# 71 Listening Encouraging Podcast On Entrepreneurship

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Today I listened to a podcast called:

 Proudly Unemployable - The Solopreneur Hour Podcast with Michael O'Neal

As I´m wandering the streets of Berlin I just stumbled upon inspirational industrial areas that are undergoing revitalising changes if you will since Berlin again is booming and attracting more and more companies throughout the entire industry.

Somehow I became motivated again to create something that I´m not sure of what it is exactly yet. Since the beginning of Youtube it got imaginable in reach of an idea of what it is I one day would like to earn money with.

At this moment Youtube was pretty much the only thing and as I got older I now see it as a gateway to the whole second globe of the internet space. At the moment there is still not much going on in that direction except for this kind of STEEMITBLOG, which I saw as a more easy to handle way of getting exposure without creating a website on wordpress.

More since the second half of last year I got involved with cryptocurrencies, logically that is where I also found this exact platform as a first outlet.

So far it amounts to having made profits on the cryptocurrency part but these ae more high risk investments. Daily, weekly or even monthly recurring income streams are except  for ebay sales every once in a while non-existent.  I´m still on the edge of making that final step of overcoming the hurdle to take the first action. Well I better not get in head over heels is what I then think but that is what I told myself for the last 5 years or so.

Through Joe Rogans Powerful Podcast I found another website builder SQUARESPACE next to the most common used WORDPRESS.COM. In my defense trying to look not completely lost I did try to put up a BLOG with Wordpress but then I derailed to getting into this CRYPTOSPACE. 

What I intended to say is that I want to hop on to the website building thingy again in the near future and proof to myself that is actually possible for me to create and maintain this webspace and try it for the-sake-of-it. Whether I will be able to monetarize it one day is secondary but definitifely a goal of mine. Will it ever cover the overall costs to keep it up and running_I guess that is written on another piece of paper but that also that is totally dependent on my motivation and willingness to go through with it.