[ENG] Reality Neutral of Venezuela
Have you listen about Venezuela, the crisis, the political problems, hunger thats right now are living?
Yes? No? Well I'm from Venezuela and i live here all my days, today i want to share with you the reality of our country, in neutral mode. What i mean with neutral? Thats i not aprove the Government and i not aprove the Opposition.
Venezuela is a country located on the northern coast of South America.
Like many countries, it has its landscapes and unique things that make it special and different from the others.
I'm just going to mention 5 of them:
Coche Island (es: Isla de Coche)
The Great Savannah. (es: La Gran Sabana)
Angel Falls. (es: Salto Ángel)
Caracas City - The Capital.
And our Best Saucer of Food.

The Six Things that we suffer daily is:
All are based on corruption, the laws not work all people have a price.
We can lose our life at any hour not matter if is 13:00 or 23:00, inclusive they before stole your phone first kill you by nothing reason, just for prevent that you not make resistance to the robbery.
(Imagen text: "The Delinquency is with Maduro (the actual president)")
You live daily with the chance to lose your friends, family or belongings by the groups of robbers. (some of them covered by the Guvernment)
One of the worst things is get sick because in the hospitals ever are in short supply, there are some subjects about contamination.
Sure you listen about some jokes like "we not have toilet-paper" or "Dying of Hungry literally".
Well this is not lie, some products really disappear of the country literally, like Coffee, Toilet-paper, Milk Powder (for babies and normal), Sugar, Edible oil inclusive the Rice.
The markets are empty.
But if there arrive a product like suggar you will be the client Number 1350 or more.. if you not run faster.
And when you not have who tell you this info you only think: "God why we are in this situation?", "What we will give to eat to our sons?"
But who really not have money, and his family is about 5 or 6 integrants?
(1kg Meat = 2 Days of Work(yes i live here and who read this topic know that we win 5.000BsF daily and the meat cost 10.000 BsF and upping..) and 1 USD = 8.000bsf and upping..)
Some of them just go to the trash of restaurants trying to find some food.
We are tired of this.. daily the Protests are incoming, for food, supplys or just a improve of this.
Right now we have more of 120 Days Protesting.
And the Force of Police daily try to repress to us.
But.. all of they are part of the people of the country. Someones just follow instructions and orders, but anothers just have the idea that we are wrong.. is wrong ask for a normal life?
This is a fight of power. Between the Government and Opposition. They just want to win the Power and Control of the Country.
We know that the actual Government, it has gone out of hand all. And some other see a light of hope in any change and this change are offered by the Opposition. But it's really truth?
Right now the Country People are divided in 2 factions, where the rage and differences between they political ideal.
But this is only the people of the country.
The Government does not care about us.
They not care whether we are right or wrong, they have all done the same thing ever.
They only want the same thing..
.. and not care if we suffer or not.
Some have lost their hope.
... but anothers we still fighting..