New Personal Policy: Flagging all zero-value-add vote/follow begging comments.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago

I'm going to be flagging any comments simply begging for upvotes/resteems/follows/donations without adding any meaningful content.

This includes people, bots, or any other comment that has no explicit value or relevance to the thing on which it is commented.

I encourage you to join me; there's too much noise.


If we all do it then maybe they will learn there are better ways to succeed here

Is this a change in your opinion on flags? I thought I read a PR on github where you thought flagging should only be used for abuse? I may be wrong because I didn't go read it again just now.

Should we consider this abuse?

comment that has no explicit value

There have been many times in the past when some unsuspecting new user has been flagged for telling someone "great post!" or "thank you!"

Before the slider those flagged by whales for a simple comment were annihilated. I think in the same PR you advocated removing sliders all together.

The "human" spammers are annoying and need deterring but I'm not sure flagging them to the ground is the solution.

explicit value

Value is subjective. I may appreciate and value someone saying thank you on my post. I may not appreciate others flagging them for it.

Also be aware that users have in the past used tags to encourage groups to form and do this within certain tags.

I don't see an all call for flagging as productive. In the next few days there should be a new group to respond to and help deter comment spam.

begging for follows is spam and that is abuse. Flagging just isa form of negative reinforcement, its not an attack on someone, its just a downvote. and YS flagging IS the solution, they wont learn otherwise. They dont read their replis, so thge onluy ay to get their attentionis to flag and tell them theyve been flagged and well, i believe it will somehow get their attention and theyll review their own commentys and se how they didnt make any money spoamming begs for folows. Im talking about the Asking for follows pam only here by the way

Good comment congrats getting almost $3 on a cmment! its an achievement! imagine if all ur comments got that much !

I think follow/upvote/resteem panhandling is abuse as it is not meaningful or useful content. It's just spam.

I should add a FAQ, but ultimately the behaviors on the site are much more relevant to setting our culture than an FAQ most people don't bother to read.

Personally, before I flag anyone, I look at their comments page, if I see a repetitive pattern, then they deserve a warning shot, and a flag if they don't respond and change their habits.

That sounds reasonable. As a new steemian, I imagine there are many behaviors on this platform that vary from others I'm familiar with, such as Facebook. For example, upvoting every comment or reply people make to me, because in Facebook land, people "like" everything. It will take time to learn about the culture here. I agree with flagging those with a pattern of "spamming" and perhaps offering advice to new users who seem unaware of how to be a steemian, rather than flagging them flat-out for a "first offense."

How about sending 0.001 SBD for upvotes?

abandi / best-strategy / steem-network / lucky-robin /

Employs a bot that opportunistically buys votes as late as possible on ready spam that was posted well in advance.

timcliff and gtg ignored my respective comments about it.
Adm made a token gesture of downvoting it, but obviously never had intention of eradicating it.
bernie either ignored or missed my comment about it when I commented to his "abusereports"
themarkymark was the first to negate rewards on a few of its posts, but ceased, because he pays rent on his Steem and fighting spam costs him dearly.
Anyx stated that steemcleaners do not fight spam, only fraud.
patrice's spaminator only acts against its marginal account in terms of spamming operations and rewards.
I expect more bad than good from patrice.
Maybe you will put an end to it?

Hi bud, just spotted u flagged a post from a pretty decent guy. Can I ask why? Just thinking maybe u made a mistake...if you don't mind explaining what i missed?

I plan to do the same on people who comment on my blogs, been getting to much of that lately. :)

I have read some horror stories on here about people who flagged others and then essentially became a part of a bully campaign from the person they flagged. Do you think Steemit will have some anonymity added to this feature in the future?

Just point out that maybe SteemIt Inc, and those who work for them, should spend more time on DOCUMENTING HOW this platform works and then maybe it wouldn't attract so many of these types of users...
I know the is futile though. I've watched SteemIt Inc for well over a year and have seen no signs of professional solutions to the problems they keep creating.

Flag away sport!

I've said this over and over again since I joined... it shouldn't be this hard for a newbie to understand; if so it's either too complicated and should be simplified, or it's too poorly documented.

...and yet somehow, you managed to make this comment. ;)

Lol, the basics are clear. It's the rewards systems that are confusing. As well as a few of the features and a significant portion of the rules.

Poorly documented.
And what's worse... Rather than just writing GOOD CONTENT on THEIR OWN Bloody Blockchain, they pre-mined through their perpetual Beta and handed a few oligarchs control over the platform. There is $100 Million Dollars of SteemPower locked up on their ONLY piece of official documentation.

Straight up Fucn RE TAR DED!

Just a minute.
Steemit is a community. Although the hope that is grows into a better content platform is shared by many, society in general has deteriorated. Education has become nearly worthless. America stands last in academics in the developed world. Steemit is like a Walmart of people with few shopping at Harrods. If you do what you do you drain your power away from rewarding good content. If you reward good content and ignore the rest, they will eventually find it futile and go away.
Secondly when we start being the judge without guidelines we always go too far. People can start flagging based on religious or political beliefs.
I did flag a post once only because it was a racial supremacist propaganda and I still regretted it. No matter how offensive, it was still free speech.
I share your passion. Wish his platform was better but I am not sure if that is the way to do it.

there is a difference between "low quality" which is subjective, and spam, which is objective
I upvote you, so please follow/upvote me

Well I did upvote you and followed you.

and refollowed. One way I can tell who is a spammer is by looking at comments and posts...somebody that has 100 comments and it's all f4f spam? LOL ;> not you, btw!

Thanks Steve and thanks for recognizing that I am not getting 100 votes or comments. I guess this may be the only job for some or whatever. Who knows. I am just a wanderer here. Don't have much time for steemit. On the other hand I wish that when I open my iPad and look at new posts I could find something I would want to read. Days go by and nothing God comes up. Some flower pics, some porn some spam, just weird stuff.

If you really want something to read, you could try @greenrun, he is from Nigeria, and he has some truly remarkable little stories. He does not think of himself as a writer/author, however he has a very unique and talented way of relating a story. In case your wondering, I do not know this person, have no clue as to what kind of person he is like face to face, I have been promoting him a little bit because he is the kind of person steemit was created for, he is a content thought provoking provider. As for eye candy, I don't think you can beat @neonartist, especially his current work for a kids play area, it is some of the best airbrush painting I have seen since the 70's.

Thanks for guiding me in that direction

I second this, although it may be a little off the original topic of this post thread, but @greenrun has a great way with words

Thanks a lot boss. I appreciate that.

what it will come down to is finding the steemers whose work speaks to you; people that post on subjects you like...I guess it's putting in the work to filter down to content that you want to see.

the fewer folks you have in your feed, the easier to select for that

that is part of the problem with the f4f spam

The reward pool is limited. By flagging low quality content, you increase the percentage of the reward pool that goes towards good quality content. Flagging is a useful service to the whole community. It isn't censorship, since no matter how badly a comment gets flagged, it can still be read.

I have no clue. If a comment is flagged it will prevent that person from getting any reward so that the other commenters have a bigger reward? Or is that not correct either? I tend to stay confused, Sorry. Thank you for any reply and take care. Paul

It is like a negative vote. If a comment is upvoted to the value of say $0.13 and then someone flags it whose voting power normally grants a $0.10 vote, then the comment (or post) will end up still earning $0.03. If it is downvoted into negative value, then it gets hidden from view (at least via the steemit platform), although it isn't censored because the user can still click to read it after all.

Thank you for the info.

Did not know that. Thanks

This is why I want a block. Mute is all well and good for hiding them from ME... but it doesn't stop them from posting comments on my posts, it just hides them from me so I don't know it happened. I prefer to block them (trolls/spammers) from using my posts as a vehicle to push their own agendas. And downvote/flag isn't really the solution unless you're ready to sing tens of thousands of dollars into the platform to be of "worth" enough that your downvote actually impacts them.

Yeah I get them, but, I just ignore it. I will follow you if I like your contents, not because you followed me.

How about people who just save your labor, time, intensive edited photos and post it on their "Best Photo Trails" blog, saying we are helping minnows get noticed.

Ummmm, no, you just took my photo and people are following you for it.

I consider that abuse and would be fine flagging people who repost your stuff simply to profit from it without adding any other value.

If they want you to be noticed, they can resteem you or upvote you onto trending.