The Biggest Fear Of An Artisan - Living A Life Worth Valuing

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

A few months ago I was talking to a guy. He was pretty well off in his accomplishments you could call them a bridge to something great. As for me, well I was still gathering the materials for my bridge. Working odd jobs not sure what I wanted as a career, if I even wanted a career. For being as young as I was and am, I've already had accomplished what I had thought to be a fairly good amount for the time I've been on this earth. But with one story in one conversation I was going to realize something, that would change my direction in life.
I've always loved a good story so I asked my friend if he could tell me one and it went a little like this. -
There lived a man, a man who once had big dreams. After a while they didn't seem practical or reachable so he got a office job. From then on out his days where exactly the same day after day. Every morning he woke up got out of bed made coffee and would walk to work. After years of doing this the man grew very depressed. Till one day he heard someone calling out his name, he turned around and nothing was there he heard it again. This time he looked all around and realized coming from the little tree was a squirrel. "Hey you! Yeah you, come here." In that very moment the squirrel through his acorn full force at the man knocking him out, falling to the floor. The man woke up disorientated, head pounding looking around not knowing where he was he then looked at the squirrel noticing that they were the same size. He asked "where am I, what am I doing here, what happened?" The squirrel explained that seeing the man go to work day after day, no light in his eye had prompted him to do something to help the man. So he turned him into a squirrel bringing him back to his burrow in the tree. The Man said, "No you cannot do this I have to be at work soon!" Looking at the giant watch in front of them, separating them. The squirrel then responded with a chuckle, "Oh silly squirrels don't work they explore." This thought brought the man's mind to ease. A life of not working a 8 to 5 office job some viewed as a career. A new life of exploring seeing all the things he wish he had seen. The man then said, "OK squirrel I will try this new life starting tomorrow." They made a plan to go see all the stuff the man wanted to see. From then on out the man lived a happy life as a squirrel a free one at that, a free happy life. With squirre becoming his best friensd. The squirrels lived their free happy life until one day Mr. Fearfield ate them all.
Even though this story had a disruptive and a little disturbing ending, it did teach me that almost every Artistan there is will have the same fear that he did being stuck in a typical office job no use for creativity. It was in that moment I realized I had the same fear.
A few months later we were discussing our futures, this is when he told me I currently amounted to nothing. Like anyone else would, I had got upset. He tried to explain why and I hung up. How could he say that to me I thought. His prime goal is the same as mine, to have freedom and travel. After some time and thinking I realized what he meant. It's what you do with the time you gain and freedom you gain. also what you accomplish in the places you go. You can choose to be the lottery winner or you can be the person who found Tesla. Think about it which person are you going to respect more? Who are the next generation most likely to remember? Who contributed something to mankind?
~ Serina

  • Squirrel Story by : Fearfield

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