
Thank you! I appreciate at it @preppers.

You're welcome. We'll get this info out there. @AmericanPreppers will share on Facebook, and @Tomtrademore will summon some upvote bots to help with this post.

Thank you very much. I never considered myself a prepper, but have followed this movement. I happened to be raised by parents who grew up during the depression and WWII...Survival meant taking care of your own and growing and preserving your own food. When I was young I observed,and learned... as an adult I found how they survived appealing and continued. Seed saving being only 1 of the many skills needed. Thanks again

Well, anyone who prepares is by definition a "prepper". Homesteaders prepare for the long term and are among some of the most advanced preppers.

Amen to that. I do not like being dependent upon anyone or entity. I was taught to take care myself and how to live off the land. I passed that on to my daughter and still working on my granddaughter. Thanks for your response!

Resteemed and shared to our facebook followers. Thanks for teaching!

Hope to have more as time allows, especially after I get into the Fall. Canning and preserving has just begun!

Upvoted and @Randowhale and other upvoting bots on the way