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RE: A post of very little value.

in #steemit7 years ago

I think I see what you're doing here, and I'm going to love watching how this plays out.
Frankly, when I saw the title, the thumbnail image and the payout, I was pretty sure I already knew what it was, and after reading the comments I can't decide whether to fall out of my chair laughing or sigh at the time I've wasted writing my posts.
And you're right. This post, which is quite open about being absolutely nothing at all, has garnered more votes than my entire blog, and its payout is about 20 times the value of my entire account, which is something I've got to chuckle about, even with a bit of an envious sigh.
Well-played, good sir.


Yes, you have spoken much truth in your reply.
I'm really hoping that the witnesses will take not and put a stop to these abuses.
I'm employing simple tools. If you use the API it can get even more lucrative.

Have you noticed there are more votes than views!

Full disclosure will be soon enough -- but for all those looking to start digging, check out

There are many others.

@bycoleman I am very curious to learn more and see some of the inner workings of this platform that I am obviously not aware of. I am a very new user to the platform and I absolutely love the whole concept. I get the growth part and earning your reputation and votes. In my first week I have posted about 10 blogs and over 125 total posting in an effort to get my name out there and meet the community. I have quickly realized that it is incredibly difficult to even have your post get a sniff. It is quickly pushed to the bottom of the new pile and the people checking out the hot and trending will never scroll to where my posts live. lol I have noticed on several occasions the posts that have more votes than actual views. This had been a head scratcher for me since the start and I look forward to learning more as you continue your expose. I get that there are bots and I'm still not sure the value of them or the resteemers out there but what you're talking about feels so much bigger than that. Good luck and thanks for the information.

Thank you for the great comments.
Yes it can be VERY difficult to get noticed and unfortunately the odds are really against you when you first start out. Quality articles will eventually get notice, but you can help that process out a lot.

Please see the next article in this series.

Many blessings.

Okay, Now THIS link is the one I need to read.
I've been posting and posting and posting and researching and researching, and yet my most lucrative post has netted me a buck. At the risk of sounding arrogant, I think I ought to be making at least a little more than that. It's nice to see how to do that.

Yes, your articles are top notch. Once you get a larger following you'll be paid handsomely, increasing your vote count now increases awareness with a nice ROI.

Thanks!! Already read the article and am a follower now. Looking forward to the rest

Thanks -- I'll try to keep them rolling and educational.