Steem Has Been Holding Very Nicely At These Levels!!!!! We Are In For A Great Summer!!!!!
It looks like the bulls have returned.
Steem pumped extra hard in the beginning of the year to over 8 bucks. Honestly this came as a surprise to everyone including me. There was no major update and the price mooned out of nowhere. Sure the entire market was hyper inflated at the time but it sure did feel good to see Steem jump that high.
Ever since than the general sentiment is that once this hardfork happens we are in for a wild ride. It makes sense to me that we would see a big spike once the update happens. Seems like we've been waiting forever for HF20 and SMT'S. I have seen the frustration from the users and it is understandable. I have faith in the Steemit team but I will say that I am losing my mond waiting for the changes to come.
Something that does bother me a little is that @steemitblog rarely makes the trending page when they release a post. When I first started my journey here on Steemit they always made the trending page. Now the trending page is full of users who use bid-bots. Does every post on their deserve that spot on the trending page? Well it really depends on the post. Now if there is a post that gives good information and is original than the sky is the limit. There are a few users that I noticed are on the trending page without using bid-bots. It is not impossible to do so either. Now you might not get the number one spot but you just never know. I used to be on the trending page everyday. Not that I don't agree with the bots but I don't really use them a lot. Of course sometimes it's worth it to use them. But I like to get the rewards as organically as possible. The trending page isn't everything but it helps out majorly to make it there. More followers and upvotes are almost guaranteed if you land on the trending page.
Some people believe the bid-bots will destroy the platform but I don't agree. Sure they are not making this place better but I feel that eventually things will even out as users grow their SP. We still have some whales who manually curate. Big shout-out to those whales. Eventually most of the dolphins here will become whales and minnows will become dolphins. So I guess if most of us dolphins continue the manual curation going we will be fine. Like I've always said I am not expert and this is just my opinion. I do believe that the price rise in SBD is connected to the bid-bot activity in some way. So there we might get some positive out of this negative.
In my honest opinion I believe Steem is about to continue this rise in price for the next couple weeks if not months. I just hope Steemit Inc. comes out with the update in time to takes us past the moon and into the deep Universe!!!!!
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I hope you all enjoy this post!!!!!
Until the next post

It's great to see Steem back on the rise and I hope the SMT's will take us to the deep universe. You brought up a great point about bid bots and the SBD price rise. I had never made that connection before but I think you are onto something. Thanks for sharing this.
i agree future is verry bright for steem
Yeah I've been talking about the coming summer bull run since January. It's just getting warmed up. Go Go SMTs.
Bit-bots are just a phase. Remember how you, I, and @alxgraham were talking about potential projects we could start here? I think that creating a filter so that anyone can create their own custom trending page is the way to go. The Steemit trending page is creating the artificial scarcity that bit-bots require to thrive.
STEEM to $14 by August!
I was thinking it would spike to about $20 and then come down to like $6.
I was abroad for a week and when I came back my account was like double so I was pretty psyched. The big run up will be in December historically.
Yeah but I think the crypto kitty is out of the bag. I think we are going to see huge pump and dumps every summer and winter now. I think winter will be bigger than summer but yeah.
nice post. always love reading from you buddy. I am also a believer that things will turn out better although as you rightly pointed out things are quite slow these days and folks are not inspired as before. More so, for me, bid bots also has a big role to play in this as even bidding most times gives negative roi which discourages new members more. when do you think the next hfork and smt might come on board? nice one. upped
Wow! fantastic picture
Nice post
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