✳️ The Steem Purge - It Has Begun, Lean Back & Enjoy The Show!
It´s About Time To Clean Up!
The Purge has been overdue as Spam and Plagiarism infiltrated our beloved Social Network more and more every single day during the last weeks. Unfortunately the Abuse of Steem Power for Upvoting such Content made it even worse so that we see ourselves in the midst of a big cleanup right now.
It´s not really a pleasure to experience such a period on the Steem Platform but I guess it´s even harder being a whale these days carrying a huge responsibility towards the whole Community. Especially @Berniesanders came into the Spotlight these days as he openly announced war against all Abuse of Steem Power.
I want to be honest as I was as well one of those many critics in the beginning but his recent approach to report all his flags via @yougotflagged to make it transparent for us, what he´s doing and why made me take another perspective on it.
That being said I support his Campaign to drive out the evil from Steemit, just like the reward pool rapists and hopefully as well the highly overpaid zapplers, who start to come up more and more with some gorgeous single liners 10 times a day...
Will The Purge Affect the Steem Price?
Some might now fear that the Purge might lead to a significant decrease of the Steem Price as people may become afraid of all the happenings on Steemit. Well it might be true in the short term, I won´t neglect that but in the long run I´m of the opinion that it´ll actually make the Price rise again.
Or do you think people want to invest into a Token that´s exclusively used on a Social Network full of abuse, spam and plagiarism? I don´t think so but I believe into the Future of Steemit especially now that actions and discussions are taken and amazing projects just like @Utopian-io came to live through the Power of Steem 😉
What´s Your Point Of View On The Purge?
I´m curious to hear your Point of View on the Purge 😃 Do you support it or will you maybe even participate in it through helping Bernie to flag the hell out of those abusing their Power?
Let me know what you think!
As a Discussion about it can never be wrong, right?

Now Lean Back & Enjoy the Show!
As my voting strength isnt that forceful even at 100% Id certainly like to do my part... Even if it is not exclusively only looking for spam, plagiarism, etc but just doing the right thing when coming across it..Can you offer any advice for the users like myself with little SP and possibly in danger or being punished by the wrongdoers..
Thanks so much
Wouldn't most of you agree, that the great majority of these so called folks who need purging are whales though?
I mean, for instance, I pretty much live in the "Cryptocurrency" tag here on Steemit, and this one guy is always at the top, who literally posts like the same 6 fucking posts everyday, and makes hundreds of dollars.
I wouldn't care if the posts were actually good, but they are literally the same fucking posts everyday, with the same images and all, and he and his buddies up-vote the shit out of that garbage.
Unfortunately, when you play with fire, and create a pay-to-win system like Steemit... ya have to deal with the consequences of getting burnt more often than not.
Actually there are many great initiatives in place for the fight against Spam and Plagiarism already, just like the @Spaminator and @Steemcleaners, which you may get in touch with via the Steemit.Chat.
The Fight Bernie started is, at least the way I see it, more against the Abuse of Power by Whales, which you can as well report to him anonymously via the Steemit.Chat I guess 😉
That's actually the thing I support Bernie on. We Minnows can't act against the whales abuse on Steemit but he can. So report such things to him and he might change it ;)
Aha - Didn't think of that - I saw some users reporting abusive whales by sending a very small amount of SBD and writing in the memo but the steemit.chat is probably the way to go.. I suppose I can do my part with down voting the obvious spam of the newer accounts that really couldn't harm me as a whale could destroy me.. Bernie is a BEAST huh?? I saw some of the whales he went after and he definitely has some major bot vote power to shut down abusers...
Hopefully an algorithm of some kind can be built into the platform so people like him do not have to manually do all the work.. Thanks again for the insight and I will certainly resteem any posts shedding light and info on building strength in numbers to rid the Steemit abuse
@steembusiness Clean it UP Now for a Better Future !!!
The cleanup is definitely necessary, short term downswing is fine as long as it improves the long term future
Yes, I´m of the same opinion. Abuse will have to be fought or the network will die sooner rather than later.
Though the opinions on what to flag might be different among Steemians it´s non questionable that something has to be done.
Totally agree. We need an open forum to discuss big issues like this. It is okay to disagree on things but the conversation needs to be had
I was thinking about this today actually. While I don't think actual spam should be rewarded or even posted on steemit, I think the standards of posts should be reconsidered. For example, you mentioned one liners. Most of twitter is one liners but that doesn't mean it's spam. So, if it's an original good thought, I don't think it should be considered spam or a bad post that shouldn't be rewarded. As new users come on board and get pennies for their 1st posts, it's not really worth investing hours into one post. Most of social media that steemit is compared to like facebook and twitter runs on people sharing links and pieces of content they like they and want to share with others. That goes for reddit even though some original content is posted there. The value of steemit can be that I can share a video I like with my friends here with a short comment with my thoughts on steemit and get some money for it and get some share of that post on other social media for the benefit of steem. Others who can invest hours into good content and feel it's worth it for them can do so. I think a healthy mix of both will bring this platform balance and quality that it needs.

I am just a newbie, a minnow in the pond. However, I know how important it is keeping spam and plagiarism out of a quality website. Among other things, it was those two demons that killed Bubblews. I support the clean up and laud Steemit for taking those two devels head on.
I definitely agree with you that not all single liners are spam and that good content can as well be very short. But unfortunately there are many short posts out there getting paid huge amounts without any value (IMO).
Regarding the fact that you get paid on Steemit I disagree that simple sharing of content should be rewarded with high payouts. Only the creation and for sure the honest interaction with content should receive remuneration as Steem isn´t like other social media. It got the potential to be ways better!
I just saw an opportunity to post my thoughts from that day because it seemed that's what you were talking about. I didn't realize your fight is against something a bit different. I agree that posts should be rewarded according to their value. Thanks for improving steemit.
Have you got any examples of this?
I have not seen anything like that
It would be nice if we could separate those who use steem for blogging+savings from those who use it like a checking account. Trying to make the spammers go away I think is just going to make the bots more clever at exploiting methods to earn rewards systematically. We need a great big garbage pit for them to keep doing what they are doing so they can earn the small rewards they expect to earn, so they don't take over the main feeds.
We need a great big garbage pit for them to keep doing what they are doing so they can earn the small rewards they expect to earn, so they don't take over the main feeds.....
I totally Agree with you Sir.
What is the purge? Or where can I read more about it?
Read the article again. Taken from this article- "The Purge has been overdue as Spam and Plagiarism infiltrated our beloved Social Network more and more every single day during the last weeks. Unfortunately the Abuse of Steem Power for Upvoting such Content made it even worse so that we see ourselves in the midst of a big cleanup right now."
It´s just the way I like to call the cleanup on Steemit 😜
You may follow @Berniesanders and @Yougotflagged to stay up to date on what´s happening in Detail. We might possibly see some Power Abusers leave or change their behaviour through it.
Thanks for making the Steem purge more clear, @steembusine
It sounds like a good idea, however I wound't like Steemit to get the reputation of being an inclusive platform ruled by whales or anyone else for that fact. It should be open to all who want to share their ideas.
Spam and plagiarism need to be dealt with, no doubt about it. As for the single liners would be nice to see a system that rewards those of us that take the time to write more than a single line of text. A tiered system based on word count maybe would help encourage people to write more and share more.
I am not so sure that rewarding something for its size doesn't see like such a great idea for me.
There one guy that i really enjoy some of his short posts
He is a really helpful and supportive guy. That on its own has has value to the people he supports and encourages regardless of what people like Mr Sanders may thinks about it.
And he does not earn much at the moment. However going by my own interactions with him I will not be supersized when gets much higher payouts. The personal value he adds is enough to be valuable on this platform
I speak for the voiceless.Some of us come from worlds full oppression. From were I come from the one
s that say fight a thing, are the ones that cause the thing they are fighting.I want to be free, I don
t want to work with fear of some "whale" running down on my work cause they assume its spam.I don`t want to be bullied, abuse is telling me what I cant do with my SP.The purge, may grow to limit creativity, we have not yet discovered what other people are going to use the block chain for, we need to be careful whom we purge , we might chase away who ever was destined to make steem worth more than bitcoin.I agree with you.
We must keep an eye on what goes on in the name of protecting the platform.
There are still sinister types here who do not want it to succeed.
When the price drops that will be great for the committed long term investors who are interested in contributing to the long term growth and stability of the platform.
The 'purge' as you call it, also has a slight feel of the proverbial Witch Hunt to it. Remember Mr Sanders did not earn a rep of -19 for displaying massive amounts of wisdom with the power he was entrusted with.
There are also more insidious types lurking who believe they should be the sole arbitor of truth on the platform regardless of any amount of evidence to the contrary.
We must be aware of these tendencies and and have as many eyes as possible watching what things are being viewed as a potential threat to the community and how things are dealt with.
I have seen some wisdom regarding these matters but a lot of sheer stupidity as well