The power of smile can change the day to those around you.

What is happiness more than a state of mind? More than just a moment ..
As Charlie Chaplin said: "A day without laughter is a day wasted". And this is a truth. In fact if I do this post is because today I experienced it by myself.

A laugh was the gasoline she needed, and knowing how to create that laugh in the person who needs it, is the key to giving a day a 360º turn.
You can start by smiling. A tickle, a joke or a good memory that you passed.
And slowly you will notice, how she / he is encouraged. The power of laughter has no limits. And many times, a simple laugh, is the only thing we need, despite not realizing it.
Hope you all have a nice day, see you in the next one guys!
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I have had much similar experiences. As an experiment I started smiling to everybody walking past me on my way to school. Every day and mostly the same people. At first some looked at me weirdly, but little by little people started smiling back. This evolve even further. First to a smile and a nod, then a smile and a good morning and finally a big wide smile and
‘’Good morning, have a nice day’’. It’s amazing what such a little thing as smiling can do.