I Powered-UP To Quintuple Dolphin 25000-SP !! - 12/11/2021

in #steemit3 years ago

I have now been on Steemit.com for over 5 years and 2 months, when I first started on here I spent nearly 2 months just mostly learning about how everything worked.
Now I know that some of you maybe thinking that's an awfully long time but understand that back then there wasn't much information on how the blockchain functioned, plus I was relatively new to all this blockchain tech.

If your new now it's much easier these days as you can simply head over to the FAQ section, as to be honest there you can get a pretty good understanding on how much of it works.
Or you can also check out a post by the Steemit Team here Guide For Newcomers which also explain a lot of it.

Haha but it's unfortunately obvious that most people don't check these 2 great resources of knowledge or perhaps it's just pure greed that get's in the way of people doing well on Steemit and supporting the system.

Anyway once I figured out how most of this blockchain technology fitted together and the enormous opportunity Steem brings I just knew I wanted to be part of this project regardless of the many people around at the time who were not seeing it's huge value potential... or just how fun it can be.

I mean really what can I say except I was hooked and wont deny still am hooked as being on Steemit is also a ton of fun!

I'm a big believer in having goals, as I think this way it gives you something to look forward to, something to be proud of, and during my very early stages on Steemit it quickly became a personal goal of mine that I wanted to reach and become a Steem powered Dolphin. This means holding around 5000 SP to support the Steem currency.

At first it seemed like a reasonable but still very tough long term commitment and goal.
I always knew it would take a lot of time.. haha and honestly I never thought it would of taken as long as it did lol... well at least for the first time round because many things have changed on the Steem blockchain since back in the early days when I first started.

I think one of the saddest change's was the whales no longer.. "or atleast rarely voting" on content, this was because firstly they didn't feel people were locking-away enough of their SteemPower to preserve it's value which is very understandable once you know how this all works "but hey whales you know you could of voted on me I never powered down, not once, yup since day 1 for over 5 years now lol not a single powerdown" but secondly they discovered they could just delegate to bot's and I don't mean like a voting bot but instead a "bidding bot" as this in turn would be saving them a ton of time from curating but taking the fun out for many content creators.

Well the bidding bots are now mostly gone, but trust me guys when I say it used to be a lot of fun when whales were actively voting more, back in the day there was a big initiative to write or share something interesting everyday incase a whale might enjoy it for whatever reason and upvote your work.
Later it became clear that you either had to be part of some secret inner circle, or a community of some sorts, or to be taking part in a contest, but most of these all want very specific things or rules which must be followed in order to win which I felt often ruined some of the freedom and creativity for many content creators and many agreed.

While these days things have got much better for many folk as we now have the New Steemit Team who are often out there busy getting involved with the community and giving people fun tasks which they can be rewarded for when taking part, and yes while it's not a perfect system "because I'm not sure one truly exists" it sure beats some of the other options.

Anyway moving on and getting to the point of this post, it's to announce that there is a new Quintuple Dolphin on the block, yes that's correct I have now finally reached the 25000 SP mark!

Ridiculous Silly Dolphin Hat

DSCF0641__2_-rmvg (1).png

Images By @simonjay

Yea I had no idea that such a hat even existed until a friend of mine came to me with this silly hat as a gift.

She told me that I often spoke "about this weird being a dolphin thing" and so she thought of me when she saw this crazy hat. Apparently the store was having a clear out, and so selling them dirt cheap, as they were soon to be dumped because nobody was buying these fish hats!?

I mean I can't think of why not?... lol

Anyway I already had a few people ask me if I was going to power down any extra SP earned once I reached this point? And the answer is of course... NO.

N ne NO giphy.gif

I have always wanted to be a Dolphin and now a Quintuple Dolphin, but I wanted to get here because it gives me the opportunity to give more back to those who have helped me reach this far and to of course those who have supported me in the past or any of the long time followers.

But not only that it gives me more SP to play with and so when I do find any posts or comments that I enjoy and upvote hopefully this time "unlike back in the day before reaching Dolphin" the author will receive abit more than 1 pence lol.
With more SP a vote can add more value to your created content, I haven't even gone into all the benefits that keeping Steem within the system can add but anyway the point is I cant do it without your support so please continue supporting the strength of this account as I have no interest in powering down from Quintuple Dolphin.


Anyway of course the next question I got asked was "What will I do next considering I have now reached one of my bigger Steemit long time goals?"

Well I thought about the common next big goal "when it comes to SP" which is of course the road to Orca.
But I think for this dolphin making it's way towards Orca right now might be pretty extreme and I would get demotivated along what is still very very long road.
I guess in my mind I do feel it's maybe reasonable and possible to reach Orca during my lifetime depending how things go but it could be still a very difficult road up ahead.

"pssst! what about whale?"

As for Whale I feel it's impossible for me personally, unless the Steem price did dramatically fall down again to a really low price for heck knows what reason, or if there was a sudden huge amount of support each and everyday from whales which I don't ever see happening.
So heck no, I don't really think towards "Whale Status" even if I do reach Orca, Whale is a completely different ball game to reach.

And so it is done? The journey's end?

End No The Journey Does Not End Here giphy.gif

The end? No the journey does not end here as my new quest now begins, my new quest will be on becoming a "Super Dolphin"
Which means this time around getting to 30000-SP! which I feel will still be possible for me to achieve at some point in the future.

"Super Dolphin??"

Yes back in the old days of Steem users who had 30k SP were considered super users and so I believe this is why many started calling those at 30k Super Dolphins.

I would normally initially start this quest with getting the next dolphin badge but this time unfortunately the next Dolphin badge will be at the 30k mark lol, so perhaps I will aim for the halfway point at 27250 or something?

I would very much like to reach Super Dolphin in 2022 before the end of June, while this continues to basically be impossible to reach when calculating the average gains it as already been done before 3 times.
For example we managed to reach our goal at the beginning of November last year, this was of course thanks to the "Steemit Diary Game, Season 1 and Season 2" which I took part in and so a big thank you to @steemcurator02 and @steemcurator01 who continue to provide fun ways for users to engage or earn rewards. They also have another educative event going on right now, you can go here Steemit Academy to learn more about it as it's now on the 5th season and still going strong.


A message that was left by @steemcurator01 at the time which is thanks to these guys that I came to the realisation that I have actually now reached the halfway mark to orca, so perhaps it's not so far out of a goal to reach lol, still I thank them for this reminder as it made me feel even happier about having reached 25k the halfway mark to 50k.

Anyway I also wanted to thank any whales who have upvoted me along the way an helping me get this far and of course as you probably already know I continue buying abit of Steem here and there when possible. I also had alot of support when I first began my journey from 15000 to 20000 felt like a boost of hope to getting me to my goal.
Ideally it would of been nice to reach the target before even hitting November but regardless of that not happening a big thank you to those who initially voted as that helped me reach Quintuple Dolphin!

So yeah guys hop-on-aboard this new Quintuple Dolphin powered ship and join me on my quest to Super Dolphin power, and heck if you stick around long enough I'm sure you will also get rewarded along the way.

To get us all into a real flying start any %100 up-vote's or SBI's is very much appreciated, I will also will be buying some more STEEM at least another 30SP to celebrate and help push for this goal.

I mean let's check out this November thus far for #club5050.


Always do your own due diligence the above is only a opinion.

Secretly win a %70 Upvote with over 17100 SP From Me
You can win the Upvote by simply doing ALL 3 steps below..

  1. Upvote the post at %100
  2. Write on the comments box "Done"
  3. And finally answer the question- Will Steem go up or down within the next 22 hours?
    There will only be "one winner" any edited post are automatically disqualified, hurry you have 22 hours for placing your valid entry!

Source: picgifs.com

Our Ship Is Now Quintuple Dolphin Powered 🏆

5 or 6 Times The Orginal Dolphin Power-giphy.gif

Source: giphy.com


author portfolioU4ZCp8uHZ93yF22p2ypNuVM78E04052018.jpg

So if you like this page I need you guys to do me 2 easy things.

1.First please upvote this page.
2.And secondly don't forget to follow me below.

Also since votes don't always = $ and if you want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me, not only me but also support the value of the STEEM currency as I have not powered-down a single time in 5 years.

[Follow Me Here @simonjay


Perseverance and determination this is amazing.

Steem will go up.

You should put 5 of the hats. 😇

🏆 Winner
Yes you sure need alot perseverance and determination if you want to make it this high.. well that is unless your rich lol.
I did think that lol but these dolphin hats really don't stack up well.

🥇 I am happy to see you as an example. I still can't believe I was chosen as the winner. 👍 😊Thanks again.

Wow simonjay its a super congratulation day, you quintuple dolphin!!

congrats !


Thank you kiwi-crypto and for the support.

Congratulations !

Thank you pennsif.

Nice work on reaching 25K

Thank you kiwiscanfly and now we go towards 30k

Happy Quintuple Dolphin Day !

Enjoy this special #clubdolphin vote...

#club5050 😀 🐬 🐬 🐬 🐬 🐬

Thanks very much steemcurator01 and you can bet on it being powered-up.

Down a bit more then up not sure which will come first to be honest. We may dip below .40 cents but I think next target is $0.80-$1.20 in two months or so

I wouldn’t sell below $3.20

OMG! congratulations for achieving 25k sp!!! mile stone W/ a Great dolphin hat on your 💖💓 head ..wow what a golden hat you won from steemit blockchain

Enjoy w/ joy always

Thanks very much layersinn hitting 25k is a big milestone for me and now towards 30k we go, thanks the dolphin hat is brilliant.

Very good post, contains motivation for us who are still young. I tried to read it 2 times. A pleasant travel experience during your 5 years on Steemit. Congratulations on the Outstanding achievement, you have reached 5 Dolphins, 25K. I hope I can follow your path. Very cool.

Thank you tucsond very happy to have reached 25k 5 times dolphin for 5 years on steemit, and that is indeed the point of the post to motivate and be realistic if you don't have the funds or in a inner circle you have to climb up the ladder yourself and it takes alot of time and commitment.

You're Welcome My Friend. 5 is a good number for you. Lucky number, 5 times Doolphin, in 5 years as much as 25SP. It would be great if I could follow in your footsteps. Once again Congratulations on your success.

Steem will go up