Introduces Myself to Steemit!
Hello Steemit world!
My name is J who loves technology, travel and people.
I graduated university in U.S. and studied Information System which requires me to study both Business and Software coding. I used to work as sales force for ICs and software, but now I am working as an royalty auditor independently in Korea for the consulting firm in U.S.
Due to my job requirement, I need to go abroad for many project so I decided to share my experience of new culture, food and life in different countries through my business trip and Korea culture to my friends who potentially visit Korea in near future.
I would love to help anyone who is willing to know about Korea, or studying Korean and any tips for traveling Korea so please leave any comment if you need the help.
In addition, I will share my thoughts on blockchain on top of current technology usage and business. Your thoughts will be always welcome to expand my knowledge and to have different view of you.
Thanks for your time and I cannot wait for my next post.
기술과 여행, 그리고 사람을 좋아하는 J라고 합니다.
매번 이렇게 Steemit에 글을 올릴까 고민하다가 결국 작은 용기를 내어 소개 페이지로서 글을 남기게 되었습니다.
현재 저는 로열티 감사로서 한국에서 근무 하고 있으며 업무 특성상 해외 출장이 잦은 편입니다.
주된 내용은 출장동안 겪게되는 여러 나라의 문화와 음식, 그리고 생활에 대해 소개하고, 더하여 현재 가상화폐의 기술적인 이해와 가치를 중심으로 비지니스와 연관지어 생각을 나누고자 합니다.
많은 여러분의 관심 부탁드리며, 앞으로도 종종 이렇게 글로서 소통 나누기를 소망 해 봅니다.
Hello, welcome to steemit and welcome to Hong Kong as well! lol
I am sure you will have a great time here, steemit is good platform for us to share and gain, many valaubale and informative posts here, enjoy :)
Happy Friday !
Thanks for your greetings. This is pretty new platform to me, but already excited! and I guess you are from Hong Kong, right? haha
Hey and welcome to steemit, I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community :)
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Good tips! Thanks for your help! I just joined through your post!
앞으로 좋은글 많이 부탁드려요 노튼님^^
Welcome to steemit community.
I’m @jyoungking2 Start by following people and they will do the same.
Good Luck
Welcome to Steem @noton84 I have sent you a tip
thanks that helped you
I welcome you to the steemit community. I hope you find here interesting.
@GLOBALFOODBOOK for assorted exquisite dishes from all over the world.
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J님 홧팅><!!!!
Great I love travel logs ... I liked your style of writing post .. would love to read more posts by you .. keep posting
Upvoted the post!
You Can follow me @utfull if you like
Will follow you back! See you around .
Congratulations on landing yourself on the hippest and fast growing Social Media platform on the planet!!!
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