The Worst Day Of My Life

in #steemit9 years ago

  It was a school day; mum had come in at the usual time to wake me up. “Hannah, Hannah darling its time to get up” “Five more minutes” I replied, “No now!” my mum said as she yanked the doona off me. I decided I better get up. As I walked out, mumbling to myself about hating school, I realized everyone was already up, which was weird considering I was normally the first one ready in the mornings at my house. “What time is it?” I asked mum barely awake, “8.30am” mum replied, “WHAT!!” I screamed, I had never woken up this late and I would have to be quick considering at my school the first bell rang at 8.45am, which meant I only had 15 minutes.

I manage to get to school, even though I was a bit late. It was a pretty good day at school. It was the late afternoon when I heard my name come over the loud speaker, “Hannah Stevenson, please report to the office, Hannah Stevenson thank you.” Unwillingly I dragged my feet up the office steps, I got to the door and she told me to take a seat, around five minutes later my mum and my little sister walked in. “ Hey mum” “Hi Darl” I could tell she was trying to smile, but it wasn’t working very well.
“What are you doing here?” I asked her “I thought I would come pick you and your sister up early” “That’s Great!” I said enthusiastically, “Not everyone was happy about it” she said, as she said that I immediately looked at my little sister, why did she have to be such a nerd. “We were just about to have a test” she whined. “So? We get a day off don’t we?” “I guess “sighed my sister. My sister, my mum and I walked down the office steps and into the car park where we got into our car. When we got home we sat on the couch , I reached for the TV remote but mum stopped me. “I need to talk to you guys” her happy mood had somehow been replaced with sadness, “Yeahh??” my sister and I replied at the same time, “ Well girls , aunty Nora rang today” I knew this would be bad news, Aunty Nora never rang unless something had happened, “Well...” my mum started , I could see tears welling up in her eyes, “ Your father.... “ oh goshh mum hadn't mentioned dad for years, “ Your father has passed away” , I stopped dead, I couldn't believe what I had just heard. My dad , my own father is gone, and I will never see him again .I let go of my mum and ran out of the door I just wanted to keep on running and I never wanted to stop. Even though my mum and him had divorced when I was grade 2 he was still my dad , I still loved him. I went to his funeral, As I walked in the door there was a picture of him , staring right at me. At that point I relised that he was gone , he would never get to see me or my sisters grow up . And that would have to be the worst day of my life.


Sorry your effort in this post hasn't been upvoted that much. Keep posting though!