My birthday//19/02/2024// my testimony

in #steemitlast year


It's my birthday friends.

I want to appreciate God for his blessings, protection, kindness, favour, life, happiness,I'm so happy today.
I'm so glad to be among the living God thank you for preserving my life, Thank you for loving this much.
This time last year i was in so pains,Heart breathing, depression.

It's all started 2020,2021,2022,2023 i was really suffer, i ran from shalter to pillar , hospital to, from church to churches.
I spent all the money l had still there was no solution, everyone rejected me, God did not reject me. When people were happy i was inside the house crying, I was asking God i'm i suffering like this, what have i done wrong to deserve this.

At point asked should take my life because it was too much for me bear, Because there was no joy, No happiness, no hope, I lost my my child, everything gone.
I was begging for money to survive, no money to pay my rent, my shop closes down, no nothing, I went to square one, I told God, I'm tired of this life, I'm tired, I'm tired, where will i go from here.

At same time i didn't know to do, I faces physical and spiritual battle. But God didn't allow me to die. He fought for me, protect me, He makes me a living being today.

I'm here today to tell God thank you.

In grantitude i want to sing this song to God.

More than my mouth can testify
More than my mind can comprehend
See I've seen the wonders of grace
I'm so that this is not the end

Eze ebube see how far you brought me. 🎶🎼
Eze ebube i'm so glad you found worthy
I can see i can tell and i Know it's your grace all day i will sing your praise

My heart is full of grantitude
To you, No one else but you
Thank you Jesus,
Lord i'm here only by your grace
Thank you Jesus for not giving up on me.

Eze ebube see how far you brought me
Eze ebube i'm so glad you found me worthy
I can see, I can tell and i it's your grace all my days i will sing praise.


See the way love me
See the way care for me.

Thank you Jesus
Thank God
Thank you Jesus for giving me another chance to live on Earth
Thank you for your protection
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for giving me peace of mind
Thank you for always there for me when i call you
Thank you ABBA Father
Thank you my creator
Thank you for the good health

I am not better than those in hospital but you still love me, I am not better than those in the mortuary but you still protect me, thank you Jesus for adding another to my life.

Today is my happiest day

🌷❤️🌺🌹💃👑 🍟🎂🍸🍷🍾🥂

Happy birthday to me.

Dress made by me.
Makeup made by me.


Friends celebrate with me
