! 


If only your Unicorn farted rainbows and crapped out skittles. Lol. I love the longer stories here in Steemitland. So many skilled writers on this platform. Certainly not spending much time on other social channels there days. Keep up the awesome work.

Love this post. I do both long and short...I prefer long but unfortunately nowadays people just don't seem to have the time to read long form. Thanks for putting this out there.

@kreativ long live long form :) a bit of a mix is not such a bad thing!

Still can't get the idea out of my head farting rainbows, nope will have to come back later to write my next bit, and I have just had foot reflexology to get the creative juices flowing