Still Upvoting Your Own Comments On Steemit? - Introducing The Smackdown Kitty Bot!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Yesterday I was introduced to the latest edition of bots on the Steemit platform called Smackdown Kitty (

This is a very controversial topic within the community, but I happen to agree that for the long term future of the platform something needed to be done about people being able to upvote their own comments at will. For right now this only affects Steemit users with Steem Power above 1,000.

Should there be a bot following people around Steemit smacking down users upvotes if they upvote their own comments or should the Steemit developers just build something into the platform that prevents a user from being able to upvote their own comments is the question?

I would be curious to get your opinion if you think that this is a good move or bad move for the community. Please comment and leave your thoughts below.

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I have never heard that before. For me it doesn't do any good to upvote my own comments because I'm still a minnow. I'm better off using it on other people's content and comments to try and connect with them. I guess I don't have a problem with people doing it though. A lot of people have time and money invested to get to a point where their upvote is powerful. I'd rather see something like being only able to upvote your own stuff 5 times a day then penalize.

I agree with @bodyinbeta. It's bad to always be upvoting your own comments... but every once in a while I think it's fine. That's one of the advantages that comes with being invested in Steem or having earned Steem Power. Getting to upvote your comment to the top so that it's seen is a perk of having a good amount of Stake in Steem.

Let me know if you disagree and why. I'd like to hear the other side of the argument.

I did it for for sometime but not doing it anymore. The website is still in beta phase so I think, a lot is going on at the backstage. Let's see how the final version looks like.

Yeah I agree that your time would be better spent building relationships and followers on the platform rather than upvoting your own comments. However, some would disagree and feel that they should be able to upvote their own comments, so perhaps the community may find a middle ground somewhere.

bots are evil
they do much more damage to steem than anything else.

yes!! i agree...they are like viruses...with 5 metallic toothpick legs....ughh..

You absolutely right!

Some of them are. I would prefer that if Steemit wants to make the change just do it within the code itself.

remember we are still beta...

Yes we are and most likely will be in BETA for quite some time. kinda resigned by the idea even tho I don't fully understand why...unless we hit a million users by year end ;P

If they do what they actually proposed in the next hard fork then it may not be impossible to reach several hundred of thousands of more Steemians by the end of the year.

some heavy global traders say is going to be a soft fork...(like if I know what am talking about :P)..I can provide the link he is a steemian here reccomended by WTF! @cem

I found it :) here it is

@kingyus I appreciate you sharing this as there is just so much talent on this platform that it is not even funny.

I think you should be able to upvote your comments, however not more than a dollar, this should also apply to posts. This is my opinion. sometime upvoting your comments it's not use to get money but for the comments to get to the top and be read more.

@raybilson I agree with your statement that you should be able to upvote your comments, but that there should be some limitations on this. Hopefully this is addressed in Steemit's next hardfork.

This is an interesting take on the website and how it functions. Personally, I believe that if the creators of SteemIT don't want people to upvote themselves, then they should write that into the code.

Way before this website came along I thought of an idea like this. You can check out my blog post about it, here:

While the idea might be designed differently, the concept is the same.

@sreepyeldarb I agree as well that it should be hard coded into the Steemit platform that way there is no argument about bots chasing you down or anything of the sort. Thank you for providing the article as I will take a look at it.

I have seen so many people talked about this here on steemit. I myself would stay neutral. This is not democracy right? lol. Thanks for posting

@mountrock I agree but just wish that they would build it in instead of having a bot follow you around Steemit.

I see both sides. For one, users should be able to vote their stake the way they want, and as the platform allows. However, it likely is not in the best interest of this place long term if all the largest accounts started only voting their own comments...

In my opinion the best solution is at the code level as the current model can't police the entire platform. They should limit the amount of selfvotes per day. For example 4 self votes per day would get rid of a lot of the comment self voting as well as the post spamming... which is only getting worse.

I like that idea... 🙌🏼

Yes if these changes were hard coded into the platform there would very little issues with it.

I don't know if my brain is just not working right, but I can not seem to find the "Resteem" button. Everyone needs to know about this!

@udochiokeke thank you for stopping by to view this video. The "ReSteem" button is right beside the "Reply" button.

bad move. let users do what they want, cause many users are investing big on steemit.

Well if you let the users do what they want to do by upvoting their own comments with no restrictions on how many times it can be done this may not be the best thing for the long term growth of the platform. However, I do feel that if they are going to create bots to enforce this why not just code it into the the platform and be done with it so that it just cannot be done.

Very good article of truth that I liked a lot of successes and thanks for the story

I'm going to assume that you like the idea of upvoting your own comments as well?


Your welcome


Yeah it is true a bot.

At least he has less than 1000 Sp. But His upvote makes you wonder if he even READ the post.

No he did not read the post or watch the video but it is cool, lol!

There has been a lot of grumbling about people upvoting their own comments. I think the greater good of the platform comes first rather that ones ability to take as much as one can.

I upvoted your comment, hope that's ok :) And I don't care if my 100% votes don't really do much. I'm still such a minnow, but hey, it's just a token of appreciation, right?

btw I'm awed at your upvote trail @marcusxman. How do you do it? Seems you're on Steemit 24/24... 😵

I know and just think that if the feature never existed in the first place this would be a non-factor. However, once you put something like this into the hands of people it is hard to take back. They should just build this into the platform if this is the direction that they want to take and that way prevent people from even doing it.

Without this feature I think maybe would not be where it is now. which may become an albatross around its neck.If they can solve this issue as well as copy/modify a little/paste then the reward pool will be safe. But having said that I think we're stuck because of bot voting. Not saying bot voting is bad becasue I use it too, but because the bots are already set and will vote what ever is posted.

@marcusxman I agree that something needed to be done but the Steemit developers should have just coded it in instead of having a bot chase you down.