Steemit - Best Voting Power Pooling

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Steemit - Best Voting Power Pooling

First Rule Of ShadowBot?

You don't talk about ShadowBot!

What is ShadowBot?

ShadowBot is a Steemit bot that automates many of the actions on your account from managing up voting the best content, automatically following back users that follow you, as well as providing insight into the performance of your account!

How is ShadowBot safe?

ShadowBot only needs your Posting Private key which is stored in an encrypted wallet. Your Posting Key only allows voting, following and posting on behalf of your account. ShadowBot has no access to any of your funds attached to your Steemit account.

What is a Shadow Caster?

Shadow Casters are members of the ShadowBot Shadow Pool. By being part of ShadowBot you are a Shadow Caster and part of the Shadow Pool!

What is the Shadow Pool?

The Shadow Pool is a Shadow Rank weighted queue of posts you and other Shadow Casters have authored that all other Shadow Casters potentially will up vote.

What is Shadow Rank?

Shadow Rank is a great way to see how you are adding value to the Steemit community. As you author high value posts, your Shadow Rank will go up. Likewise, if you author countless spam posts that yield no value you will see your Shadow Rank fall. Shadow Rank goes from 1% to 100% (new accounts start at 10%). Your Shadow Rank determines how much of a total 2% Voting Power up vote other Shadow Casters will deligate to your posts.

Does my Steem Power influence my Shadow Rank?

Yes, but your Steem Power is only one of many factors that decide your Shadow Rank.

Can I still up vote posts and comments on Steemit?

Yes, but the more you allow ShadowBot to upvote from the Shadow Pool the more you will see your Shadow Rank increase.

How is Shadow Rank calculated?

Shadow Rank is calculated based on a weighted average of your most recent author performance, your down votes in the previous week, your current Steem Power and how often you allow ShadowBot to vote on your behalf by minimizing or eliminating your own manually up voting behavior.

How often is my Shadow Rank recalculated?

ShadowBot recalculates Shadow Rank for each Shadow Caster every midnight 12am eastern.

How does ShadowBot decide what to vote on?

ShadowBot works on a pool mentality. Every Shadow Caster is given a position in the Shadow Pool prioritized by their Shadow Rank. Authoring high value posts will increase your Shadow Rank leading you to see more of your posts receiving priority in the Shadow Pool.

How often does ShadowBot vote for me?

ShadowBot is designed to maximize your Voting Power each day utilizing the Shadow Pool. ShadowBot will only vote when your Voting Power reaches 100% and will continue to vote until your Voting Power reaches 98% (see recharge time below). ShadowBot will not place any votes on your behalf unless your Voting Power is at 100% thus maximizing your earning potential each day!

How fast does Voting Power recharge?

Your Voting Power recharges at a rate of 0.000228898% per second or about 20% per 24 hour period. ShadowBot uses this trickle recharge feature to spread your voting out over each day to maximize your Voting Power to votes per day!

Does ShadowBot take payment for votes?

NO! The concept of ShadowBot is to develop a Shadow Pool filled with Shadow Casters and good authors that contribute to the Steemit community! Any solicitations for voting by ShadowBot will be ignored.

Why does ShadowBot not show my voting history?

ShadowBot only displays information related to activity ShadowBot performs on your account. As we expand the capabilities of ShadowBot we may include this feature but for now this is not a priority for ShadowBot.

What is Auto Follow Back?

Auto Follow Back is a ShadowBot feature that will automatically follow back any user on Steemit that follows your account! This is a great way to build a network of people that actually want to see what you are posting! You will need to enable this feature since by default Auto Follow Back is turned Off.

Does ShadowBot manage claiming my rewards?

Yes, ShadowBot automatically claims any outstanding rewards you have earned without you having to do anything. You can not turn this feature off, but why would you really want to?


This is really helpful for a newbie like me, thank you!!!

Yes had you in mind buddy! I wish you good fortune.

ohh soo this is how it works hmm :)

Yes one of the best i've seen

I use this bot not only did i get more upvotes but made a bit of money also it explains how to build up your account how to vote with the most power. The more powerful your account the more you're seen by others and if they like your work they will upvote! Great tool!

You're absolutely right Jon!

Am new to steemit hope to learn from you bro.

I'll try my best to answer any questions you may have.

This post received a 1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @mykos! For more information, click here!

This is good. How do I turn on the feature for the Shadowbot?