Your Efforts To Help Get Rid of @themarkymark As Witness Appear To Be Working...

in #steemit5 years ago

Congratulations! The removal of your Witness votes in an effort to help get rid of @themarkymark as Witness appears to be working. Over the last 48 hours, he has dropped down from the #3 spot all the way down to #23. Well done!

It's about time that we finally took a stand to take back the Steemit Community by getting rid of such lowlife scumbags as @themarkymark and his sidekick @buildawhale, and their band of thieves. Sadly, their only interest in Steemit was to fill their own greedy pockets with funds stolen from the rest of us. It's now time to get rid of such barrel scum, and hopefully to take their porn and other filth with them.


Witness Update...

@themarkymark now down to #30...a masssive drop from the #3 spot that he held just a few days ago.

@themarkymark How does it feel to be down-voted like you've been doing to so many other Steemit members for so long, while you stole their (our) curator reward money? What goes around, comes around, and your time is up!

According to the Bible, The Crucifixion of Jesus: Is it on the stake or on the cross?

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Witness Update...

@themarkymark now down to #24...a masssive drop from the #3 spot that he held just 4 days ago.

I've also noticed that @themarkymark has powered down most if not all of his Steem Power. Thank goodness this low-life scumbag's days on Steemit are quickly coming to an end, and his time stealing from other members will be over. Too bad there isn't some way to take back all the Steem that he stole from the rest of us.

Witness Update 03/04/2020...

@themarkymark now down to #28...a masssive drop from the #3 spot that he held just 5 days ago.

I've also noticed that @themarkymark has powered down most if not all of his Steem Power. Thank goodness this low-life scumbag's days on Steemit are quickly coming to an end, and his time stealing from other members will be over. Too bad there isn't some way to take back all the Steem that he and his gang of criminals stole from the rest of us.