How To Introduce Your Dog To Other Dogs

in #steemit7 years ago

No doubt dogs are very territorial and over possessive creatures so it's no strange fact that they start growling at other passing dogs. This article is for those of you that want to add a second dog to your home, introduce your dog to other dogs in the neighbourhood or just as a friend for the company of your dog. Obviously most dogs can do their own dog-dog meetings by themselves but a little push from us can assist in inaugurating a welcoming relationship from the get-go.

The meeting should be relatively easier if you have an idea about how social your dog is with other dogs. Not all dogs like to socialize and mingle with others so there are a lot of things to take care of before doing so.

You should keep these points in mind:

1) Have the dogs meet on neutral ground. Choose a place where none of the dogs would feel territorial.

2) Each dog should be walked disjointedly on a leash

3) Initially, walk the dogs at a space where they can comprehend and see each other but are not too incited by each other’s company. If the dogs are not displaying any destructive behaviours, reward them with treats.

4) Watch cautiously for body postures that signpost a cautious or mistrustful reaction, together with hair standing up on the dog's back, teeth baring etc.

5) When the meeting occurs, keep the leads slacked, since pressure on the leash might indicate to the dogs that you are fearful or concerned about their meeting which will result in their negative behaviour.

6) Once the dogs are capable enough to view each other at close vicinity, permit one dog to walk after the other, and then switch. The dogs may even walk side to side of they are comfortable. And let them interact under a watch of the owner.