Steemit Update [ July 3rd, 2023 ] : Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 10 - Week 5

This week we move on to Week 5 of Season 10 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge.
There are seven more contests from the Engagement Challenge Communities.
Make sure you enter as many of the contests as you can, and vote and comment on other entries, to be in with a chance of winning the prize votes from @steemcurator01.
Steemit Engagement Challenge Contests
Here are the contests for Week 5 of Season 10 of the Engagement Challenge…
Comunidad Latina
SEC S10W5 : De la calle a un hogar / From the street to a homeIncredible India
Steem engagement challenge-S10/W5 | What are the three significant reasons behind environmental pollution?Scouts y sus amigos
[ESP-ENG] SEC-S10W5 / La Paciencia / PatienceSteem for Bangladesh
SEC-S10W5 : My story of losing a precious thingSteem Venezuela
Steemit Engagement Challenge S10W5 : "Mi Lugar Favorito" / "My favorite place"World of Xpilar
Steemit Engagement Challenge WOX, S10W5 : Collage of my LifeSteemit Crypto Academy
(ENG/ESP) Steemit Crypto Academy Contest / S10W5 : Getting to know Mvest || Conociendo Mvest
These contests will run from today until 11.59pm UTC, on Sunday, July 9th, 2023.
To have the best chance of winning in the Steemit Engagement Challenge you should enter as many of the contests as possible - but you can only enter one contest each day.
For your entries to count in the Challenge you need to receive at least 10 upvotes and at least 5 relevant and proper comments - so encourage all your friends and fellow community members to vote and comment on your posts!
You must be in #club5050, #club75 or #club100 to take part in the Challenge.
Make sure you also carefully check the rules of each individual contest.
Steemit Engagement Challenge Rewards
The Challenge communities must ensure they promptly check and comment on all contest entries. The minimum they should check for are #club status, Steem exclusivity, plagiarism and bot use.
To help @steemcurator01 and @steemcurato02 curate the contest posts more effectively we are looking for community Mods to use a clear, simple and easy to read comment format.
Communities are free to design their own comment formats but it is ideal if all Mods in a particular community use a common, standard format.
At the end of each weekly contest all seven Challenge communities should make a post on their community account announcing the three people who have demonstrated the most engagement in their weekly contest both through the quality of their contest post and the quantity and quality of their comments on other people’s contest posts.
We will leave it to each community to decide how they select their weekly winners, but they should include in their announcement posts a brief summary of their selection process.
All the Season 10 weekly winners, as well as the community announcement posts, will receive extra prize votes from @steemcurator01.
We hope you are all enjoying taking part in Season 10 of the Steemit Engagement Challenge.
Look out for more news about the Challenge on @steemitblog and in the selected communities.
Thank you
The Steemit Team
Whatta great arrangement. I will participate here very soon Ing sha Allah
Thanks for update @steemitblog
I wish I'll be successful in this week 5 challenge of season 10...
I am new here please help me promote my posts and get some engagement!
Dear @steemitblog,,,
I've already participated in a contest for SEC-S10W5 and hope to give my best to the remaining six communities.
Thank you very much for giving us all the SEC-S10W5 update.
Gracias por facilitarnos esta nueva temporada Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 10 - Week 5...
Realemente avivan la plataforma creando mejores iniciativas a los usuarios, y desarrollando aún más la creatividad...
Siempre innovando para hacer crecer aún más a nuesra hermosa familia de steemit... Estaré participando...
Hello, dear We developed a real-time chat portal for steemians you can log in via the steem memo key only. p2p chat and global chat available What is
Vote for Pakistani female witness @stmpak.wit
nice work
Thanks for announce. What about #burnsteem25?

Welcome dear
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I am very happy with every update.