Weekly Steem Stats Report - Monday, June 18, 2018

in #steemit7 years ago

Welcome to my Steem Stats Report for Monday, June 18, 2018. All data comes directly from the Steem blockchain and is based on UTC time.

The format of the date fields is 'YYYYWW'.
I.e. 201823 is week 23 of 2018 (from Monday, June 4 to Sunday, June 10).

1. Weekly number of Posts (including comments)


2. Weekly number of votes

DateVotesPaid bot votesPercent bot votes

3. Daily accounts transacting (daily average per week)

A 'transacting account' is a Steem account that made at least one transaction on the Steem blockchain. This can be a vote, post, comment, transfer, power up or sbd conversion. Users who only read from the Steem blockchain without interacting are not included. The actual number of 'Active users' is therefore much higher than the accounts transacting.

DateAccounts transacting

4. Posts + Comments per post

DateAverage # commentsPosts

5. New accounts created

DateNew Accounts

6. Weekly Amount of Steem Powered UP & DOWN

DatePowered UPPowered DOWNDifference
2018241,016,203 STEEM950,046 STEEM66,157 STEEM
201823618,075 STEEM989,206 STEEM-371,131 STEEM
201822690,376 STEEM946,183 STEEM-255,807 STEEM
201821733,652 STEEM1,038,280 STEEM-304,628 STEEM
201820637,118 STEEM1,060,771 STEEM-423,653 STEEM
201819691,654 STEEM1,009,443 STEEM-317,789 STEEM
201818913,049 STEEM1,074,381 STEEM-161,332 STEEM
2018171,023,702 STEEM1,080,171 STEEM-56,469 STEEM
Average p/d1,614,338 STEEM1,861,564 STEEM-247,226 STEEM

Largest 'Power ups' last week

Date & TimeFromToSTEEM
Jun 14, 13:21@self-power.com@self-power.com43,281.959
Jun 15, 01:44@ngc@ngc30,000.000
Jun 17, 22:39@fundit@fundit27,150.000
Jun 11, 22:14@dimimp@dimimp22,266.479
Jun 17, 22:43@virus707@virus70721,485.884
Jun 16, 00:45@ngc@ngc20,982.798
Jun 16, 14:18@agawolf@agawolf18,569.228
Jun 12, 23:15@trevonjb@trevonjb18,561.972
Jun 13, 00:04@virus707@virus70717,318.000
Jun 13, 14:04@kasho@kasho15,017.239

7. Weekly Steem Transfers from and to exchanges

Transfers from one exchange to another are excluded.

DateTransfers to exchangesWithdrawals from exchangesDifference
2018241,156,812 STEEM699,724 STEEM457,088 STEEM
201823624,498 STEEM563,067 STEEM61,430 STEEM
201822590,632 STEEM503,951 STEEM86,681 STEEM
201821948,390 STEEM418,260 STEEM530,130 STEEM
2018201,052,305 STEEM458,835 STEEM593,470 STEEM
201819671,336 STEEM481,258 STEEM190,078 STEEM
201818703,962 STEEM504,472 STEEM199,489 STEEM
2018171,559,604 STEEM1,014,964 STEEM544,640 STEEM

Deposits and withdrawals by exchange last week

Binance775,474 STEEM688,719 STEEM86,755 STEEM
Bithumb410,524 STEEM136,088 STEEM274,436 STEEM
Bittrex1,195,003 STEEM232,816 STEEM962,187 STEEM
Gopax85,156 STEEM60,864 STEEM24,292 STEEM
Huobi132,669 STEEM198,514 STEEM-65,845 STEEM
Openledger6,662 STEEM43,666 STEEM-37,004 STEEM
Upbit177,606 STEEM965,349 STEEM-787,743 STEEM

Largest transfers last week

Date & TimeFromToAmount
Jun 16, 06:40@upbit-exchange@bittrex676,207.421 STEEM
Jun 13, 22:12@steemit2@bithumb.hot399,000.000 STEEM
Jun 16, 06:40@upbit-exchange@bittrex375,985.442 SBD
Jun 13, 11:30@deepcrypto8@binance-hot129,933.014 STEEM
Jun 13, 11:27@alice@deepcrypto8123,505.113 STEEM
Jun 13, 19:20@deepcrypto8@binance-hot69,559.388 STEEM
Jun 13, 19:11@goldenunicorn@deepcrypto869,337.051 STEEM
Jun 15, 05:38@alpha@bittrex40,000.000 STEEM
Jun 12, 21:40@deepcrypto8@binance-hot35,473.897 STEEM
Jun 15, 16:20@deepcrypto8@binance-hot35,137.694 STEEM

8. Steem Price Update

¯\___(ツ)____/¯ Follow me @penguinpablo for daily Steem statistics.


as price of steem not going to stable and dropping very fast number of post is decreasing the future of steem is suspicious

You gotta love the commitment of most people. As soon as the price tanks they just give up. Now more then ever is the time to keep posting and keep stocking up and building your community here on steemit :)

Lots more new accounts, but the post count is falling. Pele need to keep active and earning steem for when the price recovers

I have received the Confirmation email on May 10, but the first post has written only on June 19. A lot of people is a bit lazy as me. :)

Try to find people who share your interests. Make it fun and you'll want to come back. Make connections and don't worry too much about the money to start with

The correlation between the price of steem and the number of posts shows two things. The first is that there are many people on Steemit that write exclusively money and content of discutible quality. The second is that good writers will still be here to write no matter the steem coin price. Finally I believe that these cycles of the prices of cryptocurrencies affect steemit only temporarly. The trend is absolutely positive.

Good information. Please post a good post in the future.

In terms of powerdowns and withdrawals to exchange, looks like things might be 'bottoming out'.... maybe?!?

At least slowing down.

Useful information. Masses more new money owed, however, the put up matter is falling. people need to preserve active and earning Steem for while the charge recovers. Thanks for sharing.

The steem will grow again ... is no other way just to "keep us working" ... ups & downs...like ife :)

Wow ... amazing ... explanations as well as very useful information. Hopefully more successful friends

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, first we must think of schools just getting out, I'm sure with it being summer you will see some drop off, maybe last year same time did the same thing? But also, Search on steemit is really lack luster, your front page should be closer to youtubes model, people are not finding the content they like most. Sure they can, but nowhere easy enough if you ask me. Whales dont upvote enough , on average. If you watch introduceyourself some people dont even get a nickel even for a great post. If the whales dont start slapping down huge gifts, votes, whatever. It's going to shrink their assets anyway. But thats just how i personally see it.

as to the future, yes crypto is the wave of the future without question, money moving forward will be electronic and the dollar will die, maybe not in the next 5-10 years but its coming none the less. There is to much control to be had for it to just be left alone. Plus governments never really like the idea of asset trades off the books. its to hard to tax and they want that spending money. Now also digital might not have to mean crypto, it could be another form but the idea will be much the same, but i dont think whatever we get will be mine-able. Unless that transaction fee is backed with a purchase of other tangible assets or securities. Like tether. could you think what would happen if bitcoin had 1 gold oz for each bitcoin in supply. maybe no big deal when gold is at 1300.00 an oz, but if the market crashes gold goes through the roof and your covered on the back end, and if gold drops out, fiat coins can thrive. Thats why coin shops are a thing, the market is either so good that they are collectible for well over spot, or the market fails out and gold and metal spike.