What I’ve Learned from 4 months and 1,000+ Followers On Steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago

The Steemit community freaking rocks!

Milestone posts are a dime a dozen and since everyone else is doing them, I figured I’d do it a bit different. I mean who the hell wants to be the same as everybody else?

When I first signed up on Steemit, the preconceived notions I may have had about this place were that the whole of the platform’s users were going to be money hungry, beady eyed, cash grabbing fools with one goal… Getting that COIN!

I was proved WRONG!

You see, once I jumped on and started posting and started commenting, people would respond with thoughtful replies and truly meaningful dialogue was created. This is unheard of on other social media hangouts. For instance, Youtube, where I spent most of my time before Steemit, the interaction between creators and subscribers was a touchy subject for me. When a viewer would leave a well thought out comment on a video and the video creator didn’t take any initiative to reply or engage, it gets old very quickly. In addition to the general douchebaggery entitlement many youtubers have, the trolls are and always have been out of control over there, it’s sickening. Most, if not all of the Steemit superstars actually give a crap about their followers and commenters and engage and interact with them.



I was amazed at the entire community vibe nearly immediately and it was fantastic to be embarking on my journey here seeing that sense of worth and not just a cash grab mentality from so many amazing people from so many varied backgrounds, circumstances and locales.


The recent surge in usership on Steemit is pretty awesome, there are so many people flooding the platform with awesome posts about everything under the sun and then some. I look forward to finding these ‘diamonds in the rough’ and watching their progression and adaptation to this social platform.

What I’ve learned in the past 4 months here.

I have learned that although people initially come here to earn rewards, the community does shine through pretty damn strong. The earning of rewards for being social and providing value is an insane proposition and Steemit seems to have nailed the recipe quite well. I’m glad to be a part of this blossoming space online and very pleased I got in when I did.

Thank You!

Thanks a million to all the followers, commenters, upvoters, bystanders, and everyone else who has made my first few months here a pure pleasure. Let’s continue the forward momentum and show the world what ‘social media’ is all about. Who’s in?

Follow @sandstorm for cool lifestyle, travel, and food content.


I agree about the thoughtful responses that I have received. I also really feel compelled to make thoughtful comments as well. People put a lot of work into their posts and I really enjoy making an effort to show them some props.

Congrats on the milestone and I look forward to seeing more positive stuff on your feed!


I am so glad you found your way here @Sandstorm! Resteemed

Thanks brother man, you are BOSS at all you do Randy! I didn't find my way here though without the sound guidance and the path being thoroughly tested and setup by you and your other half. Thank You!

Congrats! You're a winner of @msg768's daily giveaway #50. To find out more, click HERE.

Congrats on the milestone @sandstorm! I agree with your statements; there are so many nice people here, and it is truly a great place to hang out compared to most other places.

Thank you @valth. It's truly nice to hang around and not be concerned about the next guy being a troll and ripping you up for a comment.

I've only been here a month @sandstorm and I love it here. The people are fantastic!

That's wonderful @bigpanda. I am glad to see so many folks with a similar view on this platform :)

I feel the same about the community. I also came because of the potential payouts, but I found I've been really connecting with people.

That seems to be the common thread amongst us joining up here @matthewdavid, and it's more amazing that since there are genuine interactions here as well as the rewards for being social, it is just awesome that it all works as well as it does!

Yeah, there's an incentives for people who would be jerks to change their behavior to get the rewards (because people are reluctant to reward jerks). After a while the jerks, who are pretending not be jerks to get rewards, get in the habit of being civil and leave their jerki-ness behind.

Incentivized personal transformation!

I like that way of looking at it. Getting the jerks to reform themselves and be more social and easygoing. Great comment and thoughts @matthewdavid 👍

Very good, I have more than 800 followers and I feel the same, I had fun reading your post, my soul is warm after this :)

Wow, thanks for that @clixmoney, what a wonderful comment 😄

Congrats on the milestones! Eventually you will be Celebrating 20 Years on Steemit!

Thanks a lot BP.
I think that 20 year mark is creeping up pretty quick ;)

It will be here before you know it!

I got my eyes on it, you're the trailblazer, I'll be following your lead 😎

Everyone including yourself are amazing :)

I truly appreciate that @karenb54, you are far too kind 😀
I hope you have a nice weekend 👍

You are welcome, hope your weekend is a good one :)

Thank you 😎

We are the best! Good luck with your future projects! :)

We most certainly are the greatest @tyregethon :)
Thank you and best of luck & success to you as well!

I came for the community feel to this place!
After dealing with hate/trolls for the past year at yt I encouraged many of the channels I did Mod for to come check it out as another platform to be seen and perhaps make some change for their efforts.
The few who are getting it is because they are working with the community and the ones just here for their almighty dollar is not doing so good and will fall away someday.
Thanks @freakygeak for sharing this so I could see it...Following.

That's how it will always go @weetreebonsai, if they were only on YT for the money and come here for the same, they will FAIL. Glad that some of the folks you brought on are embracing the community and moving forward on this platform :)