Why Do Successful Steemers Leave?
(I have to say when I took this shot, I thought it was going to sell well. Sadly it hasn't been a big seller, but I have gotten some mileage off of it here lol)
Who Am I Talking About?
Mainly from my YouTube channel, I have been able to bring over about a dozen or so people to Steemit. I have gotten to know these people through commenting on each others videos. None of these folks do I know in real life or know well.
What Usually Happens:
One of two things usually happens. Although I suggest they start with a properly tagged intro post, some will do any random post to start off with. This may end up earning them a few cents. Then the person never does another, likely thinking that this is just not worth their time nor effort.
The other scenario is, the person does a few posts and has good results. For example, one person did several posts that earned between $10 and $20, then nothing... Another guy had a post that blew up to almost $100!!! But then nothing...
I Don't Understand It
I have to say if I had a post that ever got even remotely near $100, I would be committed here for life LOL! I suppose I can kind of understand the person that gives up after writing a few posts that did not perform overly well. However, I really cannot understand how people that met early success, just give up...
What More Can Someone Want?
I mean really what more can folks want? Steemit runs well. It may not be a fancy looking site, but hey it pays well! It allows us to go a long way to configure our posts to look how we like. Its quick and responsive...and did I mention...IT PAYS YOU MONEY!!!!!
No Idea
I am curious if others have witnessed the same actions. I, for one, have no idea how to fix this. Its like people have been drugged by Facebook and the others social media sites. Like Facebook is somehow the snake charmer playing his flute and these folks are the cobras that are compelled to keep posting there and not here!
Your Thoughts?
As always, I value your thoughts and opinions. I always appreciate your time you spend on my posts and your support.
All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.
YouTube Main channel
YouTube Photography
YouTube ASMR/Mukbang
I think it's funny how long inactive accounts suddenly started posting again, right when STEEM started rising again.
Like wolves smelling fresh blood.
Exactly I totally noticed that. I keep posting through the dry spell hoping to gain followers :)
Greed. When people post on Steemit and earn..lets say..0.07 dollars. They leave. Why. Because in a matter of seconds they changed their mind into thinking that the post they made deserved a lot more, and therefore they go back to media where they don't earn a damn thing. Which makes absolutely no sense. You will have to work to gain succes on steemit, just like in real life.
I heard somewhere that people get an endorphin rush when they get likes on some other social media platform, which may support the theory that it's not about the money...at least not entirely.
I like this. I think you are on the right track. Indeed its crazy! Upvoted.
Here is why, they dont have all the "features' facebook has or instagram
Private chat, video image uploading, (we have money transfer down!) but also we need friends lists, status updates, profiles, etc, im glad we dont thugh, facebook had TOO much info that was never used except by advertisers and shit...
here its alot cleaner and gets you away from doing shit like posting selfies or just posting pictures of yourself! Photo albums make people think "Oh I better fill this album up with photos of my face" and its annoying! here people who get mad about 7 cents on tehri first post SHOUDL leave! we dont need bad people...but we DO want 2 billion users liek facebook!
Its ok we will keep growing! Its fine the way it is and it will only get better and payoits will only increase AND price of steem wil go up too
but about those features facebook has we dont,
soon we will though, soon we will
I agree the features will come, and so will the users. Upvoted.
Meh... I know what you mean, and I've seen that happen quite a bit. Even my own wife came on here (and she's a prolific blogger and content creator; former magazine publisher), posted a bit, had some $25+ posts and then just stopped.
I think it's mostly about "the burn-in period." Even though that's inherent in ALL social media, people lack patience and stick-to-it-iveness. And someone comes here with 8 years already "invested" in Facebook, or Instagram, or twitter... the response here (monetary or otherwise) looks "paltry" by comparison, and they have long since forgotten that it took them eight years to build those followings. And they get 70 "likes" on their FB posts... and Steemit-- however promising-- just looks more like a chore than anything.
Complete newcomers post... and see some long-time Steemians making $100 for a post, compare it to their own... and think "but mine's BETTER and I only made 17 cents!" and get discouraged... forgetting that the poster who got $100 has 1700 followers, while they only have 14.
I might ask why I am personally an "exception." In my case, I had recently "abandoned" a couple of niche blogs and web sites... so I actually had "space" to develop a new outlet. This is an "instead of," rather than an "in addition to" space for me... it isn't that, for most (I think).
Brilliant observations as always my friend. I must say you do have a knack for understanding AND conveying "humanness". I sincerely value both your honesty and ability to express what the rest of us are thinking!
It is frustrating enough for me to see this happen because I so wholly love this place. I know it must be incredibly hard for you with the missus. I cant get over their decision to abandon something that I think is so cool. For me I would rather have cents than likes! Upvoted :)
Thanks! I find a measure of solace in embracing the idea that the people "who are meant to be part of growing the Steemit Community" will also be the ones who DO stay and keep going. Simply having a lot of followers and being semi-famous (alone) does not necessarily make someone the perfect community member...
There are quite a few old hands here who aren't annoyed by not being on the trending page, but by what is and by why it's there. Experienced bloggers coming in from elsewhere will sniff this out in ten seconds flat.
I think I see what you mean. For me, I don't look at the trending page coz I know it will derail me. I prefer to operate with blinders on and just do my thing. Kind of informally build a small group of people that mutually enjoy and support each others work.
Is there an answer to the trending page? If so I don't know it. I know I would prefer seeing less post of over $100, so then we could spread that around more. If it were up to me I would probably cap the max amount. Upvoted
I think getting curated by Curie gave me a newbie boost. Now I am getting only a handful of views and a few pennies. Still, I like it here, and I am going to work the protocol. I have reaped real rewards from expressing myself in a blog here rather than pissing into the fb windtunnel. I wrote about it in my "Hot Steeming Piles O' Love" post. :)
I like it here too and daresay I would rather post here for free than at FB for free! I like meeting new people, like you, rather than someone I went to kindergarten with that doesn't give a rip about what I think or say :) Upvoted
Yes, I see my blog here as kind of a "zine" for any reader interested in what I actually have to say. Fb has been describes as "an electronic rolodex" and that's fine. Except, have you seen their plans to have users upload status posts directly from their brains? Enmeshment, literally! Steemit is more of a "marketplace of ideas". I appreciate having you as a new friend!
I appreciate having you as a new friend as well and value your support :)
Good question! i have no idea. I know that I have stayed active even when there was NO payout. I like the community and the positive and supportive attitude among the people I follow and that follow me. It is also nice to see the value of my account slowly increasing and I would not mind if ieventually I could take some money out to spend or reinvest.
I totally agree and hands down prefer it to FB any day of the week! Upvoted.
I don't think it's greed, necessarily. I think that how we market it to new people can be a little misleading -- or a little over-promising. Sure, people can make money on Steemit, but I think it's going to take a lot of time and effort for most people to earn "minimum wage" on their posts. And a lot of people simply don't have that time or don't want to dedicate it here.
I think we have to market Steemit's other selling points to new people -- like the community engagement and good content. Those are what will keep users here until they start earning.
That is a good point. I think everyone should be careful to not over sell the earnings angle. Upvoted :)
Hi there...I have a list here...LOL!

Number 1: Laziness! People are too lazy to spend a little time on the platform to build a good relationship with others.
Number 2: People have no determination. People give up easily. If they don't do well on their first few posts, they just give up, too much hard work for a few cents.
Number 3: I have found that people are very excited and the minute that they hear you are not paid in "real" money they back off. They are not even willing to try because they are scared of crypto and doesn't believe it is real money!
I am just glad that I am here!
Lists are good! lol
BINGO! I think Number 3 is a HUGE part of it. I have heard as much from some of them. I took out a token amout and did the whole conversion into USD in my bank solely so I could say, yeah it can be done. Great points. Upvoted :)
My husband made me cash out all my sbd just so he could believe it was real money! I bought a 54 inch bigscreen tv with the money. That showed him! Lol!
I bet now, he's a believer!!!
He sure is! 😂
To me it is all just really good fun. I'm not sure why others would leave, my guess is there are a number of reasons. It is hard to put anything creative out there publicly that has any deeper meaning for you. Plus some people have some long standing issues with what is a 'right' way to make wealth. Anything that doesn't fit the ideal of going to 'work' from 9 to 5 seems to be looked at with some suspicion.
Yes I think that so much of that "conditioning" runs real deep. Good points upvoted.