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RE: Can we run a decentralized government with Steemit yet?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I like your intent.

Yes and no.
Yes, we can do emergentism now sooner and better than ever, IF
we do not do "decentralized government". If you're aiming for that, NO, we can't.

"decentralized government"
is like Jumbo Shrimp or Military Intelligence.
Government IS centralization.

What you're wondering is, can we self-organize effectively using the digital age?
Yes, if you're NOT thinking in terms of government.
The governmental mindset will DESTROY ALL of your efforts, whether that be in the short term or the long-term. Government is war, from beginning to finish.

The point isn't to "run the world" but to "let the world do what it does".
Do you "run" your heart, or does it keep beating by itself when you're not paying attention to it (except that your subconscious is)?

Check out some Alan Watt's stuff, like "How To Get Out Of Your Own Way", and Larken Rose's stuff.

God I love Steemit!


Thanks for your response. My mistake is in the use of the word 'government'. 'Community' would be far more expressive of what I feel. I don't want to pay tax, because I have to, or get licenses from some authority, but I want to add value to those around me, family, friends and fellow humans in the game of creating conditions for humans to thrive. Government is the anti-thesis of that, control by the self-important.

I'm a yogi (not an asana-practitioner) and try to live by the principles of ahimsa (non-harming/gentleness), asteya (non-stealing/generosity) and satya (truth). And the other techniques of healthy living and consciousness-hacking. That is basically 'common law' to put it into legal terms. If we all lived by those three, I'm sure it would be a peaceful world, and you could still do what your heart desires. But we're not there yet.

Questions I still need to explore are about community defense and preventing bad behaviour (policing... but that is a horrible word, like government). I'm sure the answer lies in education and community.

Thanks for the links, I'm going to check them out.
And, yes, I'm so excited about Steemit. It is the beginning of the process by creating community.