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RE: So You Wanna Be Divisive? Bring It.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

In that case this conversation doesn't involve or concern you at all, so fuck off, hypocrite, because you have just talked yourself into a circle in a place you have no "business" in at all.

Just another troll asshole, like do-nothing, accomplish nothing PAL core clique. You think you are going to outwit me like a smug little coward kool-aid man, but sorry, fuckwad, you don't have a fucking chance.

So go walk into a wall or something.

Also, your blog is 50% or more unattributed plagiarized videos. No wonder it's completely dead. Only a matter of time for a spammer like you around here.


No im not part of PAL or any other "clique", i'm just poking fun at a very angry old man. You seem to be losing whatever power you had here, and projecting your feelings on me. My blog is 100% original content also :P

You think you are going to outwit me like a smug little coward kool-aid man, but sorry, fuckwad, you don't have a fucking chance.

your words really speak for themselves lol, keep those emotions flowing!

(also no one cares about their dead followers, i know its the best insult you have haha)

Your alleged "blog" is basically filled with unaugmented YouTube links which are basically just considered spam around here, and a couple of video game streams powered by rented delegation that you didn't even earn. A basic bitch that never had an original thought in your entire life. So basically you remain an insignificant nobody with no followers and no content and no fucking brains so piss off little boy. I'm enjoying responding to you and not thinking about you at all in between time. Hell I'm doing this while I'm driving at 80 miles an hour and I'm still able to be more articulate than you you little fuck wad. Go read your Hooked on Phonics and try to form a sentence and maybe write something in your YouTube spam.

You sound really upset :)

I know you're still living in high school but that was like 50 years ago man, you gotta grow up at some point. You can hurdle whatever insults you want at me but you gotta realize you're the one who looks stupid :)

I've also never even posted a youtube video to my account, are you okay? Is the dementia setting in and it's freaking you out? I really hope I don't grow up to be an old senile douche lol

I ain't even mad bro it's funny how people who are faced with facts pretend like the other person is upset. Because they have no defense. Your fucking blog is full of YouTube videos moron and anyone can see that. I think you might be bipolar. Anyway I'm not the one who came on to the blog of someone he doesn't know then do a conversation between people he's not involved with to be a troll. Clearly you are obsessed with me. I find it flattering. Why would I be mad? Plus you're easily deflected with facts as I said. Anyone who follows through to your name will see that.

Oh cool. Another uninvolved troll whom this post doesnt include who thinks their flahs matter. Hint... They dont at all. Rep is meaningless and you arent clearing any rewards. So dumb flagging is dumb?

Guess you just want to try and get noticed with virtue signalling too.

Such mellenials. Much thin skin. Wow.

I don't support your abrasive behavior here.

So? What made you think I or anyone else gives a shit about that?

I have actually never posted a single youtube video lol, and yes I find angry people very entertaining :)

Even if I was a spammer it's not like you have the power to do anything about it haha :)

Clearly you are obsessed with me.

No one is obsessed with you mr big ego :P

Then your being here at all is just because the real egotistical asshole nobody is you then. Youve proven the point so well.

sorry, who are you again?

The guy whose amazing light drew you you into a post that has nothing to do with you like the insect you are to a bugzapper...

Yawn. If you want to try to troll,at least get gud.