
I feel like thia post is directed at me lol I know a lot of people who gave up on Steemit easily, myself included. This post makes me want to reinvent myself, Steemit is hars but it's not impossible to make it here, you're one of the testament lol. It's not fun to be forever minnow, good thing I'm a narwhal now lol. I guess this is when I say "gr33t p0zt el friendo". xD

It will be cool once you're back here. Even if you can't post a lot, be sure to check in with your dawgs!

Hey today someone called me @everkillcoin... I'm a scamcoin, not a grim reaper :O :O :O

Ha everkillcoin! And you know I always check in with my Steemit doges whenever my turtle dial up connection allows me. You are an inspiration to Steemit :)

That dial up has GOT to go!

One day you can throw it in the trash I hope?

I'm a coinspiration!

Thanks for your supportz! XD*

*Oh, wait some prudish blogger said that "XD" equates to a lack of self-respect. I'd better start making more of them! XD XD XD

DUDE please make MORE OF THESE and dont expect to get whale attention till its all done and you have paid for upvotes! then maybe but dude, steem NEEDS it, u may not get paid for it but u Might , but dont expect it BUT steem will NEED it man... u will end up getting upvotes later i bet

and LOL PAL discord still works and is making peoepl $ICH now with PAL coin and

Can't keep up with all the requests man lolz

I got this voice over done if you want to check it out

What a nice post! But keeping up with group chats on discord is not easy.

I agree. Chat might not be for everyone. I don't chat as much as I used to, but maybe I should try again.

In step 2 on the image, the fact that they're shaking left hands instead of right makes me slightly uncomfortable 😅

It's easy to get discouraged if one spends a decent amount of time blogging and doesn't get noticed. I think the difference between someone who's here for the money vs someone who genuinely cares to grow here is that the former rage quits after seeing low upvotes while the latter keeps putting in more work and putting out better blogs.

Haaha, great catch! I'll update that right away.

This deserves an upvote, I'll return later once I'm charged.

I agree. My first post was really cool and made 4 cents. I floundered around for 3 - 4 weeks with dumb articles and memes till I decided to give it my best without any serious concern about payments... and that approach eventually worked out for me. ☺

That gives me hope! :)
I'm new ish here (less than 2 months) and still working on building a good follower base so the posts that I take hours to make don't get spammed with "great post. Follow me", "nice", and the likes haha

I'm planning to make a video mocking spammers, but I just don't have the time lately... Glad you see the value of the system despite the piglets. I invited a colleague here and the spam scared him off.

That would be one amusing video! 😄

The spam condition is ridiculous but if you can ignore it, there's so much room to prosper here. I'm super glad I joined!

I'm guessing you're new to my content, but I'll paste something I made in October. I retold a story about a run-in with an actual spammer in a (hopefully) funny way.

I keep track of funny spams, some are outrageously funny.

Hahahahaha thank you for showing me this. Yes, I'm new to your page. Please do make another video mocking spammers! You are one funny dude.

I already told you, this was an animated banner for acidyo. He lives out in Finland!

I lold pretty hard at this 🤣

I have one underway already, audio's done and it's maybe 45% animated... but life keeps getting in the way ☺

I also made another video where I do a rant about the remora fish, but those are my only 2 videos besides speed art.

Take care!

YAY!!!! You're kickin' ass and taking names, I love these, I know I'll be seeing them in google images for years and years to come!!! What a beautiful contribution to the STEEM community, and for all the soon to be Steemians!!!

Thanks so much for your constant support ☺ At first, all the info's so overwhelming, one doesn't know where to start, so it was time to just 'wing it'. Hopefully I can do one of these every day for a few weeks, or at least several a week ☺

Great work @overkillcoin! I love your series and its great for Steemit! The answer is yes giving up corporate chains for block chains!

Yessir! Should have started earlier, but I'm always behind the curve ☺ @otage

I think you timed it perfectly... its like a booster rocket!

Totally Agree! This is what I tell others but I LOVE the way you presented it!

ReSteemed! UP voted, of course! :)

And thanks so much for your support here and on Twitter. REALLY appreciate it!!!

No problem @kenny-crane - and thank you for your support as well.

I'm hoping to make a small library of Steemit infographics that can be used to help speed the learning process and ease and potential frustration. ☺

May i share this awesomesauce infographic to my friends who are waiting for their confirmation in Steemit? ^u^

Of course, all my infographics can be shared anywhere :D

Yes, that is the basics. If it's not working or I lose patience after half a year, I look at this, which I made for not to give up blogging!

Thanks zoltan, your infographic makes some very good points. Motivation is always elusive when life is so demanding, but I'm glad you're keeping up the useful content!

Do you a post for this @zoltanbristol? I can resteemed it for other newbies out there. This is a very good info.

I would love to share this, but there is no resteemed icon. I wonder why?

@zoltanbristol this is a great infographic for staying motivated. I've been here for over 2 months and even though my posts earn very little, I try my best to make time atleast twice a week to post on my page. Other times I am upvoting other posts and commenting. It takes some work to get results but I love it on Steemit. Thanks for sharing!

Nice, simple and easy to action. That’s one hot infographic. I may have to request your services sometime soon. 😎

Thanks @mazzle, you know where to find me!

Good day human,

I just tell people I’m an unconfirmed time traveling cat here to make them loads of meow if I show up in their comment’s meow.

People often forget the importance of good comments. They can be funny, they can add to the conversion, or they can just be meow crazy. I prefer a good fun comment when I can get them in.

I’ll be honest, my most enjoyable thing about Steemit is other people’s comment sections. I put out a couple of blogs here or there but my bread and butter are comments and some random meow.

Too many people just sit on their own blog and think fun and interesting people will come to them. That is the best way to be lost in the giant ocean of Steemit. Even more so if you just join a dozen communities’ and only post your blogs in their link share channel. If everyone is so busy spamming links who is reading and going upvote them?

People need to go out and interact with others. They seem to follow everyone and anything that moves. The funny thing about cats we tend to only follow a couple of people. I want to see what my followers are up to and interact with them when I can. Can’t do that if my feed moves faster than the new feed page.

Far too many stress about “earnings.” There are other rewards here on the blockchain then financial ones. I’ve met such amazing people and learned quite a few things. Most importantly I’ve had so many laughs. Many good days when life was not so kind to me in real life. I just go out and have a good time.


Kindness and authenticity are rare, so practicing them is a great way to stand out ☺

Thanks, time cat!