Basic Tips and Tricks Successful Learning Steemit.

in #steemit7 years ago



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Learning Steemit



Steemit is the system is very interesting because both parties who post the content and who give voice over the content will get rewards for the business. For that you should not write content with world-class content to get reward, tp with limited search for new content content that you feel great then choose the voting on the content then he can also menjana rewards for you. The faster we vote on the big content, the faster we menjana on reward of the content. If there is a wrong sharing of 50-50 results between content writers and people who mengvoting.

Now a new question arises that might make you think about where did this money come from? How can Steemit provide rewards to authors, voters and miners who maintain the stability of this network function? Well .. so the concept of work all this work together like kayak BitCoin. As we know ... BitCoins pay the miners through subsidies generated through the creation of new BitCoin which is not not originated from anything, just like a company mengissues new shares to fund something. BitCoin did the same thing, so Steemit also inspired this concept to pay for content content powered by and for its supporters.

Claimed Steemit is a blockchain based on the concept of social media then there will be some features on Blockchain Steemit distinguishes it with Bitcoin. One of the features of Steem Dollar. The purpose of steam dollar is because ... the source is in the Steemit coming from the background (back) who do not know kriptocurrency. And of course, they want to be declared in dollars. They do not want to speculate in the ups and downs of kriptocurrency assets, so for that dollar steem comes as a unit that has a value equivalent to the dollar.

New Way Blogging In Steemit And Gain Advantages

Social Media Steemit. You love to write, already usually benefit from blogging? Maybe you need to try Steem. This steem has a social media platform called Steemit. With this Steem, we can also get reward steem coins that later can also be traded.

Steemit becomes a new way of blogging, because you will also get the sensation of how to blog with the feel of cryptocurrency based. It is said that, because the social media Steemit uses crypto-based technology.

What is Steemit?

Steemit is a decentralized social media platform. In it, Steemit rewards the users both for posting their writings, as well as to provide voting posts of others who are considered interesting. Posts can be either blog posts, or video content. This steemit, built using Blockchain-based technology. More precisely, using Blockchain Steem. This has become a new way in the social media world, especially its ability to blog and gain advantage in a system based on cryptocurrency.

Users can get two types of cryptocurrency. Ie Steem Power, and Steem Dollars. To get two crypto is also the same, just by posting, or giving a vote. In fact, no third party is required in it.

Steam coins are distributed through rewards given to pemposting, voters, Steem Power holders, market participants between Steem and Steem Dollars, as well as miners at a predetermined rate. So quite similar to Bitcoin, there is a reward given to the miner.

If previously we know enough how to get cryptocurrency by mining or exploiting price fluctuations, but in Steemit new users can get rewards. In Steemit, there are three types of tokens. The third token is Steem Dollar, Steem Power and also Steem itself.

Steem functions work almost the same as Bitcoin. Can be traded, or transferred. Steem Power is a version of Steem used by the owner to vote. And that is quite interesting, is with the Steem Dollars.

Steem This dollar is granted if the user has posted a content, or has given voting posts that are considered qualified. Basically, Steem coins are backed up with USD Dollars. Even today, Steem has also been bewitched in Bittrex exchanges. Of course this certainly provides more benefits for users because more freely to trade.

Introduction of Steem and Steemit

For those of you who just know about Steem and Steemit will have lots of questions on your head right? especially about the exact payment 😋 etttt do not jump to it first yes, we must understand first what is Steemit and Steemit actually? okay immediately wrote to the discussion yes.



What is Steem?
Steem are the units that are bought and sold for actual money on the open markets. You can trade them as you would bitcoins or a company's stock. -

Yep, so Steem is essentially a unit of digital currency traded in the market exchangers. You can exchange it to Bitcoin and then can trade it into Rupiah. Not understand yet ? do not panic tetep further read yes, all also so kok, his name is also just learning 😄 Okay we go to the next discussion.

What is Steemit?
Steemit is a social news service which runs a blogging and social networking website on top of a blockchain database, known as Steem.

The general concept is similar to other blogging websites or social news websites like Reddit, but the text content is saved in a blockchain. Using a blockchain enables rewarding comments and posts with secure tokens of value.

So the conclusion is that Steemit is a social news platform / forum like Reddit, I do not know Reddit ya? okay deh kalo in Indonesia we usually call the forum KASKUS, but obviously there is a different because Steemit is running on Blockchain technology, Blockchain itself is a technology solution that revolutionized the workings of the internet, banking and applications to be without a server.

Blockchain also has three main roles: transparency, decentralization and having the value of the cryptocurrency token unit (digital currency). In general, a platform does not run on Blockchain technology for example, Facebook does not run on Blockchain technology so it is centralized, where its founders can set up their sites as they work.



While this decentralized Steemit has no founder. So also with all Private Key access, Post Key, and Owner Key, only known by the owner only. So when registering in Steemit password the new account we registered it is our own and can not be reset by anyone in this universe. So if you forget the password, no one can get it back.

How? have started to understand it even though not understand directly as a whole but at least have more understanding than before reading this paper 😀, after we try to understand what exactly Steem and Steemit is now we continue the next discussion.
How is the Steemit Rewards system?

Eaaa finally entered also into the discussion 😁

Perhaps many of you must be wondering about this Steemit Rewards, first you must first understand that this Steemit site is like a Wallet (a wallet that stores the rewards of its users). When we post, vote, comment or trade he interacts openly on Steemit blockchain. So actually Steemit site itself is just a website view.
If someone starts posting content on the Steemit site and gets rewards, maybe you'll wonder how this no-found Blockchain Steemit can determine who's eligible for rewards? clearly there are criteria that are seen, such as the upvote quality of the reader, interaction, and comment and resteem. Similarly when we post something quality on Facebook, surely we will get likes and positive comments but we will not get rewards in the form of money. While in Steemit we get rewards for the content that we post the value of units Steem Dollar and Steam Power.



Now start wondering again where did the money come from? how can Steemit provide rewards to authors, voters and miners who maintain the stability of this network function?

Roughly the same as the company mengissues new shares to fund a project. Because Bitcoin does the same thing to the miner then Steemit is also inspired by the concept to pay for content posted by people and also to supporters.

In this Steemit every article post and article interaction is the result for its users. What happens is indirectly can cause a networking effect that will attract the attention of netizens around the world. Just imagine if all the quality topics that a user posted to Steemit will start fulfilling a Google search that will ultimately in the long run improve the value of Steemit itself.

Okee I think it is enough segitu first this post, for those of you who feel there is still to be asked please comment below and do not forget if this article useful give VoteUP and FOLLOW our account to get the latest info2. Next maybe I will explain more or if there is a request please comment below ya :)


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