Steemit Tips (HowTo): Be Humble And Eager To Learn

in #steemit7 years ago

Steemit is a place where very big things can happen very quickly.

For instance, I went from having an account worth $500 to one worth $10,000 in a months time. That's some fast movement.

And many people have had similar experiences -- and much greater -- here on Steemit. So the attraction is clear:
Come to Steemit and make tons of bucks FAST!

However, this impulse betrays itself, as it is the nature of Steemit to reward those who are active yet patient, who engage but do not beg.

In summation: Steemit rewards people for being authentic human beings rather than robotic leeches. I go over this phenomenon in these posts:


I have seen many examples of humility on Steemit, and I've seen the exact opposite as well.

When I brows Steemit and check comments, I see many people who are thankful for their followers or show gratitude for content creators who share their experience and knowledge.

This is the case on, too... sometimes.

And then I see the opposite. People who expect something from Steemit as though they are entitled to financial success or followers simply because they signed up.

Being too proud to have humility will only hurt you here on Steemit -- it'll do that in real life, too, but it's maximized here on Steemit due to the nature of the curation community.

Be humble. Be thankful for what you have on Steemit, and success will find you a more comfortable partner..

For instance, check out this comment by @bearbear613:

Screenshot (140).png

I wanted to help out @bearbear613 because he demonstrated a humble attitude. And looking at his wallet, it appears that he's going to be just fine. (Keep commenting and curating, bud! Upvote "hot" posts at the 30 minute or later mark and resteem them)

Eagerness to Learn

Steemit is a place that is constantly evolving.

If you are new here, you need to understand right off the bat that things don't work the same as they do on Twitter or Instagram.

We have a different system here, and the way it works it not entirely known yet -- it's an experiment, and we are all learning at the same time.

If you follow users who are demonstrating success and you learn the things that they are kind enough to offer up freely, you will be on the right track to being successful here on Steemit.

Having the opposite attitude, however, will destroy your chances.

I have seen users that respond to good advice with resentment and overproudness. They take offense to the notion that what they are doing is a bad idea or that they are wrong and could use some correcting.

That kind of attitude will get you nowhere in life and flagged into oblivion on Steemit.

So be humble and eager to learn

Tell me what you think in the comments below.

I've had lots of followers tell me that they used to do things that were ineffective on Steemit, but then took advice and learned and now are on the road to success.

Follow me @shayne


Hi Shayne! Thanks! Great advice. Any tips though on how to create more engagement? I think long term comments are much better than upvotes (while less lucrative in the short run). I am thinking about rewarding my followers for high quality content:
My thinking goes as follows: for newbies, the system needs some grinding before they have the steempower that will reward curation.
What if I have a kind of comment lottery for my followers? So anyone has a shot at getting some SBD with a little of honest effort.

It would be worth it to me to reward 3 categories with say 10 SBD each: (have to evaluate if this breaks even of course, I can put some money up front but if it doesn't pay for itself it would not be sustainable)

the best quality comment of the week (e.g. most comments on their comment in my posts),
best question of the week/ day ( can be very short but thought provoking, again see comments)
Most useful comments in my feed ( defined as comments that get other useful comments)

Personally I don't like the upvoting game as it is currently going, the established ones are getting robo followers and are already upvoted with 100 votes in 5 minutes before there are 10 views... (not complaining, nice if you can get it and I would not complain to be in that situation)

How are comments weighted in getting featured in the trending comments?
Who would make a thoughtful comment for 10 SBD?

I do not know the answers to these questions! Lol

If you want to do a kind of comment contest, I'd say give it a shot! Try it a couple times and see if it works.

You've got to try new things :D

So you can proudly say now:

Thanks for the advice! @shayne :)

The unlimited power in humility! The power to grow here on Steemit is truly unlimited.

Hello @shayne

Thank you for your resourceful posts.

As a person who is in constant communication with new Steemians due to the contest i organised for them, one the reasons why they use cheap methods like begging for follows to grow their blog is because they have limited time online.

That is why i wrote my last Blockchain Blogger post to deal with the Issue.

Like @bearbear613, most people are eager to learn and all you have to do is point them in the right direction.

I will be checking out the other post you listed in this post.


The problem is that the "quick" solutions are almost always the wrong ones, and will actually end up wasting the users time. That's the tragic part :(

Thanks, my friend.
Good advice is what I have come to expect from you.
Always worth reading!

Thank you for writing this post. I'm new here to steemit and your post is really helpful☺

That's absolute bullshit - spew that shit somewhere else

Just Messi g with you 😋

The pride issue is a big thing for most. It is easy for people to reach a point where they think they know all there is to know about any one thing and when they receive new or different information, they take it as a blow to their pride rather than an opportunity to learn more and expand. That is one of the many things about forming a great community, EVERYone has something to offer and we all need to remember that and be thankful.
Thank you again for another great piece!

Thanks for the great advice. I'm here for the great content that is free and I can say I learned so much already by just reading some comments and great posts.

This was good to hear. I've fumble this week a lot here but I feel I'm doing just fine anyway. I have like 50+ tabs open that are all steemit related. It's overwhelming for me as I have a really hard time focusing and get scattered easily. There's so much help here that actually messing me up coz I go from one to the next and not figure anything out, lol. I always go into things a lone wolf and suss it out for a bit. Later I know more of what kind of questions I need to ask, however I've never been good at asking for help. I think tho this 2nd week I will start to reach out a little and ask for a little help and try to participate a little more.

Just simple as that how u can make it 30$ by being urself and sharing your thoughts. Nowadays it is so easy to access to content thru this platforms , but i think steemit should do something like audio commenting or live chats for many ppl. good stuff man , following u