Why Proofreading Is Impotent
How many of you would like to openly admit that you are guilty of not proof reading your writing? I can confess that I used to think that this part of the writing process was too much effort, and unnecessary. That was until I got caught out on some very embarrassing mistakes, that could have potentially harmed my reputation. Now I make it a habit to not only read through my final work once, but TWICE!
Do yourself a favour and make proofreading one of the most important procedures when writing a post for Steemit – you’ll thank me later!

Three Reasons Why You Should Proofread Your Work
- Avoid harming your authenticity. You might be a professional, or like to come across as one, but a sloppy-written post will make you out to be an amateur. An overlooked spelling mistake or grammatical error is all it takes for someone to criticise your work and lose interest in your writing.
- Technology is not always reliable. The spelling and grammar check software you use is not always reliable and often reads sentences differently to the way you intended them to read. Using third party software to help edit your work is awesome but should only be the first revision when checking that your writing is in good order.
- Rushed work LOOKS rushed. Your readers can’t be fooled, they know when they are getting a half-hearted piece of work. Rather impress them with something more solid and substantial by proofreading your work and perfecting the bits and pieces that could be improved.
TIP: read your post out loud, it makes a difference in spotting those sneaky mistakes and errors. Proofreading is impotent!
Having a hard time with your edits? Perhaps English is not your first language? Why not let the @steemiteditors editing team help you with your post so that you get the visibility and upvotes it deserves? Find us on Discord HERE

Yes, proofreading is Very Important! :) Nice title. :D
I agree with all the reasons you mentioned, and I am less likely to up vote a post with a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes.
Read it again before you post! I alwayz do butt sum timez I still miss sum thin. :)
Ha ha, but butts are for pooping!
Yup, unless the hidden bot hide all those quality post and wasting all the efforts and times putting all your hardwork into it but then came those post which only post something like a daily trading report. Anyway I love the wild wild west.
Yup, but so goes the world! Just got to keep on swimming, in style :)