Spam-Attack: A new method of censorship seems to emerge on Facebook

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

There seems to be a new method of censorship on Facebook (at least new for me, maybe you know it already).

For a couple of days now totally normal posts, for example mainstream articles, are flagged as "spam". Even when I tell Facebook via a button that it is not spam the post is deleted.

Since I only was blocked for one day on Facebook my comments usually are not censored because I do not go to far. But this seems to be an automatical process, where no human is involved in deleting the post.

Most likely the assholes of the antifa or other sinister groups of the Deep Staate discovered me. As you sure know (they are also in the US now) the antifa are the real fascists nowadays. Since I am an anarchist this is particularly ridiculous.

If the theory of reincarnation is true, I assume that the antifa-babies reached there first human form after beeing cockroaches.

Of course this censorship is good for steemit and I would be really happy if steemit could be the alternative. But as of now there are not enough Germans on the platform to reach a critical mass.

This is the reason why I stopped posting here although I have 34000 Followers on Facebook.

So from time to time, like now, I will post something in english. But that cannot be the goal, because most people unfortunately like to read in their own language.

What I think is a problem on steemit, that it is hard to get attention just for posting articles from other sources. But this a value too. That is prooven by the fact that the most shared posts of mine on Facebook are out of other sources.

So the people DO find value in the fact that somebody sorts out news for them.

I guess the structure of steemit has to become more like Facebook to beat them. It is not so much about the reward system, which is better here of course, it is about the structure.


I want to add another SPAM attack: The massive amount of "Female Fackbots" who send daily friendship requests. I get them on a daily basis for over two weeks now. Other libertarian facebook users know them too.

Facebook should have the resources to block them out. Now the intersting question: are especially anarchists and minarchists targeted or does it only work because so many libertarians in Germany have no girlfriend?

A fat THANK YOU Oliver for your hard work!

I guess all the english people from around the world also are interested in what is happening! I would suggest to publish your article anyway in german and english :)

Übrigens, noch eine schöne Geschichte, die dir vllt ein lächeln ins Gesicht zaubert: Mein Bruder und ich hatten oft Probleme meinem Vater(58) die aktuellen Vorgänge deutlich zu machen. Bei all der Informationsflut sind wir in Gesprächen und Disskusionen oft von einem ins andere Thema gewechselt weil oft die basics fehlten... ich habe Ihm daher eines deiner Bücher zum Geburtstag geschenkt "Die Vereinigten Staaten von Europa"!

Mein Dad beginnt nun die Zusammenhänge zu verstehen und LOBT dein Buch über beide Ohren... auch dafür ein richtig fettes DANKESCHOEN <3

Well, you see, the Stasi wasn't disbanded. They used to be in the East, now they are all over the place, doing what they are good at: Taking care of "the life of others"...