Money Not Needed Anymore When Trust is Gold Strong!

in #steemit6 years ago

I am very passionate about trust


Got a nice comment from @silentscreamer the other day which reminded me about this relationship aspect in the digital space. I rather trade Tokens for Trust and Relationships. The idea of self up vote myself I find to be scary since you then show that you don’t really think relationships are an important aspect.


Why we need money for trade is because we don’t trust each other it’s as simple as that. Would anything in life be a problem if people trusted each other? No. We would work together and if something came up we would solve it in a very fast way. I always look in a human if there is some deeper aspect there so you can relate in some way. They have to show themselves vulnerable in some way. So there is something deeper there that you can relate to. And they also need to have some form of sacrifice ability to show that they actually care about things in life.

I see that people try to take the easy way out and just cash out or hoard for themselves. But I have made lots of money and I would say that it doesn’t really work out that well. We can’t escape the relationship aspect. The revolution I think Tokens and Blockchains can create is to make trust between people stronger. Something deeper takes over when we see a human do selfless actions. We can see that they do something good that benefits all and we do not have to keep our guard up then.


When trust is gold strong then I don’t think money will be needed anymore. When value is more liquid and trust is strong would there ever be an issue? No. And if an issue would come up it would be solved in the same day. Since in a global world you should be having thousands of trustful connections in your network. The first generation of Internet didn’t have a trust layer built in. But it becomes obvious for me how critical this will be in the future. Since more of our life is being dependent on the Digital Network. It must work! The trust must be real! And everyone must get connected and work out their differences. Clearly there is no other way. Especially when we move up to 10 billion humans on Earth. Everyone needs to be empowered in a similar way to create a stable long term network.

With a trustful network it’s not going to be about your money. It’s going to be a pool of money that gets shared around in a fair effective way. This may sound like communism but the abundance will already be so high since cost of production will go down and opportunities for a digital job will only increase so I don’t think people will have an issue with it. There will be safety in the pool of value. We already see somewhat it right now being paid out in something called welfare. Maybe in the future we will call it digital pool fare.


A big issue with the modern system of welfare is that to get a local job that requires so much. It’s complicated. People want to work but it needs to be easier. Easy as in just have a phone. Do an easy digital job from that device. Hook them up to the Technology network and empower them a lot. And I think majority would like that. Since I think majority of humans want to belong to some community. Since majority of humans are good and not crazy.

I think I will become financially independent in the next 5 years. Then I will mainly just focus on making the Technology network much stronger and focus mostly on empower other humans and show them how they can get connected to a larger global internet. In a real way where they are not just consumers but investors into their future.

A lot of this will happen very naturally mainly because of Technology. We are so close to creating a world where a Bot can sit and generate value for you. This was not in a humans mind just a couple of years ago. But now it’s start to become a reality for some. It used to take 1 million dollars to become financially independent but now it may only take around 100 thousand dollars. Because Technology innovation has compound growth and is speeding up in improvement.


Humans want to be touched by life. Humans also want limitless expansion and more all the time. We will never stop innovating. Because humans want to be touched by something and have real relationships that means that if they can exchange some Tokens for deeper bonds with other humans then they will do so. And instead of being an investor in stocks you become an investor in other humans. If you own Steem you already got yourself your own daily work force!

I think we surely can develop better tools to oversee trust and relationships but I don’t want to make it too logical or robotic. Since life has so many more aspects than just that. I see many people that mainly look at Blockchains with their logical mind and then they mainly see just the sad side. Maybe they are logical correct but I see how humans one by one is being empowered by a powerful network. I see how it creates more happy people that are very creative. And they become very loyal to the network.


This is why I coin the term when Trust is strong like Gold then money will not be needed anymore. We are so close to that stage. We are getting to the end of slave at a job Era. It’s a fact that people can be way more productive with a digital job than moving some stuff around in a traditional job. Why do that when robots can do it better? What is highly in demand? Working on better trust and relationships! That is a 100% full time job!

I talked about it in a dtube video that I think we are seeing the start of a natural job future. Where you can do just what you want. Just be a human and document that journey as real as possible! By doing novelty human actions! Clearly that has a very high value now. I think this also will lead to the end of motivational stuff. Won’t be needed anymore since both the network and other humans will give you just what you need to grow well.

Photo source: Pixabay

phoneinf - original article


What you say is right, however, the part in which I disagree a little bit is that you are not counting the humans who are not about trust, but they are about greed and do not care about the rest. The sociopaths and psychopaths still are humans and are part of the network and will use the resources for their own selfish motives. Tell me what you think about it and if you have factored that variable in your model.

Majority of humans are good and the power is in the masses

The photo of the kitten and the puppy is very cute. I love them, they look beautiful.

Hi @phoneinf Lovely your post. I thing that It all depends on perspective.

Selfish people take. Selfless people give. Selfish people make life harder for others, while selfless people make life more pleasurable for those around them. This is how many of us distinguish between “selfish” and “selfless,” and most people would rather be perceived as the latter. Generally speaking, “selfless” gets a warmer welcome and is more widely accepted as good. I challenge both generalizations. Neither selfishness nor selflessness is good or bad. In fact, the two concepts are inextricably linked, not opposites, as their definitions imply.

I believe we are all selfish that even the choice to be selfless stems from a selfish place, either because you enjoy helping others, because it supports the image that you have of who you want to be, or because you get something out of it.

Many of us are unwilling to admit it, but we want to be liked and accepted. Sometimes we do things hoping they will lead others to accept us. Other times, we act without thinking about the reception our decisions will get and just hope that we will be accepted anyway. When you are a Powerful Person in a Partnership, you are both selfish and selfless, because you are true to yourself while also accepting truth, even when you don’t like it.

Have a wonderful night
A hug

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@phoneinf trust is every thing.. making a trust is a key.. money comes at second priority

I really like your post, confidence is very important and we do not look for our own benefit, a big hug from venezuela

For whatever it's worth, I was more inclined to trust you before you flagged a smaller user's post hidden not because of anything about the post but out of a desire to suppress its topic entirely. Removing the flag while you still have time would go a long way toward restoring that trust.