Steemit Update [ May 29th, 2024 ] : Community Curators for June

in #steemit10 months ago

Thank you to all 20 teams who took the time to apply to become Community Curators for June.

There was a strong range of applications making selection of the new teams as difficult as usual.

Community Curator Teams for June 2024

For June we are trying a new system of teams of three.

The teams selected for June are…

TEAM 1 ( @steemcurator03 // 1.2 Million SP )







Congratulations to all seven teams.

Teams will be allocated one of the @steemcurator0x accounts with approximately 700K SP.

The team of @kouba01, @irawandedy and @steemdoctor1 will be given the @steemcurator03 account with 1.2 Million SP.

Please would one person from each team confirm acceptance in a comment below and include their contact details (Discord / Telegram).

Then would the other members of each team add their acceptance to their respective starter comment along with their contact details (Discord / Telegram).

We will then be in touch to provide the keys for the accounts.

Teams are free to select a leader if they want and need to.

Curation Guidelines

All teams will be free to vote on posts on any subject.

The only restrictions are that posts should not be plagiarized or AI generated, and images should be copyright free.

We also want teams to look beyond communities. There are many good posts that are outside of any communities - just directly on people’s personal blogs.

Teams should seek out good posts everywhere - both within communities, and outside of communities.

Voting on comments should also be continued.

Good comments can be as interesting and as valuable as good posts.

We want good comments to be encouraged and rewarded.

The @steemcurator accounts should only be used for voting and commenting. They should not be used for downvoting or making posts.

A comment should be left on each post voted to let the author know the post has been supported by the curation team - and please include which member of the team selected the post.

How the Curation Teams will be rewarded

Every day the teams will be allowed to allocate one full vote to a team member’s post - ideally in rotation.

In total therefore no more than 10% of the account’s voting power should be used on team members each week.

Additionally each week one member should post a report for the team in the Steem POD community with a list of their top 7 posts, with a brief note of why each post was chosen.

These weekly report posts should set beneficiaries to be shared with other members of the team.

The posts will be voted by @steemcurator01.

We strongly encourage teams to ensure all members review and agree on the merits of the selected posts of the week as poor choices may influence the reward given to the weekly report by @steemcurator01.

June will be an exciting new challenge for the Community Curators.

We very much hope the June Curators will seek out the best posts across the wider platform, avoiding the ‘easy pickings’ to be found amongst their own friends and communities.

Thank you

The Steemit Team


I gladly accept the responsibility along with my new teammates!

Thank you Steemit team for showing your trust once again. We will give our best efforts.

My discord ID:- sduttaskitchen#0792

Wow! I'm over the moon for this great opportunity to experience this moment, Thank you Steemit team for this opportunity and I hope to give my best together with this great team.🎉

@sduttaskitchen [India]
@mvchacin [Venezuela]

My discord ID:- sahmie
Telegram:- D_sahmie

Congratulations, sir.

So it will be a team giving its best.

Congratulations 🎉 TEAM 1 to 7 🥳

the best articlle , must asking with u , something education anymore

It is a pleasure to be part of the team of curators for the month of July, and our team is honored by this important assignment and gladly accepts the responsibility

Discord: wilmer1988#7749

Oh wow! What a way to be woken up this morning.
It is a YES, thank you and congratulations to all the other teams from me also.

I accepted the role of June curator with pleasure

Discord : heriadi

congratulations to all the teams selected for the month of July

It is with great pleasure that I take on the role of Curator of the Month for June. Thank you for trusting us.
@anasuleidy [Venezuela]
@bossj23 [Nigeria]
Our team is very grateful for the selection.

My discord ID:- shiftitamanna#1996

All team members are happy for this opportunity, grateful for the trust!!My discord ID: anasuleidy

Very grateful for this opportunity to reach out to such responsibility without having to attain a level steem power individually.

I gladly accept this Responsibility, Together with my team :

Mi discord #edgargonzalez5531

Congratulations to all the selected teams!!🥳

First of all thank you so much dear Steemit team for the opportunity and we will try our best. I accept this role and hope that June will be a great month of curation for us.

My discord :

malik usman#9093

Congratulations Bhai🎉🎉

Felicidades @malikusman1 muchos éxitos en tu nueva responsabilidad.

¡Felicidades a todos los equipos de curación del mes de junio! Oramos por sabiduría para ustedes y que puedan hacer su trabajo con justicia y rectitud, encontrando y curando buenas publicaciones y promoviendo el buen uso de nuestra amada plataforma... Mención especial para mis paisanos @anasuleidy @edgargonzalez @wilmer1988 @mvchacin @inspiracion y @karianaporras. ¡Éxitos en su labor!

Amigo muchísimas gracias por tus palabras y buenos deseos!!!

Muchas gracias hermano por el apoyo.

Saludos 👍🇻🇪

Thank you so much steemit team for this great privilege I accept the role

Congratulations to all selected users

Congratulations to my TEAM

Discord; eliany3544

Thank you so much for the trust and for giving us the opportunity to carry out this task in the month of June.

We will be happy to do it 😊

@mesola [Nigeria]
@event-horizon [Pakistan]

My discord: # inspiracion

Thank you. I'm willing to curate in June.

Discord: eventhorizon.og

I'm so happy so as my team mate, we are ready and happy to curate in June.
My discord #mesola2739

Congratulations to all the selected teams. Thank you for trusting us to be part of the June Community Curator.

We will carry out our responsibilities professionally.

@kouba01 - Tunisia
@steemdoctor1 - Pakistan

Discord: irawandedy

Congrats to us. Thanks a lot to the Steemit Team for believing in us. We will work together to make the best use of this opportunity. I accept this role.

Discord: steemdoctor1#7159

Congratulations Bhai 🎉🎉

Thank you for your trust. We accept the challenge 🙂

My discord: o1eh (old: o1eh#3516

Thank you for your trust.
I acknowledge the selection of our team.

My discord: maan15


Should I congratulate you on your new post or on your charming new profile picture? ;-)) Never mind. Hugs ;-))


I'm always up for a hug 🤗
Thank you for both!

Love and hugs

Acepto está nueva responsabilidad.

Discord: karianaporras

Congratulations to all the selected curators for may but especially to @mesola @bossj23 @event-horizon @sahmie and to all the old hands and friends @patjewell @irawandedy @kouba01 @sduttaskitchen @shiftitamanna @heriadi and all of you. I am glad for you all.

Thank you very much ma'am, I appreciate

Thank you, ngoenyi.

Thank you my friend! 🎕

Appreciated ma'am

Tengo tres meses publicando de nuevo en Steemit.

Una de las cosas nuevas que encontré al volver, fué ver el gran trabajo que realizan estos equipos de curación.

Desde entonces, me han otorgado sus votos, y también aprendo de muchos de ellos.

Es hermoso el trabajo que hacen. No solo votan, también orientan en sus comentarios. Estoy muy agradecida a esa extraordinaria curadora que me mostró una comunidad donde pude encontrar un sitio con la creación de historias. Gracias y bendiciones estimada @patjewell.

Lo mismo puedo decir de mis estimadas @anasuleidy e @inspiracion, gracias por todo su ejemplo y sus sabios consejos. Mil bendiciones.

Nos espera un mes de junio con mucho trabajo. El mío, realizar publicaciones que valgan sus votos.

No me queda más que desearles un feliz viaje. Nos vemos en el camino 🙋🏻😘.

Thank you so much for these beautiful words.
I now have fuel in my tank to start the month of June. 🎕

Será agradable tu visita como siempre.


Thank you! 🎕

Congratulations to all selected curators for June and specially @malikusman , @event-horizon and @steemdoctor1