How can a Newbie Make Money on Steemit?

Many newbies are struggling in making money here on Steemit, I still see a lot of people earning 0.05 to 0.1 $/post and that is bad since there could be many talented people who would deserve more money. They are struggling to get famous and get noticed by whales, but otherwise having nice content. If you are one of these people I am here to help.
I think there are 2 kinds of Strategies that you can use on Steemit to get noticed:
- Write trendy pop articles, it's a quick road to fame, but the competition is high, so you have to share money with others
- Write high quality unpopular articles, it's a slow road to fame, but the competition is low, so you once you get started in making money you don't have to worry about competing
Basically it relies on 2 Observations:
- Smart people have always more money so they might like more scientific or technical based articles, so if you get in this niche, you can rely on them to vote for you. But smart people are more rare, and this limits your audience. But you won't have a lot of competition, so once you establish yourself in the "scientific" niche, you will pretty much have a guaranteed income from smart followers, however you will constantly have to put out high quality articles. So it's your decision whether you are smart enough to get into this niche and weight the costs/benefits of this.
- Average people like trendy popular stuff. So if you just write about pop/trivia, like food/art/life/relationship related stuff, then it's a quick road to fame. I mean let's face it, most people have a low or average IQ, so they won't really understand techyyy stuff anyway. However prepare yourself, since you will have a ton of competition. I mean everyone is writing about pop stuff here. So you might make money initially but if everyone does this, then you have to compete with tens of thousands of people doing the exact same thing you are doing. So it will be hard to outcompete them. So better invent some unique kind of niche for yourself, or work hard to outcompete others.
1) First you should take an IQ test:
Take your time, this is not a scam IQ test that requires mobile SMS and crap like that it's an actual real IQ test. I have took it, it turns out my IQ is 149, which is kind of a genius level. Not to sound too arrogant, but I think this can be noticed from the kind of profits I already made in cryptocurrencies. So the rule of thumb that smart people are wealthy is true.

The average IQ of the world is kind of hovering around 90, you can even check your IQ compared to your country here:
So if you have an average or below average IQ, then you should just stick to posting popular stuff on Steemit. It doesn't require a lot of brains. Look I am not saying this to make fun of average people, these are the facts, if you have average IQ you will probably make more money sticking to stuff your peers might like. So it will be more easy to you to do that, and you can still earn decent money.
If you are an intelligent person, then I probably don't even need to write this guide to you, but still it might help you out if you haven't figured it out already. There are still niches on Steemit that are not allocated.
For example if you are a professor or an expert in a field, then start a blog where you teach people: biology, math, physics, whatever.... make it sound interesting so that people will actually want to learn it. We don't need to send people to 18 years of Government indoctrination school, people can just startup their educational lessons on Steemit. It's that easy, and you will make money.
2) Choose your Niche and stick to it:
Well after you figured out what kind of topic suits you best. Then just start writing, and stick to that niche. Most of your followers will follow you because of that niche. So if you abandon it later, you might lose followers. But also try to expand later incrementally so that you can cover a wider range of topics so that your audience can grow progressively.
3) Expansionary Blogging vs Conservative Blogging:
If you have noticed my blog posts, I am all over the place. I mean I cover a crap ton of topics:
- Anarchism/Libertarian politics
- Finance
- Economics
- Philosophy (ethics, metaphysics, logic...)
- Investing
- Cryptocurrency
- Privacy/Security
- Software/Programming (I just got into this lately)
- Kind of inspirational/ motivational / educational posts like this one
- and more
So I am all over the place, that is why I have 1300 followers, if you branch out into many fields you can get many followers who are interested in different things. But of course this has disadvantages as well, I don't have that many people who comment on my articles, because maybe most of my followers are not always interested in every topic. So I might be growing more slowly because of the lack of feedback.
If you blog conservatively and only write in 1 niche, then you will probably have a lot of people who you can engage with, so they will probably Resteem your post and share it on other social media, furthermore if it's a pop related niche, who knows you might attract visitors from Google Searches as well.
4) Tag Well
The last but kind of very important point is to tag your posts well, you can see which tags are the most popular on the front page:
Make sure all of your articles have at least 1 if not 2 of the top 20 tags in it. And also make sure you don't mis-spell them. But also make sure you don't tag-spam, that will get you downvotes.
So I always kind of see the best fitting tags that is relevant to my post, and then tag it with the most popular ones in that field. This will get many views. My posts now are read on average by 100-200 people so that is nice.
That's it, good luck blogging and making money on Steemit. Hope you will succeed!
- IQ chart By Dmcq (Own work) CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
thanks for tips :))
Definatley making a 1 hit wonder post will really help boost your income.
Yes people can rotate between maximizing followers vs maximizing profit, I think one comes at the expense of the other, so people can choose what strategies they want to follow at the moment or rotate between them periodically.
Valuable info for us newbies, appreciate it and all to come.
Blessings to you!!
very useful tips. thanks @profitgenerator
great information and great advice.thanks a lot
Sounds like very valuable information for the steemit newcomers like myself.
up voted followed and resteemed, cheers :)
You're smart. This guidelines or tips can be useful for us, it is a big help..i really appreciate..
very knowledgeable.
Thanks for the great post.