Republicans Just Scared The S*it Out Of Dems Over Anti-Trump Dossier In Russia Probe

in #steemit7 years ago

Republicans Just Scared The S*it Out Of Dems Over Anti-Trump Dossier In Russia Probe

Liberals and Democrats alike are trying their hardest to distance themselves from the Trump-Russian dossier which they were previously using to try to get Trump impeached.

Rep. Devin Nunes, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence launched a probe to find out the original source of the dossier, Democrats have been backtracking and trying to change their narrative on the issue.

The probe revealed the Democrats were the ones being the dossier, they hired a former British spy, Christopher Steele to create the Russian dossier and create evidence to tie it to Trump.

Since then, liberals have been demoting the dossier.

Last week, The New York Times published a report asserting the dossier never triggered the collusion probe now being conducted by three congressional committees and special counsel Robert Mueller.

Instead the Times is claiming that the dossier spawned from Trump campaign volunteer, George Papadopoulos, after bragging in a London bar that Russia had thousands of Clinton emails.

That report was obviously in stark contrast to the story that the Times had earlier in the year, that story said another Trump volunteer, Carter Page, was “a catalyst” for the probe by giving a public speech in Moscow in July 2016. The story did not mention any other Trump campaign figure.

Rep. Jim Himes, Connecticut Democrat and a House intelligence committee member, said Wednesday on CNN: “There may very well be errors in the dossier. It is not finished intelligence. It is a collection of information that would not pass muster with the CIA or the FBI. But there are still very many open questions about some of the allegations in that dossier.”

“But the point is, of course, the FBI did not rely exclusively on that dossier in order to open the investigation.” Mr. Himes said.

Democrats can’t get their story straight when it comes to the dossier, now that it doesn’t play in their favor, they want everybody to forget about it.


Politicians create nonsense drama. How many US tax dollars were spent on this nonsense?

I think it's just a game to distract us. We are in a depression. We have 41 million homeless people. Holy Toledo!