in #steemit7 years ago

IMG_8640.PNG IMG_8639.PNG IMG_8641.PNG INDONESIA:Danau Laut Tawar, Tempat Wisata Penuh Pesona di Aceh Tengah
Maret 21 2018 Wisata Nusantara - Tagged: danau laut tawar, tempat wisata di aceh tengah, tempat wisata di takengon,upvote and comments.

Danau Laut Tawar – Ada satu tempat wisata di Aceh Tengah yang membuat saya ingin mendatanginya kembali. Sebuah danau indah yang terletak di dataran tinggi Gayo, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah Provinsi Aceh. Wisata Danau Laut Tawar. Objek wisata, spot foto, wisata alam, tempat wisata penuh pesona.

Danau Laut Tawar sebuah potensi wisata Aceh, tempat hunting foto yang digemari wisatawan. Digemari anak-anak muda yang senang berpetualang, cocok juga buat anak-anak sampai orang dewasa. Pergi sendiri asik, bersama kawan-kawan komunitas lebih asik, juga bila berwisata bersama keluarga.

Terus terang saja, awalnya saya agak segan pergi jauh-jauh dari Bireuen menuju Takengon. Awalnya berpikir gambaran danau ini sama saja dengan danau-danau lain di Indonesia. Namun pikiran saya ternyata salah besar. Melihat langsung, mengelilingi beberapa kali, merasakan pengalaman keseruan jalan-jalan bersama kawan-kawan. Danau Laut Tawar ternyata menyimpan banyak keindahan,Jangan lupa mampir ya sahabat steemit buat menikmati indah nya danau laut Tawar Takengon Aceh Tengah. ENGLISH: Danau Laut Tawar, a Charming Place of Attraction in Central Aceh
March 21 2018 Wisata Nusantara - Tagged: freshwater lake, tourist attractions in central aceh, tourist attractions in takengon, upvote and comments.

Danau Laut Tawar - There is one tourist attraction in Central Aceh that makes me want to come back. A beautiful lake located in the Gayo highlands, Aceh Tengah district of Aceh province. Lake Laut Tawar. Tourist attractions, photo spots, nature tours, tourist attractions full of charm.

Danau Laut Tawar is a tourism potential of Aceh, where hunting photos are popular with tourists. Favored by young children who love adventure, suitable also for children up to adults. Go yourself cool, with friends of the community more cool, also when traveling with family.

To be honest, at first I was a bit reluctant to go all the way from Bireuen to Takengon. Initially thought the picture of this lake is the same as other lakes in Indonesia. But my mind was wrong. Looked straight, circled a few times, felt the journey of excitement along with friends. Lake Laut Tawar turns out to save a lot of beauty, Do not forget to stop by steemit friends for enjoying its beautiful sea lake Tawar Takengon Central Aceh. #ComunitySteemitBireuen IMG_8553.JPG FOLLOW AND UPVOTE @rifkimomol THANKS.