What is the Truth About Steemit and the Future?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

                                      I Don't Know, but These Are My Thoughts

I must preface the below with that I'm absolutely not an expert of technology or the like, well... of anything I suppose.  However, What I am,  is just a "normal" man, that constantly realizes his perspective and how things connect. 

The last few days have been like riding on a supersonic carpet ride with the amount of information consumed and action taken in such a short period of perceived time.

I should give a quick rundown to invite you to the same plane of thought since Thursday night:

  • I've only been with Facebook & Youtube for just over a year, so was skimming to learn more about internet & social media marketing to implement into my business. I came across this, at first glance, perhaps a peculiar looking guy that was just vividly animated right in my face teaching a myriad of courses. This guy was allllll over the place AND he hit my thirst for learning right on the chin. Watched classes about FB marketing, Youtube, then cryptocurrency. Big thanks to @jerrybanfield
  • By Saturday night, the wallets and trading platforms were setup and was ready to dive in with $20, initially. The brain and adrenaline were grinding at this point, as all the new information blocks learned were connecting into a larger picture.
  • Sunday afternoon,  coin purchases were made with sell orders in place, as the proverbial toes lightly tested the waters.  Then came Steemit through STEEM.  I had to give the excitement ( it very well could have been desperation because the other social platforms have given me such a headache for over a year, as I've attempted to catch up to most of modern society) a reality check and put it aside momentarily. 

The whole time all this effort was being made, I was filled with content exuberances. To be fair, much study was also happening of the possible positives AND negatives. After a satisfactory balance in mind, I put more energy into thinking universally.

  1. A "decentralized" social media platform that in thought and theory could change everything. I'm not a fanatic person to run around naively screaming world peace and the like, nor do I carry enough pessimism to not believe anything is possible. At the very least, what harm is there in connecting with others and sharing knowledge without constant ad mental noise, plus getting PAID?!
  2. A cryptocurrency tied system - wow, what the hell kind of superfoods do these people eat to help all of this to happen at all and in such a relatively short time? Amazing!....umm they could be right on with this, so why shouldn't I give faith in crypto monetary systems, opposed to the USD or any other currency? It's all fiat, backed by mountains of debt. To a normal person, what is it really? It's paper or some kind of coinage, perhaps a precious metal or even a binary number in a checking account. Regardless of what form and how much anyone has, it's really just only part of this earthly world. No money can bring true happiness and contentment. This is where Steemit shines. People put energy into creating their own individual output. Just as in life with a job or career, the financial reward is just the byproduct of effort. The effect, if you will.
  3. Cryptocurrency trading - I can see that it would become boring after awhile. How much can anyone look at a screen of numbers, regardless if you struck it "rich"? Some would say, "I can always watch and chase money!" Really? What a waste of possibility.

Then, it all became more clear

What if?  Participants are in a way, sharing the closest thing to a collective consciousness that's possible at this time. Yes, I realize that the internet and everything up to this point connects people like no time before, but this current path will unite more people on a deeper understanding of themselves and others.  Some of the purest content will come to fruition,  not only because of the financial possibilities, but more so from personal satisfaction. STEEM happens from within each of us. 

Is it crazy to think that hypothetically, people can spend their lives being themselves and being financially comfortable enough to bypass the daily slugging into a job or profession that they don't really care to do just to survive the daily grind? No matter what, it's important to not become a slave to technology, so where's the balance?

Think of it.....we are bioelectric energy, a body & soul.  The brain produces thoughts from wherever, we input with a keyboard, voice and even facial movements and it's transmitted throughout the world. With blockchain technology, we are in essence, recording mankind's progress indefinitely and more, meanwhile we all as people are on this earth, whizzing through the universe at the exact same time together.

These thoughts are not new to many people, yet someone may benefit and that's enough for me.

I really wish was able to continue the thoughts, as I was just getting started, but it's well past time to sleep.  



HAHAHA! You're here because of that crazy dude @jerrybanfield , too? Welcome to the club!! Following you! And as soon as I find out how to set up a bot account to make automated votes I'll vote for all your posts. That's what is making this community strong. Good luck! Don't give up. Let's see where we are in a couple of months.


How are you faring with Steemit, thus far?

I've posted a few things, have had light interaction with posts, upvoting and responses. I bought approx $150 worth of steem, powered it up and power up any creation and the like earnings. My account est. value today is $300! Is that not crazy?!! I'd like to know what you've learned about bots, if you care to take a few minutes to say briefly. Best of luck to you

Hi Nathan! Great to see you're doing quite well. Got you some nice little rewards on your postings. Way to go. The more good posts the better the rewards. Imagine compared to Facebook or other social media sites, isn't STEEM awsum! :D Yes, I've done some EXTENSIVE reading the last 2 weeks. There is SO many tools around the STEEM platform already - and all of this is just beta, imagine in a year or two. Most of them should be listed here: www.steemtools.com You'll find a few treasures there. Also yesterday I stumbled over https://www.asksteem.com/ Brilliant!
Bots is definitely helping. For voting on your posts for example I use www.steemvoter.com It's a bit basic, so maybe https://streemian.com/ is a quite comprehensive tool to look at. Didn't do that yet.
Anyway, with Hard Fork 19 voting changes. With only 10 votes a day you're good in curating. By then bots are not so necessary anymore I'd assume. The min. 40 votes a day you'd need now to curate best is a bit hard to achieve manually. With 10 or 20 votes, that's cool to do it manually. I didn't even start blogging yet and still the account is nicely growing. Definitely love the decission to join STEEM. The community is heartwarming and the regulation mechanisms mostly work. Surprizing in our todays world. Huge support from my side.