Must see!!! Funny African

in #steemit8 years ago

IMG-20170812-WA0001.jpgGirl fails jamb again...she cries and pick up her
phone and call her BF

BF: hello babe

GF: i just checked my jamb score

BF:yes and how was it?...........did you?

GF: I scored 169 again, i am tired, i failed

BF: baby don't worry, I love you and am with you

GF: What did u score


GF:u re going to go to university, get a new girl and abandon me

BF:don't say that, i love

GF:you can't go

BF:i am going to tell my parents that dey cancelled my result i would write again next year and we would pass this time

GF: are you okay? But u ave been cancelling your result 4-3years now because of me and what will your parents think

BF:dey can think anything.....i love You and am ready to do anything to prove it 2 u

GF:thanks love

one word for this guy