in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Hello all my fellow steemians!

Today i'd like to post a topic that is somewhat taboo on this platform, but I believe it needs to be spoken about. It is a topic that I made a post about a few weeks ago, but I feel the need to do this again...

"Idea Stealers" are running rampant on steemit lately. It seems like everyone is trying to put their hands in another mans pocket, by stealing ideas from other fellow steemians.

No Team = No Work

Teamwork is not something it seems like most steemians are really willing to do. It seems as if all of us are trying to get a piece of the steemit pie, and everyone is thinking about themselves. I think all of us here want to capitalize on what steemit has to offer, we all want to be successful in our endeavors, but I feel team work on this platform will go a lot further than always trying "look out for self".

I have seen many people get snaked out of their ideas already, and it has happened to me more than once by more than one person since I came to this platform in May. Teamwork really just seems like a guise of friendship from a lot of people on this platform, so if you're new weary with who you decide to "do business" with.

Rules of thumb for noobs

  • Do not share your ideas for the platform with anyone
  • Learn who is who on the platform, learn the dolphins and whales
  • Don't trust anyone blindly, make sure they've given you reason to lend trust
  • Got a hat? put your ideas under it
  • Work to build a brand on your own, and build a strong team..not a shady one.
  • Remember, in the crypto-space..there are no rules

Support Each Other

I want to be clear on some things, I think the key to success here is for people to support one another and not try to step on each other's head go higher. Find good people to work with and build a brand for yourself if that's what you want to do. Support good initiatives by telling other people about them, participate in contests and get to know the good people here on the platform. Just make sure you keep an eye out for the ones trying to poach your brain.

Anyone new on the platform, WELCOME! this is a wonderful opportunity for you to meet good people and maybe even make some coin, but remember everything that glitters isn't gold. Peace and blessings everyone!


I like the idea "No Team= No work". If you're forming a team, count me in.

'Mediocre writers borrow. Great writers steal.' - T.S.Eliot

If it's so rampant, why do I have no idea about what you're alluding to?

Lot's of development happening to extend the usability of the platform. SteemTools, mobile apps, bots etc. Everyone is chatting back and forth trying to figure out steemit api so as to build their app or whatever. Giving each other advise and poaching each others ideas... lol... Hope that helps.

And this is bad how?

Any major advances in science or technology always come from cross-pollination and the exchange of ideas.

I fail to see a problem.

There's a reason that ideas cannot be patented.

its different when your working on an idea with someone as a team..and the next day youre no longer a team and that idea has now become that the very least this is not a good team mate.

It's a bit more nuanced than that but okay what ever you like there are no rules. People offer collaboration as a ruse to scoop your work and its more than just ideas when you are sharing structure and code. All the guy is saying is be careful if you are going to invest your time and energy into a project. Also it takes collaboration to develop great apps and this actually undermines future development not helps it as you suggest. Your looking for a reason to disagree, cool. The reason for the post is to protect your ideas 'cause yeah they cannot be patented.

Which is a good argument for smart contracts.

yes smart contracts you got it moving on.

The worst is when they steal your ideas and then don't even execute them well..........I feel you.

yep, I had a brilliant plan with one of the trails a year ago, it was all lined up and ready to implement and I got it taken right out from under me. They never even went ahead with it. weird.

Dude, I totally agree with your sentiments.
I came to Steemit having never involving myself in any of the other social media platforms due to their shallowness. Your statement at the end is awesome buddy and the best advice newbies can get.

I think the key to success here is for people to support one another and not try to step on each other's head go higher. Find good people to work with and build a brand for yourself if that's what you want to do. Support good initiatives by telling other people about them, participate in contests and get to know the good people here on the platform. Just make sure you keep an eye out for the ones trying to poach your brain.

It can take a bit of time to get a foothold and not everyone will be financially successful however if the majority adopt that kind of attitude the steemit will be the most amazing place, and it pretty great already.
Really good post buddy.

Call em out, fuck it.

This is one of the best advice that I've seen here. Also, I like your writing style.

Keep up the good work

thanks for the compliment bro. keep ya eyes peeled homie..they lurkin!

@rondonson Thanks for your work sir.... Love it. Followed

@rondonson Thank you for obtaining this out..

Nicely said