Starting up a political satire comedy news show!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago


What started out as a small YouTube comedy group is quickly expanding into a full scale internet based political satire news show called "ANARCHY NEWSROOM". This United States based news show will consist of world news and be completely unaffiliated with its physical location (where it is produced). This is because the show is focusing on the big picture. Global attention is the aim and not just local attention. The show would be cross posted to multiple internet platforms to maximize exposure…and yes…right here on Steemit is where we are most excited to broadcast. To go along with its theme of anarchy...the producers plan on generating an income consisting of strictly crypto currency and paying it's staff of creators in the same. Of course, the show would have to first generate an income before they can share the wealth. The producers have some ideas on how to establish an income fairly quickly.

Enough about money... lets talk about talent. We need help from the talented individuals here on Steemit...who are willing to donate their time (at first) to expand their experience, resume, and fun. We need talented writers and graphic artists. Any writers with experience writing political satire would be a plus.

I realize that some people will ask what this show will resemble because they have a need to compare it to something. To appease these whiney Millennials (j/k but not really) I will list of few shows that are going to be heavy influences.

#1 The great work of Lee Camp on RT Americas show "Redacted Tonight".

#2 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

#3 Weekend Update on SNL

One thing worth mentioning....we hope that anyone involved can agree (to some degree) with our message. Our theme of anarchy could be and is commonly misunderstood. ANARCHY does not mean "no rules" or actually means "no rulers". It means that people don't necessarily need a government to control them. People are capable of governing themselves. People are capable of so much more then we are given credit for. This show would be neither RIGHT nor LEFT leaning. The two party system is corrupt and broken by design. Anarchy Newsroom will poke fun at both sides...all while delivering the truth in a raw and sometimes humorous way.

If this sounds like something interesting to you...please...PLEASE... contact us ASAP. We would love to see writing samples or even hear about your experience or talents. Please check out the included video where I explain in person what we are trying to achieve. This is something that we are super excited about and want to get the ball rolling as soon as possible. If you're not interested in being involved but you would like to join our mailing list to receive updates on the shows progress and find out when it will launch and where to find it...simply email us and let us know. Also, if you would like to help fund this project there are several ways you can help and one of them is simply by upvoting this post. Additionally, you could email us about sending us crypto….whichever kind you have and in whatever amount you are willing to part with. We would promptly get back to you and work out the details.
Anyone who helps fund the show has the option of having their name added to the list of producers. How many people can say they produce an internet news show?
Email the show at: [email protected]

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. We hope to hear from you soon.
