Please ensure when you are submitting a post, you are submitting to the correct account, @randowhale.
A small amount of users have misspelled the account name recently and ended up sending to someone who will likely not return your funds to you.

@Randowhale this gif is for you. I thought you could use it when you make a post or a comment.
That's awesome, thank you!
glad you like this :) have fun and share some love :D
btw there is a even larger one on the blog i posted to share this gif with you
Dear @randowhale, 11 hours ago I made a mistake and sent all my SBD to you. Please return 527.593 minus 2 SBD.
Thank you very much!
Ps: the joy of typing on a smartphone with a bad connection ☺️
Ouch! I just checked that out! I really hope you get it back mate!
Me too ☺️
I trust @randowhale on this. It will all be OK in the end.
I did get it back. Thanks for your care!
That's great to hear dear! I checked earlier and it was not yet refunded!
Let's celebrate with some volcanic eruptions! LOL!
thanks for the 1.2% upvote lol
This comment has received a sweet gift of Dank Amps in the flavor of 25.00 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @gwapology. Vote for Aggroed!
I found your service very good and i want to thank you dor that but yesterday i got a 3.2% upvote and it just give me an 2.30 $ upvote. I looked today at steemnow and see that you are giving just 1% upvote to everybody. So i hope its just for a few days until your voting power is back to 90 %. I will try it out again in a few days.
a bot is getting 49$ for posting this and i still live on 5$ a day... gg
That's not "just"a bot. This is the legendary randomwhale

Hahaha you made my day 😂
Did you notice the intentional typo there?
Yes Respect dies this day :P
this is so funny, maybe the tank man in Tienamen Square shouldd have just bowed to the tank

Interesting concept! I know you do not do this by choice, but I'd like to compare notes. FOLLOW for you, pivi!
In fact, F.U.R.R. ;)
@randomwhale just hit the lottery.
The randomwhale account was most likely just created for the intention of stealing the money from those who misspelled the randowhale name.
Yea man, the other dude will not return the money. I appreciate your work for us here. It baffles me how people will just try to rip Steemians off . . ugh . .

Here's the obligatory GIF
Make a mistake! Learn from it.
Wrong Whale

wow that's a bacterial fart - atom bomb
carcass was too "ripe" :D
wow where did @underground pop up from ? you must be like my nemesis, my opposite number.. my shadow ! I'm definitely following you and checking out what you're up to ;) that carcass must have absolutely reeked !
Wrong on all accounts, but we can form an alliance!
Follow Back! ;) going to check your channel... :D
That was better than watching the Federal building explode!
That whale just gave a 100% upvote. Gave everything he's got insides and all!
I think no matter how many times you remind people you will always get lose some. There should be a drop down list with common names or something based on reputation. You know, like that google thing "Did you mean....?"