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RE: Don't Spam On Steemit, Seriously, You Are Only Doing Yourself A Disservice

in #steemit7 years ago

What I don't like is the message "I upvoted and followed you, follow back please". I'm sorry, I'm just not going to follow you for that simple reason. I follow people who post content I find interesting.

I understand wanting to post more to gain more, but you're right. Quality is way more important.

It is frustrating though, to hardly get upvotes for a post you've worked hard on and feel is more valuable than an easier/simpler post you've gained much more on, but that's the game here!


Oh yeah, a classic. I can't see it working too well, but people still try it.

You have to find a balance. You can't spend your day on a post, but you don't want to repost the same thing over and over.

Yeah I feel you on that one. And you have a great attitude, "that's the game here", it is how it works, don't complain about it, work with it and try to change/improve it as you go.

Ha, I feel your pain!

It is kind of a crap shoot... Seeing posts that I've worked on for many hours get trivial payouts... There seems to be no rhyme or reason at times. But I guess I'll just keep Steeming on. :) Overall, it has been a good experience, I have a need to write, and I haven't done too badly here... Much better than being a "lone blogger." :) ;)



Exactly! We could also not be on Steemit and just not earn anything ;-)

It is frustrating and I guess it's all about timing, which you can't really predict. If you happen to press that 'Post' button, right before 10 other people do aswell, you'll hardly get any first exposure. People following the money will therefor more easily skip over your post when scrolling through their feed and well... that's it for your nice payout!

We'll just keep posting and hope to get noticed. I can't complain too much either! I've done pretty well for the time I've been here (4,5 months). The payouts are just very random!

Maybe we can get a more structured system when we start the gaming community :).

Aye! That would be nice.

I'm trying to figure out why my latest GW2 post is not making as much as my other gaming posts, while it contains much more information. Besides randomness, my theory is that my other gaming posts are in story format. They are enjoyable for non-gamers aswell, so they appeal to the wider, general public. I think in an actual gaming community, it would be better received, because there, people will actually understand what the heck I'm talking about ;-)

It will be an interesting development, those communities. Can't wait to see how they'll work!

I would not try to analyze it, it might make you crazy :p

We can be smart about it, work together to support people and posts, maybe try to support one post for each person a day. Whatever optimizes it.

Yeah! I'm trying to support gaming posts now aswell. I obviously miss enough, but I try to upvote all of those that I see (and atleast contain some quality). The difference with communities is that we wouldn't have to pick out gamer members ourselves, they'll gather in one community :-)

Exactly and we can figure out the best ways to grow and work as a team.

Yep. Persistence! :) :D

Thanks for interacting! :D

Yes I get a lot of those. I do though remember my desperate beginnings! :(

I know, everyone has to start somehow. I wouldn't beg for followers myself though, because I know if the tables would be turned, I would definitely not follow the person asking. I guess my tactic was to specifically not ask ;-)