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RE: Why Do We Bother To Create Content At All? Better To Abuse.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Dammit @lexiconical, your level of salt is rising, and I'm right there with you. I saw that same post from 'checkthisout' with all that junk upvoting crap in there, and he/she made more money in that post than ALL my 6 months of hard work of writing and posting and photography and editing and comments and replies.

While I'm happy with how I've done, those gaming the system make me feel like...I should be gaming the system. Am I a dumbass for not? Are the clever people taking advantage, and I'm missing the boat? Should I not be trying to do things 'the right way'?

I shouldn't have to think this way on a social platform, and yet I am.

Whenever money is involved, this will happen, and that's why I'm afraid of this whole push to monetize and tokenize every facet of our online existence.


"I shouldn't have to think this way on a social platform, and yet I am."

QFT, friend.

I'm off for a brine-soak shower.

I agree with you, when you monitize something, people will find a way to take advantage of it if they can. At this point, I have taken to using upvote bots myself when my posts reach day 5. I figure at that point, anyone who was going to see it and upvote has already done so. At that point, I am trying to increase my own investment. Unless you have a bunch of SP (which I don't), there is not a lot you can do to influence the community unless you are a developer.

"At that point, I am trying to increase my own investment."

This also really helps your voters, as they get a higher curation cut.

That doesn't stop GrumpyCatFascist from taking down anyone who does what you said...with the 3.5 day limit "rule".

Whenever money is involved, this will happen

Steemit is a world-wide platform. Character flaws aren't specific to demographics.

The fact that developers aren't rushing to change things is symbolic of a potential Gomer Pyle-like "surprise, surprise, surprise" in the making.


"The fact that developers aren't rushing to change things is symbolic of a potential Gomer Pyle-like "surprise, surprise, surprise" in the making."

I can't tell if this would be a good thing or a bad thing.

I can't tell if this would be a good thing or a bad thing.

STEEM's market cap is under $1B for first time in a while.


I'm noticing a lot of investors backing out of several Steem-supported projects; so, at this point optimism is a choice. ;+)

Best regards.
