How to Succeed on Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I am giving a brief intro to Steemit at the Austin Steemit Meetup today so I decided to use this post instead of a powerpoint so I can also do a quick live demonstration of the platform.

There are 3 keys to succeed on Steemit. Anyone who does these 3 things can earn STEEM. For many, this has already been a life changing experience. I'll sum it up in 3 words:

Quality, Consistency, and Communication.

1. Quality

The main goal here is to add value to the platform. This can be done as an investor, a developer, a curator, a content creator, or all of them at the same time. Most people do a mixture, but I am going to focus on what I consider to be the main path to success - CONTENT CREATION!

Blogging is the new mining.

The goal here is to make valuable content. It is often educational or informative content in the form of text with visual content including video that enhances or delivers the message but it can also be content that is purely for entertainment or discussion. It can take many different forms including: news articles, trading tips, how-to tutorials, stories, and much more!

There is a reward pool that pays out to content creators and curators every day. Depending on the upvotes received and the stake behind those upvotes(or downvotes) Steem Power and Steem Backed Dollars(SBD) are distributed as rewards.

Earning With STEEM

Over time, as more content creators come on to Steemit, competition will continue to increase. Now is an awesome time to be on the platform as many new DApps are live and being actively developed. There is still a great deal of opportunity and room for growth as communities and SMTs are rolled out. I think 2018 is going to be a huge year as the price should reflect all these developments.

I think the masses are coming and now is not only the time to add value and earn STEEM but now is the time to earn full STEEMs. Personally, I am still hodling because that has been by far the most profitable strategy for me with cryptocurrencies, I consider each STEEM I earn to be worth at least $100 because I'm not cashing out any time soon. This is not trading advice, just my opinion and personal strategy.


What is valuable differs from one person to the next. One man's trash is another mans treasure, as they say, so you're not going to please everyone with your content; you wouldn't even want to try to do that. I have learned over time to stick to things that I actually care about and that have value for me and what I feel can add to the conversation on Steemit.


There are some fairly objective standards as to what constitutes quality content. Good formatting is essential for providing content that is easy on the eye and quickly digestible for those that wan't to skim it quickly and throw it an upvote.


Good formatting includes properly using plenty of paragraphs, headings, bolds, and italics to avoid a sea of text. The organization should make the article easy to navigate and pleasing to look at.


Images should be original or free to use or credit must be given to the source. I avoid complications by using free images from sites like You can also use free images and editing software to make new visual creations specific to your article. I prefer to use my own original photos or graphics and/or free images that don't have copyright protection.

steemit-success.pnga simple graphic I made by finding a free image and editing it on

If you use the the 3 keys of Quality, Consistency, and Communication; you will see 3 account metrics directly affected. As you plug away at making good Posts, you will see your Steem Power and Reputation go up in accordance with the upvotes that you receive.

2. Consistency

Consistency can not be emphasized enough. The only reason it is number 2 is because you have to know what to be consistent about. I have even seen people focus more on consistency than quality and do really well just from the shear volume of their posts.

However, if you look at the content creators who have earned the most STEEM over time, you will see that they have consistently provided quality content.

I have noticed many examples of consistency leading to success. Here are just a few examples that come to mind:

Consistency also relates to the third key - communication. I've also noticed that successful steemians like the ones mentioned are also often consistent in their active communication with Steemians on the platform.

3. Communication

When I first started posting on steemit, I was mainly just interacting through comments on posts. That was cool, but when I got on Steemit.Chat and Discord it took things to the next level.

Once I started meeting people in different channels like SteemSpeak, V.O.T.U., SteemTrail and now The Steem Experience my network and account grew quicker than ever before!

Screen Shot 2018-02-22 at 2.46.51 PM.png

The Steem Experience

Discord has been like a personal help line for navigating the Steeemiverse for me, so I have invited other helpful Steemians together to collaborate, communicate, and be entertained. Pleasee join us on The Steem Experience(Discord channel) to learn more about succeeding on Steemit.

Update: @ajaxalot has made post about the meetup with a video that includes my presentation along with all the other presenters including @instructor2121, @ajaxalot, @steemcafe and the surprise @ned @sneak @pkattera question session!:


Great advice and very true.....the ones who stay the course through the ups and downs and have a unique flavor succeed on you :)

should also note the communication can make you or break you... don't have your head up your ass and be open minded to everyone who you communicate with.

I think Quality and frequency of publications
This is most important long-term factor, by far! If you ignore all other tips and only focus on this, you will still achieve success eventually. Adding the other strategies will accelerate your success though.

You should probably shoot for at least 2 high quality publications per week. But what is quality content? Quality content is original, well written, well structured, attractive and effective content about something you're passionate about. It's best not to go above 4 publications per day to avoid receiving reduced rewards.

Hello @richardcrill

I just wrote a post titled : The steemit guide to making Money in your under wear. And it is like a continuation to this your post.

I believe that it is up to us to educate newbies on how this platform works.

And I am also a believer of meetups as it brings a new form of energy to the table that cannot be experienced online. Meeting Steemians in person is an awesome experience.

looking forward to the pictures and stories from the event.


Great points on how to succeed on this platform. All of them are really important. Consistency might be one of the most important things to become successful, but just like you've said, you have to know what to be consistent about, so quality is important. And obviously, without any communication it's really hard to get noticed at all.

Good looking out man, even though I've been here a while this is a good reminder of what quality posts should include and what it means to be active here on steemit. Being I don't do many designs these days, I decided to begin posting some of my technical analysis. I've only made a few post so far but, I'm glad to be posting new content. I know I need to fine tune my new posting structure, and I'm gonna use concepts from this post to help develop and nail down my new post structure. Thanks for the tips brother!

You have mentioned the elements that are important to have success on the platform. Another important point is to find your niche, voice and share what you enjoy.

from my few experience here, I see that focusing on one subject will bring only followers who are interested in that subject and then you and your followers will be involved and interacted together, that involvement is the most important key success from my point of view.
I don't have a big experience here but it is still a social site and must be similar to others from the point of key successes

Quality, quality, and quality that's what steemit needs !

I think these factors must be added to my list
I have joined steemit few months ago however I still didn't make my introduction post and the main reason is that I want to succeed here and this needs big effort and I wanted to collect all the factors that will help me succeed here like successful people did here
until now, all the tips posts about success here include the "Quality" factor and this will be my main purpose and also the way of presentation
your tips were really meaningful to me @richardcrill and I must add them to my list