One change that could drastically improve the Steemit Experience - A notification centre.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Steemit is shaping up to be such an impressive website, it seems that every time I log on something has changed, just like the recent 'Feed' added to our profiles.
There is however, one update I know many of you Steem users would like to see;- A notification bar.

Now this could be a small symbol, a noise or whatever, but we need a way to tell that there has been an interaction with something we've posted. I bring this up now is because I'm starting to see people in comment sections asking for it, asking for ways to be informed who/when just followed them or maybe when someone replies to them on a random post.

Either way I think this could be a great addition to steemit, thanks for reading.


@erroneous-logic True that. Although If there's no monetary gain from followers then it shouldn't be an issue to see who they are.

Ну так не че ! с пивом потянет!

sorry ;-; I put your comment through google translate and still don't understand. It threw out this - (Well, not Che ! beer pull!)

looks like beers on him..cheers!

That has actually left me more confused then when It was only partially translated.

You can already get this using

I did see this site, although It would be quite nice to have it centralised to this one.

Generally, I believe most of this can be gotten from, but it -would- be nice to have some collated info about your blog right here at your feed.

Like I said above, I think you're right. Steemstats is good but it would be nice to have some sort of notification here .

Yeah. Just a little something, maybe like the activity page on tumblr or something. Just a quick glimpse to how it's all going. Maybe something that shows you who your followers are, even, unless that's something that exists and I don't know about it.

Yes! that would be lovely, a list of who is actually following you. There might be a site for this but I have no idea.

Yeah. I mean, maybe the theory is that they worry there would be follow back scams or something, but really, that seems like a minor thing. I've always used my following feature on websites to find other people who are interested in the same stuff I am.

You should tag this as a #feature. For me: Please, no! Nothing is more obnoxious than little red numbers distracting you from what you set out to do in the first place!

Done! and by notification I don't necessarily mean the red obnoxious numbers in the corner. What I mean is possibly a separate tab under your profile. Just a bit of information to make sure you don't miss anything like a comment reply.

I totally get what you mean though. Before i stopped using facebook I would be incredibly distracted everytime i heard a noise and saw the little flashing tab

well if you want notification for your post now!
follow this steps.