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What is the biggest regret you have?
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10 years ago I left a stable relationship, for something I thought was right, I never spoke ill of an old relationship, what happened is of each one of us and nobody else, but today I see that my exes left some joy in my life, while that bad decision I do not have anything good to say, maybe today I was still alone, but at least I would not have broken the heart of someone who gave and still gives a lot for me...:( Today I regret what I did, I apologize for my mistakes in English, I use a translator.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!!!
ohh at least that mistake made me win your challenge hahahaha thank you very much :)
Not going harder on art and music earlier in life.
Getting on board of this Boeing 767 on the 31st of October 2011. The plane took off from Newark, New Jersey and belly-landed in Warsaw, Poland. One hour prior to the landing the pilot informed the passengers that the landing gear wouldn't open. We were waiting up in the air for one hour expecting death. The pilot miraculously landed the plane but this experienced traumatized me for years.
marrying my ex-wife who took more than half of everything I worked for ;(
So many it's hard to point out a single one. I really wonder about people who say they live a life with no regrets. Must be nice...
My biggest regret is I knew about Bitcoin in 2011 when it was $3, I was a lot younger and dumber than I am now and I wasn't motivated and smartenough to get a lot of Bitcoin! Oh well, I can only look forward to the future and learn from my mistakes.
Regrets, I’ve had a few
But then again, I will not mention
Tho if I played again
I’d take a chance and seek redemption
Pursue my every dream
Embrace a fall and love each one day
And more, much more than this
I’d do it my way
not buying or investing in bitcoin the first time i heard about it, it was in the very beggining! lol
Hi @mrviquez ! Back on October when EOS was at 50 cents, I only bought 1,000 EOS, and that was the time to get 10,000 USD worth of EOS. Today EOS is 22 times that price and will be 50 or 70 times that price soon.
And the regret is because I was there and I saw its potential.
If I had the knowledge on crypto I have today, I would have bought this 10k worth of EOS at 50 cents.
Regards, @gold84
my regret is.
at that time I would not listen to my friend @singapase to register my steemit account. Actually, I mocked him, because I did not believe because before I played google adcsen, when I wanted to claim a prize, my account was banned. when, if I listen to my friend's invite, maybe I already have high steempower at this time. that is my greatest regret, but I am never discouraged to continue actively using this platform.
thank you