i all of a sudden i am happy i was never a cereal kid.
peanut butter toast for breakfast and a hard boiled egg and an apple for lunch was my childhood. no prizes at the bottom please!!!!
trannie female to male or a male to female?
female to male maybe but male to female no thank you!
Big maybe on the female to male i would like to add.
At least I don't have to worry about them #freebleeding on the furniture =p Although, I won't ride BART after all those sweaty banana hammocks in the Pride Parades, for similar reasons.
bro you just made me laugh harder then i have been about the other stuff in the comments of this post.
i have earned my red wings and ill take a blood stain over a dick in my personal space any day.
no, i must have missed it.
ima look for it, i dont take offense to anything, lol, i give it.
You might be offended at this :)
Its the joker!!!!!!
I couldnt find it.
that is one trannie i wouldnt mess with, looks like it could bench press 3 of me.
I'm only kidding - but check this one out
that post is crazy, i dont think anyone is going to mistake that chick in a suit for a dude no matter how much of her titties she chopps.
Trannies are so hot...
It's like getting the toy at the bottom of the cereal box when you were a kid. Lol
i all of a sudden i am happy i was never a cereal kid.
peanut butter toast for breakfast and a hard boiled egg and an apple for lunch was my childhood. no prizes at the bottom please!!!!
no supprises poping up for me thank you!
trannie female to male or a male to female?
female to male maybe but male to female no thank you!
Big maybe on the female to male i would like to add.
I just.. I mean, what... Fuck.
What has to be going on in someone's head to want to look like that?
Are you being sexist now?
At least I don't have to worry about them #freebleeding on the furniture =p Although, I won't ride BART after all those sweaty banana hammocks in the Pride Parades, for similar reasons.
bro you just made me laugh harder then i have been about the other stuff in the comments of this post.
i have earned my red wings and ill take a blood stain over a dick in my personal space any day.
how can you be sexist if there is no sex only gender?