At what age did you become a rich man? =)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Good day dear readers.
In this blog, I want you to Tell is not a lot of their career development, I think many of you will be interested in reading and to share about his career =) to start the wish to all readers of this blog to apologize for his not literacy, since I am from Ukraine and very hard write their thoughts in ENGLISH language competently, but I will try as much as possible correct and available to deliver his speech.

So, let's begin!
When I was 20, I wanted very much to find a work at home online, a long time I was looking for this type of work, and after half a year to find her forume.Moya job was to moderation photos at the famous site znakomst Badoo.
The work was not difficult, very inetersno, pereberat had photos and more, so I became interested in this work, that did not even notice that I work seven days a week) doing his work very well and I kachestvenno.Prorabotal about 1 year report has to the moderators, and guidance Badoo appreciated my work and contacted me on Skype, in order to teach me a new report has to dolzhnosti.Novaya was not much more difficult, but it is interesting and I vysokooplachivaemoy.Prorabotal about his new position successfully for 3 years, and again with the I was contacted by management Badoo, and invited me to be the assistant of the Administration, I agreed because I liked it very much, and the salary was about a month from $ 1200 and above ... I'm in this position at this salary earned itself over 5 months on the car, was very pleased work, earnings, staff and all that I have and all that I have achieved this blagadorya rabote.No to yet after about half a year, I made a big mistake in my life for which to this day very much regret, I and my mistakes stupidity caused not a little loss of Badoo, for that and had to say goodbye to this labor, forever! (
About 2 months later I was sitting in glupokoy depression, was very rostroen and depressed, did not know what I should do next, because I'm used to this work, I really liked it, I'm on it earned no small amount of money! But began to realize that it is necessary to move more and not stand still, because this life is not zakanchivaetsya.Nachal look for a job, but unfortunately in my city a lot of money not paid, and for small money I did not want to work, more accustomed to a decent salary.
I became acquainted with a successful investor, he offered me one project on which he earns much money, but you need to put no small summu.U me to yet a lot of money did not have to invest and earn money, and I had to sell his machine, in order to invest in the project and to make, I know many of you think I'm an idiot sold the car and invested in the project all the money, but I'll tell you honestly, I do not regret because I have long been repelled contribute and have even priuspel earn .The project in which I have invested money and income to this day, it Kriptavalyuta OneCoin, and from the moment I saw her zarabatki I realized that you can work with Kriptavalyutoy study it and make money! But I'll tell you honestly this is not enough and I decided to still look for a salary takes optional! interested in wherever they can, and just not long ago I advised my partner SteemitI was very interested in his offer, I decided to learn about the company in more detail, and I will tell you honestly I do not know how to goSteemit do next but I hope that I will be here to grow successfully, and will help beginners to understand and to make, because there you can earn if you understand the essence of the work!

I want to thank all the readers of my post, and ask for feedback if anyone is willing to share not much about his career, I am happy to honor and prokomentiruyu, all success in life, in work and in all your personal affairs!=)


do you write posts in your main language ???