You don't need permission to embed Youtube videos.

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

By etiquette you should always acknowledge other people's work in your posts and this goes for embedded youtube videos as well (e.g.: video by John Smith).
However you don't have to seek any kind of permission to embed someone else's youtube video into your posts.
Youtube specifically allows other sites to embed its videos (to maximize traffic/ad revenues) and Youtube content creators can disable embedding if they don't wish their videos to be embedded by others on various sites (that's why sometimes you see a video blacked-out with a message reading "Embedding disabled") or they could even Unlist a video so only they have the link to embed it on their own blogs.
Moreover the video technically always remains on Youtube and on the original youtube author's page, who will still be benefiting from increased views and monetization through Google Adsense.
As long as you don't claim the youtube video to be yours when it isn't, then you are not committing any abuse on Steemit.
I've noticed a lot of misconceptions and confusion on this. I hope this helps clear it up.


thank you for posting this
i was just wondering if i could post my favorite videos from my favorite youtuber
and share the joy i get from those videos
so thanks again you made my night

this is actually why i am here too..hahhah
. would like to share my fave youtuber video too..thanks for this..

so i can post youtube video. after giving the credit to that person? so it will not consider as plagiarism.

@simonreighties Thanks for posting about this!

Yep true .
If they doesnt somebody else share their video make it private instead .

As long as the uploader left the setting open to embed then it should be fine. A watcher can always click on the Youtube logo in the bottom right corner of the video to go to the original posers video on Youtube. So it does link back to them.

Thanks simoneighties. This is great information to know.

thank you for this useful info... would go to share yt video..not mine..

simoneighties? You just took an entire load off my back, because I was losing my mind, trying to find out what the law said about this. I had figured what you said in your post was probably the law, but I wasn't one hundred percent sure until I read your post. And everything that you say in your post makes perfect sense, because whenever you embed someone else's YouTube video in an article or post here on Steemit, you are actually sending traffic that person's way. However, I do have a question. If I wish to get a Steemit article (post) that I have written copyrighted before posting it, would I just leave the section blank where I plan to embed a YouTube video, in the copy of it that I send to the U.S. Copyright office? I guess I probably would have to phone them to get the answer to that question, but I thought that perhaps you might know the answer to that question.

Thank you for writing this article. Even one year after its creation, it is still useful to people ;)

Thanks for it.