Is it true you only earn for 7 days after posting and nothing after?

in #steemit7 years ago

I read a comment on Steemit where someone alluded to the fact that after you post you earn for 7 days and don't earn anything after. Is this true?


If this is true I find it to be very disapointing. First is a selfish reason obviously, I like earning money and like passive recurring income. On Yuutube I make a video and for eternity that video will make me money.

My bigger concern for this however is I think it affects people's behavior, and how much people will invest in long form content and things like documentaries and stuff as well as how much origional or dedicated content they will create for this platform vs just reuploading their Youtube videos they've already made.

A Youtube documentary maker can invest lots of time ie weeks and months and even money into creating a documentary because once made it's forever on Youtube and can earn passive income.

Imagine if people who made movies could only earn money during box office weekend and never got a penny after that. There's a lot of great movies which may not have done well at the theatre but became cult classics afterwards.

My point is this, I think a platform would ideally like people to make origional content for it as opposed to just reposting content they made for another platform. It's something I see going on with VidMe right now, because you can't really earn significant money nobody is willing to invest in detailed long form content so people just repost their Youtube content and it kind of takes away from the community because it's not a lot of origonal stuff, just reposted stuff.

Another thing I see happening and see people mention is well you can repost content you've already done into some kind of mashup or compilation. Honestly if I follow someone regularly I've seen their work before, just because they combine 3 videos, it's still 3 videos I've already seen.

I was just curious if A. this is true and B. if anyone else sees a problem with this model?


Steemit's economy is fundamentally different from YouTube's, which relies on ad revenue (and perhaps user donation, like Patreon).

Steemit's reward money is produced by the coin's inflation. Every day there is a fixed allotment, or else the coin would have trouble holding value.

If everyone's content paid out indefinitely, the reward pool would be stretched thinner and thinner over time.

Steemit's economy is not well suited for certain types of compensation, like you mentioned. You're best earning from both YT and Steemit, as there are no downsides from doing so.

Hey gigafart, that actually makes a lot of sense to me. If everyone could earn indefinitely I see how it would turn into something like the Zimbabwe Dollar. What might be cool is if maybe there were some bonuses for benchmarks even if over time ie 100 upvotes gets something or 500 upvotes.

Also, I would look at what @jerrybanfield is doing. He is new here, but has a great following on FB/YT, and publishes his long-form content to multiple platforms.

Looks like he's killing it.

The rest of us may have this opportunity when/if Steemit goes mainstream and the userbase + coin price take off.

Considering just how few active users are on this platform, and what the market cap is already valued at, I'm fairly optimistic we're headed for great things.

Regardless, I say stick around for the experiment...

@jerrybanfield is a monster (in a positive way) ...I love his videos about cryptocurrencies
I think he is really cool

I actually learned about Steemit from him. I wasn't even following his channel, he just popped up in my suggested videos.

Totally correct 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

This is the reason. Permanent payouts would monopolize the whole reward pool for the big hitters. All the small fry would leave. It would be like creating a new legacy media. How could I compete from scratch with a guy who brings 180k followers from YT?

exactly why it is impossible for anyone to succeed without having a huge following or lots of money. or big tits.

So true! Steemit is supposed to be a community where everyone benefits. Yet in rewards, it seems to be the reasons you state. Of the steem/steem dollars available, a few are taking a huge amount of the available steem pool allocation each day.

I get the point of having a limit, but 7 days still seems like a short payout time. What happens to the steem allocated by the upvotes made on a post after that 7 days? Does it count as a vote but the steem doesn't get allocated to the rewards pool? Maybe an extension to 30/60 days would be better. Thoughts?

According to this post and its comments ---> (, upvotes made on a post after 7 days get no curation rewards and give no author rewards. However, the upvotes will positively affect your reputation score. If you make a comment on a post that is more than 7 days old, the comment can earn rewards for 7 days.

It seems strange that there's a cutoff, I'd like to hear the rationale for making that decision. Because long term curation of posts is where the real value of this platform could come from. As in the highest payouts over the lifetime of the platform would go to the best pieces of content consistently being curated and added to. It would also be good to do the reddit thing where the highest upvoted comments rise to the top of the reply chain.

Great reply thanks! I also read or hear lots about this like youtube just from steem or what is it with this one. I wonder if steem will find massadaption other than thru crypto. Would be awesome! :)

"You're best earning from both YT and Steemit, as there are no downsides from doing so."

I'd have to disagree. A lot of us are here on Steemit/Dtube/dlive/dsound to escape the Youtubes and Facebooks. Posting on Youtube has the huge downside of supporting centralized platforms using datamined personal info to feed you ads.

I understand the inflation aspects of a 7 day period. But why lockout previous content from weekly curation rewards? Everyone's voting power is already limited by diminishing returns and daily recharges. So it's not going to thin out the prize pool overtime. This will only happen if everyone is using bots and not really reading/watching/listening to content and curating it.

I believe in the following solutions:

  1. Ban voting bots like they are spammers. This is basically "lying" and is against the EOS constitution. Lying that you watched the video and found it useful, or read the article and found it informative. (Granted this is not EOS, but both platforms were worked on by Dan Larimer and were done in the same rebellious spirit).

  2. Every 7 days the curation rewards start over. Previous content is not locked out of the curation rewards. A new up-vote will start a new 7 day curation period after the last one closed.

  3. Keep the diminishing returns on multiple votes in a day, with daily power recharges.

Without these changes Steemit will be fraudulently curated with little incentive for long term content. It's more a replacement for twitter than long term platforms like Youtube and Facebook. I don't want whales choosing what's in my Feed anymore than I want Facebook datamining my personal info for that Feed.

I want to reply to the comment so if other people see it here it will clear up confusion. It is true you only have a 7 day window to collect earnings on that post from the crypto currency side of things. I was initially concerned about this as well but that is where your Steem Power comes in. As you become more powerful your vote becomes worth more. We can upvote ourselves so a post you made months ago can still pay you in a round about way through your Steem Power because you are able to continually pay yourself more on future posts.

On top of that the Steem Power is earning 15% interest passively so it is always growing. You can also run auto vote bots to gain more Steem Power through curation rewards.

Next Level Elite Tip: make a footer with links to your best Amazon Merch shirts which can be put at the bottom of each post. Tell everyone they are able to get 15% off buying them with Bitcoin through

That way you start creating multiple streams of income through your blog posts.

Steemit posts are indexed by Google so someone could be searching for information on starting a YouTube channel and trip across a Steemit post from 4 months prior and end up getting an Amazon Merch shirt!

Feel free to ask me more questions. Figuring out this system will take a week or two but once you do it makes a lot more sense.

Actually you do not earn 15% interest on your SP. It is true that fifteen percent of the new coins are allocated to SP holders but the inflation rate of the Steem currency is 9.5% per year and decreasing about 0.5% annually. So your actual interest is 15% of 9.5% which is 1.425%.

Hi brianphobos,
You say someone searching google may uses a post from steemit.
If the person searching google has not got a steemit acount they can
not see the post, before I joined steemit ( jerry banfield's fault ) I saw
links to steemit posts but could not view the post because I
was not a steemit member - just like none members of facebook -
but to view a youtube, you do not have to have an account you
can just view any video, that is why I use all and any free
internet advertising and promoting for the bands and artists I suport for free see

A non steemit user can, now, see steemit posts

Hi @lebastion from @super-grand-ad -

I Followed and Upvoted

I will get one of my non steemit followers to test this some time to day
12 Jan 2018 - Via my latest post - Click the Link below to view

And see if what you state is true

Have a good day from @super-grand-ad

Tell us the result of your test, i use steemit to blog and share my work on facebook, they never complained it didn't work and commented on FB what they saw, so i am pretty sure of myself :-)
Thank you for the upvote :-)

I was able to browse around Steem and read blogs and watch videos without having and account

Hey Brian, is that okay to do? I know every forum tends to have it's own etiquete. I think the idea of putting some merch shirts in the footer, just wanted to make sure that's acceptable to do? Also is there actually an official footer you can set or are you just referring to basically at the bottom of your posting including a couple merch links? I wasn't familiar with that 15% off hack so thanks for mentioning that.

Yeah just basically at the bottom of your post. Yeah it is find to do. @crypt0 litters his post with affiliate links and no one seems to care. Makes good payouts. Others do the same as well.

I'm sending you some Steem Dollars. This could help you learn how to transfer money around in the internal wallet. One of the things I did early on because I didn't have much Steem Power was to seen 0.5 or 1 Steem Dollar to people who made a good post and put in the memo "My vote isn't worth much but I love your content so here is a tip. Thank you!" You could do this to heavy hitters or people just starting out who made a great post you enjoyed. It is your money now so you can do whatever you want with it!

Thanks for the Tip about Amazon Merch &

I will add my Merch link and see how it goes;D~

Steemit posts are indexed by Google so someone could be searching for information on starting a YouTube channel and trip across a Steemit post from 4 months prior and end up getting an Amazon Merch shirt!

Actually, the structured data markup is not that great on steemit. I've opened a proposal for that and I'm working on a fix that I'll submit as a pull request at the end of this weekend. I'd be happy to get some feedback or suggestions in the comments of the post. Let's make steemit outrank Medium in searches!

Seven day payout period is not chosen because it's the best for users. The problem is technical, blockchain nodes will require too much memory if the period is too long.

The fact that Steemit posts payout after seven days with no more post earnings are disheartening to many folks. BUT what many do not realize is that ANY post that continues to generate NEW conversation provides an opportunity to earn. In other words, if you comment on a post that is 7 months old (aka this one!), you can earn on that comment as comments are considered authored articles and are new items in the blockchain. I will Upvote this comment to prove my point. Upvoting a comment not only generates new income payable in the 7 day time-frame, but it also positions the new comment up in the hierarchy of all comments (depending on Upvote value).

Hey @retiredinsamar you make a great point. While it would be great to be able to continue to make money indefinitely off a post, especially a post you put a lot of time and effort into, I can see why things are not that way and in some ways I think it's actually a good thing as it forces creators and Steemians to stay active on the platform and not just do a content dump from Youtube or a blog and move on. Also you make a great point about comments, I'll give you a nice upvote to further prove your point ;)

Thank you! See... originality and creativity does continue to pay!

Good comment here, upvoting it will actually prove its own point :)

And that I did! There is no reason for a conversation to die just because that post's earning period is over! And good conversation keeps good information flowing on Steemit, regardless of when it was posted!

Thanks for adding these details into this post.

I just found this via doing a google search, and was reading down this thread to this point. I am not certain if my vote will count for anything much, but I did upvote your comment retiredinasamar, just to keep the conversation active for others who are new to this site to still be able to learn from the conversation on this topic all the same. I am new here so this information did help me out.

Thanks and I upvoted you also... although my VP is greatly diminished today. Need to go to sleep for 24 hours and replenish!

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Thank you very much for that much appreciate it. In addition, can I ask if you know by the way how I can check that part on if mine is greatly dimished too please??

I am still learning my away around the site here, and can not seem to locate it?? Thank you.

Save and use this link to SteemSupply.

Awesome information, still trying to figure all of this stuff out. Thanks

It's true. Rewards close after 7 days. Here is a tip. If your content is current and valuable to new users (your followers increase with time and so do Steemit users), you can refresh that content, improve it and post again to earn from well performing content. It will add value to Steemit and benefit you as well. It's your own content and not present anywhere else on the internet (except your own Steemit blog) so it's not unethical. I say that on authority of some senior members who have considered it an acceptable practice. Please upvote this comment to make it visible to all. Thank you and thank me later.

@ilyastarar... rewards close on the "Post" and any comments older that 7 days. You can continue to make new comments until the cows come home and earn rewards. Once an individual comment reaches 7 days it dies also, but you can keep the conversation going forever! And I'll prove it once again by upvoting my own comment. Yours is too old!

That is true. Steemit considers both posts and comments as posts so the 7 days rule applies well. Great that you came back after 8 months. Wow!

I don't feel it's an issue to be honest. Posts are buried so deep after even a 2 days that it wouldn't matter if they payed you all year it would stop getting upvotes pretty quick.

This is a good observation. It would be nice if there was a way to better filter content so you could find older posts instead of having to scroll through. The current method makes it impossible to find older post.


I agree, the main issue on steemit is finding posts you like quickly.

It kind of depends on the character of an article. I've got a couple of articles on Medium that are almost 1 year old and they're still the top performing ones. They are relatively timeless howto technical guides. I'd assume that Google is my funnel. So if steemit was performing better in search engines, we'd probably see older posts keep accumulating upvotes.

I agree... a post that is well written and SEO optimized, it can easily be found by Google as a relevant article well after the fact!

The real currency on this platform is followers. As time goes by, and people become more selective about who they follow, the quality of your previous work will become a more important factor in their decision.

I was just curious in your experience can a new user get hundreds of upvotes on a post or is it necessary to build a pretty large following before something can really gain some momentum?

No, not at all. If you hit the right nerve and tone at the right moment, you can collect hundreds of upvotes and thousands of dollars.
You only need to be resteemed by someone who has a lot of followers, and suddenly you're in front of a lot more eyeballs.
I see followers as lotto tickets.
You might win with only one, but you're better off with 500 :)

Hey buddy thanks for chiming in. That makes sense and I love the lotto ticket analogy. I guess it's kind of like Youtube in the sense that while having followers does buy you more tickets as in with the lotto analogy, a post itself is at least one ticket and every video has a chance to go viral or pickup steem for lack of a better word.

I remember early in my Youtube career, actually I wasn't even really a Youtuber just made a few videos for the hell of it but at the time I was getting like 6 to 8 views per video. Probably 4-5 of which were my own continually refreshing and watching my own content lol, but one particular video really took off. To date it has 1.5 Million views but at the time I think I even joked in the video "if even 10,000 people watch this" which was a far stretch at that time, and here we are a couple years later and it's 1.5 Million so I thought that was kind of funny. You never know what's going to take off and oddly enough the stuff we think will do best often doesn't and the stuff we don't think that much of will often surprise us and do really well.

True. My biggest post to date was a quasi defence of a porn starlet who'd arrived and upset the apple cart.
I merely explained that she was the vanguard of an inevitable force; and that we should be grateful to deal with one, polite, compliant, pleasant representative; and look for opportunities to set precedents with her, which would set the tone for future dealings with the adult industry.
Our big advantage is that we're here so early.
You're big on YouTube compared to most, but there are thousands of Youtubers who would laugh at your numbers.
Here we have the first mover advantage. We can grow with the platform; and make no mistake, it will grow :)

Actually, 55,000 is pretty great.
My biggest concern with YouTube is how they're demonetizing accounts, almost arbitrarily.
Nobody can do that here :)

Hi guys. I am here for only one week. What is the real tactics? Should the posts be quality or just acceptable, or the junk in high quantity? Ok... I got about 40 followers, I enjoy posting but am I doing something wrong?

If you want to grab a few dollars and leave, then junk.
If you want to build a huge following and become a massive influence who curates professionally, then go with quality.

I find it interesting people end up making passive income by cheating in the beginning such as people buying followers/subscribers for youtube and later on they start to trend with actual real viewers.
So back then there was issues with YouTube platform and cheaters. Now that Google has taken a hold of the code and revamped it, they eliminated most botting.

However they just made subscribers not matter for the trending page, it's now a selective stock of trending content and the rest of random content is pulled based on what you watch or seen.

AT the end of the day the centralization of ad serving on YouTube platform is based on CPM and false impressions can lead you to being suspended from the program.

And thanks to political ideologies cracking down and accusing Google of not taking charge and censor those who are a bit on the edge of the political scale.

Instead of being a community based open ended community it's a walking on egg shells platform, anything you say can get you kicked out of the program, No more mature content that generates passive income.

Instead YouTubers are being punished at the top level which is good because you cannot just let those in top get away with breaking some rules, while the smaller content creators get punished harsher due to the higher requirements to have passive income while YouTube content still plays ads on your videos unless they are listed as "creative commons" even then it's plausible for YouTube to slap a few ads on the side or something.

However we have to understand it isn't our own platform it is paid for and the infrastructure is expensive and data storage and the many cdns that serve you content so the video you stream isn't lagging for you. However the changes of the platform has finally hit the top youtubers.

And they realized it affects what it meant to be a youtuber even if you were just a person with less than 1k subscribers you still mattered back then. Now it's almost impossible to hit the trending page due to being a smaller youtuber because YouTube serves the Mainstream media market.

The Movie Industry, The Music Industry, Corporate interests are all paying advertisement to get their videos trending. It makes sense from a commericial aspect. But you see how commericialized YouTube has become it is no longer a community for regular content creators but professional commericial content creators.

And those who are randomly chosen get lucky to be on the top but it's easy to lose your spot. Due to the competition with older YouTubers who have higher amounts of legitimate subscribers. But at the end of the day something is funny.

Due to the controversial content people create such as covering school shootings or other topics that are on touchy subjects. People have been demonetized or even had their videos deleted and account suspended. And the newer program called "Trusted Flaggers" something of that nature.

So there does remain a human error into the factor of flagging videos that may not even be inapproriate or rule breaking. It's easy to assume that we have trusted flaggers from the community but they are humans and can have a vendetta against certain topics or belief systems and instead of coming from a neutral stance they can easily choose to come at it from a pre-judgement stance on certain subjects. The fairness and balance is very hard to obtain.

Human nature leads us to human error which leads us to have our own judgemental faults when it comes to dealing with the World. We may not all agree with each other but we can agree to disagree or at least attempt? When we free ourselves from hate we find ourselves in Love and Peace. I do hope that as a humanity we can build a great community in social media, And we can co-exist to be at peace amongst each other.

Thank you for the thoughtful comment. Couple things I wanted to mention. You can't really get ahead of make money buying views and subs on Youtube, in all reality it actually harms you not helps you. Maybe in the early days of Youtube that worked but now watch time is really the main factor in ranking and there's not really a good way to fake that. Sure you can buy views but they will be like 10 second views and actually harm your analytics because everyone abandons the video quickly.

In terms of the things you said positive about Steemit ie it costs money to pay for hosting, etc, etc, etc The same is true of Youtube, its their platform, they make the rules. I also think its kind of blown out of proportion that youtube censors people. Some steemit creators censor people as well by flagging content, you can just as easily get on a powerful steemians bad side as you can on youtube, at least with youtube there's some guidance i could make a post about elvis and someone doesn't like elvis and downvotes me.

I find the same complaints people have about youtube i have about this platform its just my peers doing these things instead of a corporation

Well, you just got my (useless) upvote..

Useless or not I still appreciate it. Thank you

Hello @rulesforrebels - Thank you for this post and your questions. I was thinking about the same things, which is how I got here 11 months after you posted. And thank you for all who chimed in to clear things up!

I am upvoting my own comment for the very first, probably last time to check if my commenting on an old post will still pay out. Thank you!