A Complete Novices Guide to about 5 % of the Stuff on Steemit I Wish I Had Have Known When I Had Started.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Ah, yeah, I say I wish I'd known, but to be honest, I think my head would have exploded if I'd been told this all at once. I'm just the kind of person that learns by exploring and doing, and it's been heaps of fun discovering tricks on this platform. If you're the kind of person that takes in everything quickly, by all means, read everything below and go for it.

If it was me, I'd absorb one or two things and learn them, then I'd come back to it later. Sometimes it's far more effective to go through a list one thing at a time rather than glut on everything all at once! I don't pretend I'm good at any of this stuff - and I'd LOVE to be corrected or to know more, so please comment if you've at all been engaged by my list.

1. Data on YOU!


Find out what your voting power is worth, recent followers and exactly who voted on any given post. Full of important data, most of which I still don't understand, and probably won't ever. Don't let your voting power go below 80 percent - some say 90. I still don't get why, but I'm going to trust everyone who tells me this.

This also leads to a sub point about dustvotes, which is important to know too. It also explains why a post that looked to earn say $117 drops to $110.


2. Busy.org

As far as I understand, it's just a different platflom for the Steem blockchain, and has some pretty useful features not found on steemit.com. One of the things I love about it is that you can save drafts of your posts to come back to later, so I can start about fifty at once and never complete any of them. Busy.org on the desktop also shows you your voting power. Maybe it does on my phone as well and I just haven't found it. I stupidly flip between the two platforms.

3. Giphy

Pimp your posts with gifs - what fun.

4. How to get push notifications to alert you when your favourite authors post on Steemit

I have a terrible system for this where I constantly check people I love by clicking on bookmarks on my PC. That hasn't worked very well and I'm sure I miss tons of great stuff and great interactions with folk. I still haven't done this as it sounds labour intensive, but looks worth doing. If you have an easier way to do this, oh god please tell me.


6. Contests

Contests are an awesome way to connect with people. Click on the contests tag to see what's going on. They are a heap of fun and can motivate you to write interesting content. I wrote a horror story for the first time in years doing this. I don't even care if I win - it was just fun. I ended up getting a pay out from a whale which was an added bonus, but the enjoyment I got from participation was also fabulous.

7. Community

This is the first advice I got when I hit Steemit. Dammit, they were right. You start finding people who like the same stuff you do, and then you start discovering a whole heap more stuff that you didn't even know existed on this blockchain, let alone the world! People are really nice and helpful and can point you to even more cool stuff, let alone end up being your good friend for real. There's nothing better than waking up in the morning to find your friend has commented on your post or posted something new. It's heart warming.

8. Posting at Certain Times As an Antipodean

I'm always a little sad there aren't more Australians on the blockchain - or maybe there are and they are just hiding behind gum trees. We live in a complete different time zone to the rest of the world are totally ahead in that regard. If I post at midday here, everyone is asleep in the US and the UK. By the time they wake up, you've buried under a whole heap of other stuff. I always try to post when most of the world is up - either waking up, or just going to bed at least.

9. Just when you're gonna give up, a whale's going to come past and upvote you.

I don't get it. Why do people write shit content and get paid tons? I mean, there are people who post trailers here - it's not even their own CONTENT! - and they upvote themselves and get paid a shitload more than me, and I work hard at producing good content (you may disagree). No one loves me. I'm going to quit - what's the point? And then... along comes a whale, and gives you an upvote, and then you're like - Steemit is the BEST and I'm never leaving and I'm telling ALL my friends! Woohoo! Champagne is on me!

10. You matter to someone.

As per post 9, we write this stuff and get like maybe 2 upvotes and start to feel quite maudlin. Is anyone interested? Does anyone care? But there's always someone who thinks you are awesome, and funny, and clever. And that one person matters, so don't let the masses get you down. People follow and unfollow all the time - don't take it to heart (there's tools to find this stuff out, but I don't choose to look - it's irrelevant in the scheme of things). Keep posting. You are relevant and you matter.

11 Steem Basic Income

https://steemit.com/@steembasicincome is a great premise. Don't make me it explain it - something about pools and overflows and waterfalls. Read for yourself - please - and come back and explain it to me. In a way I'd understand. Please.

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

13. The Bidbot Culture

Far out, I'm just no good at the logistics of this. There's tools you can use that tell you the best time to use a bidbot but I just don't really like them. It seems unfair. I'd rather grow organically. There's a fab initiative for a #nobidbot initiative that's worth looking into. Sure it might take us longer to get to being a Minnow from a Plankton, but you'll feel better for it. Well I do - kinda. To be honest, maybe if I knew how they worked, I'd be all over it.

12. A Whole Heap of Other Randoms that Should be Common Sense

  • Don't plagiarise (I've never done this, btw) and make sure you credit your posts if you are 'borrowing' from any other work anywhere
  • Don't comment over and over 'great post' without reading said post and and making a worthwhile comment that shows you've read it, otherwise you look like a spamming twat.
  • Reply to people who comment on your post, because if you don't, you're just damn rude.
  • Spellcheck, grammarcheck, everything check. It uses up bandwidth every time you change or add something, so if you don't have a lot of steempower, you're going to stop yourself doing anything at all, plus, people like a well polished post.
  • That being said, I love Steemians who are utterly themselves and break all the rules, as long as they aren't ripping other people off just for the cash.

What tools have you found useful? What is the best thing you've learnt on this platform? What's a groovy tool you use that I don't know about? Please comment below - I wanna know MORE!!!

There is a whole heap of stuff I'd love to add to this post, as I know I've neglected a ton of stuff. I might add a few more things to this in a few weeks time if you're interested, and perhaps recycle this as a #deadpost which is a whole other thing I'm yet to explore.

I totally love this platform, and I've had too much wine.




I read like 20 guides when I was getting started and this is by far one of the best I’ve read. I keep telling myself I’ll write one when I have some number of followers (but I can never settle on what that number will be).

Here are a few contributions:

  1. Steemauto.com—autovote a few authors you really like and add some more when you know you’re not going to be on for a while. I set most to 29 minutes for reasons I’m sure you understand but are too complicated to explain here.
  2. @newbieresteemday is super helpful for people starting out. Great contests.
  3. Find some like minded communities on Discord and you’ll make some friends to mutually follow.
  4. Write something that would be good for @curie. It’s a huge boost if you get picked and if not, you’ll have written some good content.
  5. Comment a lot. Especially in the 24 hours after writing something good.
  6. Quality over quantity. Try to keep it to one post a day and be consistent.

Wow really?? That seems like a massive compliment. I felt a bit weird writing it - I mean, who made me authority? But then I figured people would read it or not and such is the way of things. Oh my god, thanks a zillion for your contribution!!! I really appreciate it. I'm going to do another one in a week or so - maybe I should even do a weekly one. xx

Love your posts! I will try that giffy thing lol. If you have email I can give you some tips on the bots :) [email protected]

💙💙💙💙 Sent you an email! CHEERS lovely xxx

Great Post. This post looks so amazing. Thank you for posting such amazing content...

Oh hang on. I now look like a spamming twat!

Community, that is the only important thing. Everywhere. Whether you go to a restaurant, cycling, school, shopping or online. It is (or should be) always about the community. Can't go around being a narcissist forever. Do that and you will become the leader of your country.

Don't worry if the Brits and Yanks don't see your post because of time-zones. In India, we are perfectly placed to see your post!!!

You are indeed... Or you never sleep!!! I need to set up Ginabot for YOU!!!

You can spam me anytime.

Ginabot! Is she nice?


I second ginabot, it got so much more efficient being alerted immediately on discord. I don’t chase timezones myself, I just post whenever, but that’s me being lazy and confused all the time. Informative post!

Edit: I unregistered Ginabot to reduce disruption but I need it back again. I’ve gotten too use to having her about. :)

I was thinking... if I dont chase timezones I end up feeling awfully alone... except for @twowheeledmonkey

I supposed it’s just whatever you’re comfortable with. I’m not an active poster, so maybe it’s even more important that I do it optimally. I use discord for interaction if I’m lonely. Are you on the quieter https://discord.gg/UrWkER AU NZ server I find it more relaxed than the larger PAL one. :)

Anyway, I feel there’s heaps of Aussies around on Steemit. So strangely, I feel content as far as loneliness. In any case, I followed back, so I’ll drop in on your blog occasionally too. :)

Thanks for the tips - I'll join that channel..

Thankyou!!! I am only vague on the timezones. I pretty much ignore Discord alerts so god knows how that will work out for me!! Thanks for your comment.. it adds a lot 👏👏💙💙💙

I hear you re ignoring alerts! It’s a pain to mute all the channels too.

Lots of good info there and you have learned lots already.

Any other tips from across the strait? 💙

I think you have covered everything i have learned here sofar.

Thanks for the write up! A few weeks in and I know I've got so much to learn. Happy to read posts like this so I can continue to wrap my head around it all.

And Go Team Australia!

You are doing brilliantly for only a few weeks in!!! I feel I dont know much really! Appreciate the comment 💙

Omg... Thanks so much. This post is going to help me out soooo much. You did a Great job on this. Absolutely love it. Can't wait to read more of your posts. (((hugs))) ♥

Awwww thanksss for your lovely comment!!! I didnt realise it would be so well received ... glad to be of service!!!

Such great info and exactly what I needed to know! I have only been active on Steemit for about a month and everything seems so overwhelming. I came across posts with people tagging me, but I did not even know I was tagged! It seemed like I was rude for not answering, but I had no idea they were talking to me. Man, I still have a lot to learn on the platform.

You are so right about the community. I found so many great people to follow and learn from. You are one of them!

Oh gosh.... I am learning from YOU!!! Im totally overwhelmed too!!! I am really glad this helped...i might put another one together in a week or so because I have learnt so much even since posting!!! Crazy.

That's great because I need to know as much as possible and I can't seem to find everything in one post. Looking forward to reading what you have learned since posting this one!

Well you have given me even more impetus to write one! 💙💙😘😘😘

Hey @riverflows regarding point 4, try the steemify app for your phone its from @blockbrothers. And point 9 is very true! :)

Brilliant!!! I am noting all these tips down ... I have learnt heaps from posting it and everyones replies are just lovely. Point 9... ha! Yes it is. We live for the whale bumps he he.